
  • Is casual sex immoral?
    It depends who you ask really and how they view sex. If A you go around tricking others into sex by pretending you love them yes. If you get 20 different women pregnant and dont take responsibility very likely. If however you have casual sex, always use protection and honest about your intention and have no reserves about how sex needs to wait till marriage you might argue its not immoral.
  • “Godsplaining”: harmful, inspired, or other?
    I love the stupid terns this generation keeps making up. Godsplaining, mansplaining. Its really funny!
  • Why doesn't God clear up confusion between believers who misinterpret his word?
    under the assumption he is real that seems to be the case. Under the assumption he is not we really have nothing to talk to. However the notion had to come from sonewhere so clearly at one time something gave people an idea there was something there. Yet I dont understand the reasoning for the disappearance of that thing.
  • Forced to dumb it down all the time
    My coworkers who dont seem to understand abstract terms and phrases. I do sometimes simplify instructions in terms of step by step to make it simple. Just this seems to be basic English skills they seem to be lacking. So I expected they would understand abstract ideas and terms better.
  • Forced to dumb it down all the time
    They said they did not understand it. They keep correcting me when I use terms that are not literal. I had a freind who was an expert at computers and I often did not understand them as I was not at the same level. So I realize not everyone is the same and thought maybe I was being a jerk for getting angry.
  • Forced to dumb it down all the time
    I was told I could only speak in literal terms. I used terms that make sense in an abstract sense. Like saying "This place is a ghost town" would be met with "ghosts are not real". To which I would correct "I mean it lacks people and activity". I have to take into account not everyone is at my level though. Maybe im wrong and should not get angry with people.
  • Motivation For Labor
    They need to eat and survive and without currency you have the barter system.
  • Good Experiences and Dealing with Life
    This is all very true. I remember thinking this myself. When I was 18 and would eat none stop and wish hunder didnt exist. Wishing making money wasnt so hard and how hard it is to find decent work. Life is a hard thing and while some might be long term planners we are constantly burdened with our immediate needs.
  • Why is love so important?
    What I mean is lack of love is bad. It makes a person cold and while you can turn to logic, that alone will make you inhumane. A man without humanity has no limits and a man shown no kindness might lack compassion. This leads to a very cold human being.
  • Can there be an action that is morally wrong but contextually right?
    Yes, like murder is wrong but if you killed a pedophile who was trying to kill and rape your child I cant say you are wrong.
  • Does God make sense?
    A great being or something creating everything else yes. How the bible says god made the world with crayons as though it was a coloring book sounds like nonesense. There might be other species outside our solor systems and universes. Its thought big bang created something out of nothingness and it changed.
  • Reversible progress: Gay rights, abortion rights, the safety net...
    again if birth control and preventive products were working to begin with you would not need an abortion. So why are we promoting something we know is apperently worthless to begin with under that idea? Also what if the dad wants the child and the mother aborts? How do we deal with that if its his sperm and her egg?
  • should we erase FASFA?
    Yes, the fact it lists you as dependent till 24 is what I am talking about. Also if that was the case it should not be applied to students who parents already outright said they would refuse. Its always assumed parents will pay and that isnt the case. If it was truly a fact of student fruad why would they not give the parents the chioce to opt out?
  • Why do you believe morality is subjective?
    ReplySamuel Lacrampe

    You have no legal justification. Something can be ethically or morally wrong but legal or vice versa. You seem to not understand the difference between morals and laws. Laws are enforced rules, what you find morally wrong and write does not matter in the slightest.
  • Real, live, medical ethics issue -- it could be you...
    1.two lives are more then one, theyll live longer choose the kids 2. If it doesnt effect if theyll die/live and procedure goes normally, or you can fix it "mums the word" 3. substitute the drug if time is running out 4. if it doesnt change anything dont tell them or fix the problem 5. If time is too short cut the limb, if not wait ( though that can go either way) I think both might be right. (Most of these are not hard choices)
  • Reversible progress: Gay rights, abortion rights, the safety net...
    Why exactly does family planning, and preventive birth control drugs have to be linked with abortion? If these preventives worked we really wouldn't need any abortions. Most of the women getting abortions are not women who were raped either as thats a small satsitic so shouldnt we give more to prevention instead of treating the accidental pregnancy?
  • Just for Laughs
    This black cat post is very funny
  • Responsibility and Admiration, Punishment and Reward
    An example would be John decides to rob a toy store. His family is poor and can not afford toys so he steals them and stabs a cashier who tried to stop him. Another situation, we have two children at school together. They get in a fist fight with each other. You can blame the children but legally those kids got hurt at school, and under supervision of the school. You can argue neglect as the school did not do enough to protect children in thier care and allowed a fight to happen. So this is a case where you can sue the school for neglect.
