
  • Talking with a killer
    It looks like "my posts doesn't meet the standard required for this forum.". So, if someone want to play the murderer role, go ahead.
    It was fun. I will go to another site (don't worry, that doesn't mean there are going to be more kills XD).
  • Talking with a killer

    I don't understand. Can anyone understand what are you saying?
  • Talking with a killer

    Playing murderer role:
    ... you have no selection process other than "they happen to be there"?
    I have a selection process, based in how easily I can kill them without letting proofs.
    How are they "easy targets"?
    Oh, yes, I'll tell you, then I'll tell you what is my name, where I live...
    Then stop!

    Gee whiz! Why all the dramatic cry baby "I can't help myself bullshit" and going to an internet forum to get help. Go to a professional or simply turn yourself in.
    No, I'm interested in a reason to stop. That's different than being interested in stop. I want a reason because I want to understand and be understood, to feel that there are people similar to me. But I can't see them now, and I still feel good when I kill someone. I'm not crying, I just know what I want, and I search.

    Indeed, but they don't. Also, if they do kill someone, that does not make them a serial killer.
    Try to do the same over and over, then they'll say you are a serial killer, you know how journalists are. But I don't feel this is a game.
    I think I'm not going to answer you anymore...
  • Talking with a killer

    20 pages of replys XD and that's what the killer said, he can change his mind.
  • Talking with a killer

    Playing this murderer role:
    You are wrong about me. I'm not very intelligent, I'm carefull(I hope you understand that I'm not going to tell you how). I generally chose my victims because they are easy targets.
    I can't anticipate what are you going to say. You don't have to believe me, but I'm really interested in a reason to stop.
    I think a lot of people want to kill someone, it's relaxing, they don't do it because they feel fear. I don't feel guilty about my victims, a lot of people die every day. I really don't know why should I stop. But I know that a lot of people think that this is wrong, and I'm interested in see why, in see how a lot of people think in this matters, or how they feel about it. I feel... alone in my mind, I want to understand and be understood.
    Remember, you are in this situation. If you cannot imagine this, then don't play, but if you play, that's what the killer said. And remember, I'm not the killer, I'm just curious.
  • Talking with a killer
    I "am" the killer for this thread if you want to say something to him. For me, that is the most interesting part of the thread. You can ask the killer why is he doing that (and he might give you an answer).

    But it seems like you are the first one who would do that, David.
  • Talking with a killer

    I said I think...
    Really, the post isn't about the possibility. Of course it is possible, maybe difficult, ok. And because of that, you would act that way. Ok, it's a reasonable answer.
  • Talking with a killer
    On 4chan, some people helped the police, and they found who some of the victims were. Of course, at first, people thought like you.

    But maybe you are right: it isn't clear in the first post. But now it is: he is a muderer. (Edit the post if you want, I'm sure you can do it better than me).
  • Talking with a killer

    Sorry, I try to do my best. And I am grateful for the help.

    Thanks for your answer.
  • Talking with a killer

    Yes, you've already said that, maybe you have read a lot of murderers books, or... films. It's just an opinion. I don't think that all murderers are what you think they are, that's another opinion. Ciao.
  • Talking with a killer
    Now you are asuming he is an attention whore XD. I can understand if you think that I am an attention whore (and I don't mind), cause this topic is clearly something that catch attention, but the inexistent murderer is not what you want him to be XD. Well, I don't know if it is my english or... whatever.
  • Talking with a killer

    He posted photos of his victims. He has proven what he is. (I wrote the original post, but it was edited, as I said, because my english is bad). I don't know how to say it right. :D

    He posted the photos, and after that, the police found the bodies, or the families. But he is a murderer, that's for sure.
  • Talking with a killer

    Did you read this?

    He isn't uncatchable, that's beyond imagination. He has been doing this a long time, and it seems that nobody can catch him, that's all. You can try to catch him, you can ask for more info about the hypo... e.g. you can ask "where are the bodies?". Suppose that they're all in the same area and bombing a big zone would kill him (I'm sure you wouldn't do that, even if you could, but that's a possible answer).

    As I said, I think the 4chan killer was never caught, and there have been more serial murderers that are still free.

    But now that you've given an answer, I would wait for others like the police in my country to tell me what to do. Not everybody will do the same, as you can see.
  • Talking with a killer

    I don't know why you talk in plural, it's just one murderer.
    For the killer, it can be like play chess... or it can be many reasons, maybe he is killing bad people, maybe... but you are not even asking. He may want a reason to stop like... a person who want a reason to try pokemon go.

    This is out of the thread, you can create a new thread for it: Responsability can't be given, every person accept or not his own responsability in what he wants to accept it.

    It seems like you are saying that the murderer actually feel responsability and guilty, but he avoid that sense of responsability by asking that. Even when I didn't say anything about that, you can't imagine a murderer if he isn't like you are saying.
    You "know" that he feel that way, even when you don't know him. Even when he is a hypothetical man. "There cannot be any other kind of murderer"

    Have you met many murderers? Maybe you are an expert in psychology?

