
  • Humanitarianism
    How do you know?
  • Does philosophy make progress? If so, how?
    Power: The population of humans on Earth can transition from a warrior species to a humanitarian species that celebrates life by educating the available populations. Why support people that sell billions of bullets? It's not in our best interests. Life is growing, and getting smarter. We need to adapt with learning, caring, and realizing the growth potentials of life itself. Schools and hospitals with advanced communications would be a good start. Currency? Is it necessary? Does it serve humanity? I am not a Republican or Democrat. I am a humanitarian. Humanitarianism is a philosophy that has power.
  • Where do you think consciousness is held?
    Here's a tale: My sister and I had to travel through a graveyard to get to school when I was in third grade, and she had just entered school. I told her that ghosts might appear. Sis told me that it had made her afraid. The lesson is that her awareness, her situational awareness was instantaneous in nature out to about 20 feet of her mass. So our consciousness is what our brain does. It's interactive with our environment. We, as paracites on the brain, only 15 percent of it's activity. It allows us, and is in command of our consciousness, whether it allows it to exist or not. Further, our brains are naturally biogenic. That is, they behave as super-microorganisms that respect the biological imperatives of survival, and ... our laws should probably recognize the same.