  • Responsibility and Admiration, Punishment and Reward
    You may pity a criminal but it does not make the action is correct. If say they were pushed into the crime becuase everyone who had a chance to intervine did not. While also letting them get pushed into a corner, watchers are guilty. The first case is a matter of choice, the second is a matter of negligence. Negligence is the fualt of the person in charge or over seeing, choice is the fault of the person doing the act itself. So no not everyone is free of all crime.
  • Right vs Left - Political spectrum, socialism and conservatism
    what if they do not want to be under islamic rule but were born into that world? Are you going to deny them that? Along with that the left seems to side to Muslim tradition the most. Despite them being even more strict than Christian tradition.
  • What is the point of philosophy?
    Philosophy just happens. I dont think it has an intention.
  • should we erase FASFA?
    You are required list your parents if under 24. Unless you are married, have a child, military or orphan/Foster. Meaning its expected your parents assist otherwise. If nothing requires family to assist why is this needed to decide how much a student gets?
  • Deluded or miserable?
    stay in the dream. Reality is real but a happy dream is better than the miserable truth. If its in context of being overly optimistic in a clearly piontless awful situation than I would choose truth to escape my hell.
  • should we erase FASFA?
    Im confused by your response. Are you worried about my well being or are you going against my point?
  • Giving Facebook the Finger
    I agree with everything you just said. I also hate that its starting to force people to give more and more details when trying to make a profile.
  • Do Abstract Entities Exist?
    what do you mean when you say an "abstract entities"?
  • Crimes and Misdemeanors
    There is always something to gain from crime or else there would be no criminals. Thousands of crimes are committed everyday all around the globe. There are mobs, gangs, gun violence and bullying in schools. So many people being murdered for life insurance. People profit off crime all the time. Theres drug trade, there drug mules, there drug lords, there is prostitutes and illegal sex trafficking. If you are really shocked by this you need to get out from that little rock you live under and realize this world is a messed up place. Try asking a cop this question and watch him laugh at you. This question is way too obvious. Its like asking if people need food to live.
  • Why do you believe morality is subjective?
    well legally I can sue you becuase you have broken the law. I wouldn't care how right thought you were or were not. Unless you have a legal justification for not paying me that much.
  • The Ethics of Eating Meat
    People kill animals for food. Though we do in fact use every part of the animal for something. Like hooves are used for glue. New advances are being made which might make animal deaths for food a thing of a past but theres still a number of things we kill animals to make. So there is a number of industrys we would have to change in order to change for the blood shed to end. That said im very much against the conditions we keep our animals in. Its not healthy for the animals to be living in thier on poop and piss, bleeding puss filled, and being pumped with so many hormones thier legs break. Its also very unhealthy when we kill something in that kind of setting and attempt to feed it to dogs, cats and humans. Its really very horrible and disgusting. Whats worse is we waste most of the food as stores are overstocked in order to give more viarety and boost sales. Its mass producerism and its disgusting how cooperate and wasteful the world has become. A healthy cow makes healthy meat, a sick, dying, chicken makes unhealthy meat.
  • What do you think "American" or "European" means?
    American means from or born in USA. Canada is technically part of. North America but they are simply considered Canadian. So we have Canadians, Americans, South Americans, Europeans(Anyone from or born in Europe) and Asians is anyone from or born in any of the countries that make up Asia.
  • How do you deal with the fact that very smart people disagree with you?
    Just becuase someone is smarter does not make them infallible. You act as though these people are gods. Thier belief system does not have to be yours.
  • How "True" are Psychological Experiments?
    I dont think we can pick any one science as the only one relevant in any case. There is different studies for different things. Psychology only studies outward behavior. Biology and Chemistry study something different. However with each field you must learn it very well and use it properly to have any successful responses. If you are lazy you come to faulty conclusions. That does not discredit the field so much as show the stupidity of the person trying to make any claims.
  • American culture thinks that murder is OK
    This is not why murder, suicide or shootings happen. Most of it happens for reasons beside guns. The tool used is not the cuase it is a symptom. Its kind of like saying "you vommited so stomach acid is evil".
  • Should fines be levied in proportion to an offenders income?
    You make an excellent point. I also seen people get tickets they had difficulty paying before. I think ticket price in reguard to income should be taken into consideration.
  • AI as a partner
    I have not spoken to this Evie. I have often said I wanted to learn robotics so I could build a robot best freind to speak to me. This is usually when im becoming annoyed with people.
  • Dealing with people who choose to suffer
    So you are saying a life without meaning can not be saved?
  • Dealing with people who choose to suffer
    People do not ow me anything. I help becuase its morally wrong not to. I often get screwed over even when I do help these people. In a way I was raised to be a matyr but there are some people who choose to wallow or make everyone else suffer for thier sake. I know these people as my freinds, family, coworkers, strangers who asked for help. People are not hard to understand if you observe and get to know them. However people do what they wish to do. I just dont understand if given an escape why one would still sit in hell. I honestly find it kind of pathetic but im still likely to care about others suffering. Humans are very sad to watch. Even when the suffering is of thier own doing.
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