
  • Most important discovery ever? Anyone believe this?
    After reading the comments and thinking about it I have come to the conclusion: It's not that we have no free will; it's that we do not see that the outside environment as the driver for our actions. Each action of our free will is "hit off" by the outside environment. You could say we are in effect like a ball in a pinball game! This is why some people do better in different environments.

    I have a hard time believing that Tesla would believe with absolutely certainty something he says is the most important observation in his life and it not be true. I also believe what he said about further study of the subject.
  • Most important discovery ever? Anyone believe this?

    I think what Tesla meant is not that each is not responsible for out actions but everything we do comes from the outside environment. For example, you can continue sit in the chair, or get up and turn the tv on or go outside for a walk. It's your choice but outside forces make those choices happen. It's a mechanical law - you do something and something else happens, and so on and so on. We all live in this world where we are all connected and all actions have reactions (Ghandi, Tutu, etc.). If you make the right "moves" things go your way. The opposite is also true, It also appears to me that good always trumps bad in this world. Tesla also said things along those lines, too.
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