
  • The Modern Man and Toxic America
    The only place to start when addressing these issues is from the beginning, and I'm not being sarcastic either. Start small and build from there. It took a long time for the problem to reach this point, and it's going to take a long time to address and solve it.

    There's also another issue a woman on Youtube pointed out that I think is relevant too. Men and women bond differently. A lot of women relate to each other based solely on gender, this is less of a thing for men. The reason is because of how we're designed biologically and mentally. Women are caregivers and nurturers. They form the core of the 'home and hearth' sphere of our lives and this will often draw women together and promote cooperation.

    Men on the other hand have historically been competitive with one another, be it for food, land, resources, and even women. It's not to say that men can't come together because they can. However, for them this tends to be the result of sharing a common goal or objective, rather than being based on gender.
  • The Modern Man and Toxic America
    On this I would partially agree and disagree. If we bring morality into the mix, we also have to look at the social and cultural underpinnings that form said morals. Those are not the same either. Let's use the 'nuclear family' of mid 20th century America when ideology resulted in the things like the Donna Reid show, and Leave it to Beaver.

    The moral underpinnings of American society did share similar morality for both men and women in that raising a healthy, productive family was a good thing. Yet how this was approached for men and women was considerably different. The women felt emotional fulfillment from taking care of home and hearth, making sure the family was fed, clothed, and so on. The man found emotional fulfillment in 'bringing home the bacon' that allowed all this to happen.

    Now let's reverse these roles, have a working wife and house husband at this point in time. They would have been looked at oddly by society and I don't believe either would have found the same level of emotional satisfaction. The moral obligation, and thus moral perspective, of men and women in society has rarely, if ever, been exactly the same.
  • The Modern Man and Toxic America
    While I agree that men and women do share some emotional similarities, I have to disagree about them not being different. Gender not only plays a large part in emotional manifestation, but also need. Men and women are vastly different being mentally and emotionally, which just about anyone knows, hence the term 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus'.