
  • The Existence of God
    Will wisdom not try to solve the greatest mystery of all in the end?(The mystery of existence)
  • The Existence of God
    What will wisdom achieve?

    Metaphors are words, but not exact words to describe something.
  • The Existence of God
    Truth being oneness or harmony of everything or reason behind life.(i guess so, i haven't reached there, yet.)
    Yes absolute truth is beyond words, and you have to get there to know it. Those who knew it could never explain it in words(I understand that language is inadequate in these matters). So, metaphorical statements have always been used.
  • The Existence of God
    Absolute wisdom is an attribute of God. The more you gain wisdom, either by existential crisis or by observing life itself(or by both of them), more you work yourself towards truth.
    This is what spirituality intend to achieve.
  • Body and soul...
    yes, that is why our thoughts effect our physical health.
    And according to text i posted, dreams are related to only astral body.
    Upon death, your "atoms" are alive and doing what they usually do, but you are not alive. That "energy", "life", "soul" is not present anymore.
  • Difference between a feeling and an activity (or participation in an activity)?
    What i think is that "feeling" is response of our body to a thought. So feeling can initiate some activity and activity can provoke feelings.
    If you think about something long enough, it will increase related feelings. These heightened feelings will result in increase in thought's intensity. And this is some kind of loop which is leading cause of suicides.
    And suicide is an activity!!
  • Body and soul...
    It's comparing apples and oranges.
    Well, if you imagine viewing them from some distance, both are spherical...
  • Body and soul...
    I did some research and found some data on soul.
    It makes sense if you think of it in terms of quantum physics. In my response about quantum physics i said:
    Branch of quantum physics is contributing to reveal truth more than ever, all matter which we can comprehend in our reality is 99.9% empty space because atom is 99.9% space. if we dig deeper we can find "Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter."
    It’s quite the conundrum, isn’t it? Our experience tells us that our reality is made up of physical material things, and that our world is an independently existing objective one. Again, what quantum mechanics reveals is that there is no true “physicality” in the universe, that atoms are made of focused vorticies of energy-miniature tornadoes that are constantly popping into and out of existence. The revelation that the universe is not an assembly of physical parts, suggested by Newtonian physics, and instead comes from a holistic entanglement of immaterial energy waves stems from the work of Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and Werner Heisenberg, among others

    - Lipton, H Bruce. The Biology of Belief. United States: Hay House INC. 2008

    And then i did some research on our energy systems, only to find out that it states about same thing i.e. Chakras, Flow of Energy, Energy Healing and so on...

    And i found this piece of text explaining soul:
    The soul is our unique identity within the creation. It is like a powerful sun that accumulates the wisdom of each of our human, and other types of lives. It is the soul that becomes enlightened. When the soul awakens, it merges with its Cosmic source while retaining its unique sentience.

    Human beings are energetic projections from the power of our souls. The human body is within the consciousness of the soul. The entire soul cannot be in one human body. That would be like the entire sun fitting into a house. Not only would it never fit in a zillion years, it would burn the house to a cinder with lightning speed.

    The soul fills the body with life force and is connected to the body via energetic cords. The body has many energy centers called Chakras which attend to varying aspects of life, reality and self. When a soul is awakening, the Chakras of the human projection are altered accordingly. All wisdom accrued in a lifetime is immediately assimilated by the soul force.

    We also have other energetic bodies and many other energetic principles and mechanics at play, interweaving with one another like golden threads in a beautiful expansive tapestry. They synergize, fluctuate and alter our entire system.

    We have energetic bodies such as the Astral body, the Etheric body and our Elemental body. The Elemental body has to do with how our thoughts and beliefs play out in our physical forms. We speak about things that happen during our process of living, but rarely do we go into the detailed mechanics of just how they do happen energetically.

    The Astral body travels from the physical body regularly as we sleep, and we can experience many things, even other lifetimes we have had and those who have passed on. The Astral body is connected to our bodies via a silver cord. Often, when you feel yourself jump in your sleep it is your Astra body coming back into the body. The truth of the matter is in all of this, that there is no 'travel' in subtle energies. There is just change of frequency which we in the third dimension perceive as movement. The jump I mentioned earlier of the Astral body returning to the physical body is a change of frequency that impacts physical form.