    Why don't you say "I think in that situation he is probably this way, and so, I wouldn't say anything" instead of saying how he feel? he doesn't exist! you can't be sure!

    For me, if someone want to close a killer thread, he clearly feels responsible (because... you can live the same life with that thread in your forum, you don't have to participate in that thread, the killer can move to another site, the killer will keep killing... he will (probably?) kill more, and yet, you feel that you have to close that thread), it's curious to feel the responsability to avoid people asking or talking. Even when you know you can't do that, you can't stop everybody.

    Who is the one who try to avoid a sense of guilty?

    If you want to do it, feel free to explain why would you do that. But, ey, only if you want XD
  • Talking with a killer

    The killer is killing already, he didn't say "I will kill if you don't answer", he is just asking for a reason to stop, he is not making you responsible, nobody can do that, it's your choice to feel responsible or not.

    I find your answer curious XD, you are so sure about the mind of a guy you don't know, that you are not going to try to ask him why is he doing that, and you are going to try to stop those who try... thanks for the answer.
  • Is Your Interest in Philosophy Having an Effect on How you Live Your LIfe?
    I'm interested in philosophy for my life... that's right. I expect to find useful answers when I think in epistemology, ethics, etc.
  • Talking with a killer

    Maybe, it's your choice, but how would you do it?
    He isn't uncatchable, that's beyond imagination. He has been doing this a long time, and it seems that nobody can catch him, that's all. You can try to catch him, you can ask for more info about the hypo... e.g. you can ask "where are the bodies?". Suppose that they're all in the same area and bombing a big zone would kill him (I'm sure you wouldn't do that, even if you could, but that's a possible answer).

    Anyway, I find it more interesting what you would say to the killer.
  • Talking with a killer

    The only "manipulation" is about the thread, since he has asked you not to delete it. But nobody has to answer.

    But ok, he killed more people... now he is in another forum. Same question: what would you do now? (And now you can't delete his thread because you are not in charge of that forum).
  • Talking with a killer

    But he is asking for a reason to stop, the question is what would you do (maybe, what would you say), it's not only a choice between delete or not delete. You have said what you wouldn't do, but...

    Are you saying you would do nothing?
  • Talking with a killer
    If he is a stupid killer, that's right. I think 4chan killer was never caught.

    On the internet, you don't need to have any hacker skills to hide your position. In "real life" you just have to be careful. Fire can destroy all proof. All you have to do is be carefull about witnesses and be careful about your moves ("Where are the bodies?").

    But this post is not about that. Let's suppose it happens. You rely on other people, ok, but you don't know how will they catch him, so you should be able to imagine this situation. Are you saying you wouldn't do anything?
  • The promises and disappointments of the Internet
    It isn't internet.
    Internet make you see some things faster, that's all.
  • Do human beings have the capacity to determine what is morally right and wrong?
    It depends in what you think morality (or ethics) are. We don't have the ability to know anything for sure, but we have to live with our actual knowledge. You have to deal with other people, you must have knowledge about that, you can think what is good or worse in every situation. You can teach other people to be like you want them to be too, or show them what you think is better for them.

    That's morality for me.
  • Heroes make us bad people
    Hum... may I complete this?

    Heroes, the ones people really lookup, are generally superhuman in some respect. They have superpowers, are aliens, son's of gods, or gods themselves. Holy men, great geniuses, sicentists, warriors, philosophers. — Wosret
    I dont like that, I want to be seen as a superstar too, even though I serve fish an chips, and I'm not "holy" at all.

    They inspire misanthropy far more than agape. They arrest heroism far more than inspire it. They teach us that only a special kind of elite class can be heroic, and we have to be vain, delusional, childish or foolish to think we can be like them. — Wosret
    Specially Roschach. Also Monkey D Luffy. It's more than evident that thestory is teaching mysantrhopy and to be dellusional.

    They make normal people appear less valuable, powerful, competent, and likeable by contrast. — Wosret
    My fish and chips are as valuable as batman fortune, as powerful as thor hammer, as competent as Stark industries, as likeable as Hume books. It's all heros fault.

    They steal away our power to act righteously, and to assert ourselves when it matters most by elevating such attributes into the level of the superhuman. — Wosret
    Even though all they do is saving us most of times. Somehow I can't be good if they are.

    They make us want their prestige, the affection and respect they receive, their superpowers and levels of excellence, which ironically makes their goodness, and heroism more appealing, when it is less significant or impressive coming from a superhuman, risking less, and facing inferior opposition, with all but narrative certainty of success — Wosret
    Yeah, all we want is prestige, there is no other reason to be a hero. And all heros have allways a easy life, in all stories.


    Life is like it is, we like some people more than other, nobody told us to do so. Nah, maybe you are right, Lets talk about football, about porn, the true "heroes" of the people. They teach us to be more kindly. They spread pure filantrophy.
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