    There are those who use techniques to have out of body experiences while they are awake, such as in the Eckankar technique. They sit in meditation as their Astral body travels, showing their minds all it sees. But the truth is, whenever we think of another place, our thought body is automatically there. It is simply vibrating at a frequency that most cannot see, and we have not trained ourselves to be able to experience what is called 'remote viewing
    ', via our thoughts. There is no limit to time, no space, and therefore no distance limitations. But I digress.

    The Etheric body is attuned to higher dimensional energies, and interacts with our soul in bringing those energies into our physical forms as we practice Consciousness techniques such as meditation, etc.

    Everything that exists is energy. There is no solid matter, only the perceptual illusion of solid matter. The body therefore, and all aspects of it: bone, flesh, nerves, brain, organs, hair, etc. are moving, pulsing energy vibrating at the rate of speed of this third dimension.

    The soul is now in many dimensions simultaneously, and has other projections of consciousness in other dimensions now.

    A great deal more could be written on our energetic components....books and books. But this gives a very simplistic picture.

    There is a great deal of misunderstanding in this world surrounding the soul. Most human beings have a distorted and simplistic comprehension of it because they have settled on stories that distort it and diminish it.

    I know it is a long post, but this effort has been put in order to clarify the idea of soul.
    What do you guys think about it?
  • Is it Okay to Discuss Atlantis in the Lounge?
    I guess there no way to really know..
    There is no evidence present to support the claim, even though there may be a logical one present.
    One thing can be evidence that Atlantic ocean was named after the eldest son Atlas. :cool:
  • Body and soul...
    then i guess you like the discussion fired up!
  • Body and soul...
    yes i was referring to state of total or nearly total awareness. and meditation is one way to achieve it.
    All teaching of meditation teach that in deep meditative state, you are connected to your soul.
    Soul is that authoritative voice in your head that saves you in survival situations, like something has taken over for your survival. People who engage in dangerous or potentially activities know that.(Myself as a mountaineer). To get the feeling, imagine getting so angry that you are out of control. Next day you think "Man! that was not me!!". Just like that, something takes over to save you, albeit its not successful every time.
    Soul is hiding till it's necessary to come out, either you are looking out for it or extreme emotion has provoked it. Extreme emotional pain, extreme joy and so on...
  • Body and soul...
    The video has some points i was referring to, Body corroupting the soul was something new for me :up:
  • Body and soul...
    English Please...
  • Body and soul...
    you mean soul is our energy which is intangible, that does not depend on the physical form, and cannot be destroyed upon death?
    i agree with this definition as most of the religions do. (including Christianity)
    what religions refer to soul is our consciousness, they say that consciousness is separate from body as it is the only trait that distinguishes humans from other living creatures and consciousness will be put to sleep upon death and resurrected on judgment day, like we wake up from sleep.
  • Welcome to The Philosophy Forum - an introduction thread
    i'm happy too..
    i never knew i could learn so much from a forum.
  • Body and soul...
    when you identify yourself with your mind(thoughts, behaviors, emotions) then the observer is present, you are just not aware of its presence. But when you take a pause and put a gap in the continuous stream of thoughts your mind is projecting you start to realize that "i still exist without my mind, my thoughts, my emotions etc".
    And you feel peace and calmness in those moments of thoughtlessness. This is the core of your life, all else (worry, anxiety, pressure) is created by the mind as its defenses or survival instinct.
  • Body and soul...
    i agree with @T Clark on "Internal is as real as external" because it is not what is internal that gets you in trouble, but its the false internal reality that gets us in trouble. We have to work on our internal to improve it by struggle, sacrifice with our internal matters. Work is effort applied to something in some time and that something must be existing, it cannot be imaginary. So it must be real.
    Whatever we do, no matter how much we test our reality we can never know the absolute reality. All we know of reality is that it's bound to someone's perception and their way to thinking.
  • Body and soul...
    i see your perspective when you say:
    the physical world exists whether you believe in it or not
    but this is just another perspective based on scientific knowledge humans have acquired till date.
    Branch of quantum physics is contributing to reveal truth more than ever, all matter which we can comprehend in our reality is 99.9% empty space because atom is 99.9% space. if we dig deeper we can find "Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter."

    It’s quite the conundrum, isn’t it? Our experience tells us that our reality is made up of physical material things, and that our world is an independently existing objective one. Again, what quantum mechanics reveals is that there is no true “physicality” in the universe, that atoms are made of focused vorticies of energy-miniature tornadoes that are constantly popping into and out of existence. The revelation that the universe is not an assembly of physical parts, suggested by Newtonian physics, and instead comes from a holistic entanglement of immaterial energy waves stems from the work of Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and Werner Heisenberg, among others
    - Lipton, H Bruce. The Biology of Belief. United States: Hay House INC. 2008
    Doesn't quantum physics go by "believing is seeing"(no one has ever took a picture of quarks or photons)? because we don't believe that we are an illusion rather then something physical.

    If you believe you can do something only then you can see yourself doing it. This is what I'm saying, if you believe soul exists, only then it is possible than you can be sure about whether or not it exists. So, "Believing is seeing" can generate interesting results even it is possible to discover some truth only by believing and looking for it.
    So, a day might come when folk would be thinking that "believe it or not physical world do not exist", we must think that what if all knowledge we have till date collapses? Where do we stand then?, only to speed up the process.
  • Body and soul...
    "self" can be a good word in this context as "That calm observer behind the thoughts"
  • Body and soul...
    This is what i got from dictionary: "the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part. "

    It exists in your reality if you believe in it.
    Happiness, love and all other feelings comes from inside. We can never identify a feeling we have not felt before. Even if it is there, we wont be able to identify it. Only through rigorous encounters with these emotions aid us to understand them.
    Such is the case with soul, only those moments that stir your soul and you feel fluctuations inside(personal experience) help to identify your soul. Same principle applies, after enough encounters with soul, only then can one pin point it.
    If you believe that soul exists, only then you have a chance to find it.
  • Body and soul...
    there are things you just know, even without any logical explanation. Intuition is all about it.
    As for me that if i know what I'm talking about, "all i know is that i know nothing" Thanks Socrates to put it words.
  • Body and soul...
    its hard to explain such an experience to someone. And i believe that soul is something that everyone have to find themself. I was just saying where to look for it...
  • Body and soul...
    thank you, I'll keep that in mind
  • Body and soul...
    what i believe is "strength lies in differences, not in similarities". So from your point of view i understood that we have to be careful when writing because one cannot comprehend every abstract idea one reads. True/False?
    As for any question about "soul", great minds have been exhausted in search of their linguistics answers. So my thought might not have any significance, but here is what i think soul is: "Soul is the life inside this body, the most complex and engineered form of life that exist. It creates joy where mind create happiness. It creates love where mind can only create affection. It creates pain while mind work too hard with its defence mechanisms to fight it. It is something that you identify in the state of flow or mindfulness when your brain is on standby."
    I can go on but again i don't think it will make any difference.
    What you say?
  • Body and soul...
    i write for my peace of mind not for some readership. Sometimes you have to write to calm your mind. This is the first reality check of my writing.
  • Body and soul...
    thank you, this is first review of my writing. Im open to criticism, it will only help me improve.
  • Body and soul...
    I think soul is like that...
    Either its clear or it's mud, leaving only muddy resemblance of our body...
  • Body and soul...
    i really appreciate you insights on my writing. And i realized some mistakes that you mentioned...
  • Body and soul...
    What i thought when i was referring to void was: "As moon is present in the void, yet it doesn't need any medium to illuminate earth and pull our oceans. Our soul is also present in void, its mechanisms are unknown yet we can feel it."
  • Body and soul...
    yes you are right. English is not my first language. The problem is it looked perfect to me :lol:
  • Body and soul...
    yes im talking about that same bubbling up..
    Its like we have something innate to pick ourselves up and make us do what is required..
    Not everything, but where our hearts go our will follows...