
  • How do you define good?
    I may not be satisfactorily answering all of your questionsOutlander

    You did more than enough, you open,my eyes to a lot of new ideas
    thanks my friend
  • How do you define good?
    rights and dignities granted to personhoodOutlander
    But who grants this rights and dignities? The law? And what law are we talking about? The commands of Jesus? The sharia law? The court law?
    How can we defined something ethical or unethical if not by a set of rules?
    Do you have your own set of rules? Or do you follow a already establish set?
  • How do you define good?
    So whats your concept of good? what makes a behavior good or bad, how do you measure that?
  • How do you define good?
    "socially-destructive" and "willfully inhumane and unethical".Outlander

    But how can we define something inhumane or unethical if we do not have bad/evil establish?

    These are your starting points.Outlander
    Thanks for your insights they were of great help, I have a lot to think
    I agree with you, I even said that we still had great persons they just dont connect with me for some reason that im still searching,
    We have a lot of great people now a days, sure, businessmen, politicians, athletes, scientists but its not the same, they dont have the virtue, the god like status that their predecessors had.Matias Isoo
    I have my days of outrage at the world
    I love my friends and family and I want them to be safe and happy. I don't take it as personally, but I feel that way about humanity in general. I like people. I wish them well. You don't feel that way? Ok, but that's you, not the rest of us.T Clark

    I never said that I didn't wish my loved ones well, for many of them I would sacrifice a lot, but why? Because their well being matters more than my own, let me use an example:
    Lets say someone I care really deeply loses the eye sight and the only way for them to gain it back its me giving them on of my eyes, I would lose half of my own eye sight, what would I do? If I really cared deeply about that person I would gave up my eye to them, why would I do it if I would get in a worse position than before? Because it would give me more pain knowing someone I love so deeply will be blind for the rest of their lives than gave up my eye.
    So did I gave up my eye for them? Or just because I didn't want to fill the immense pain and suffering that I would felt if I didn't do that. The answer is the last.
    That was the point that I tried to make, and I truly believe thats how everyone operates knowingly or not.

    Im sorry if my grammar its not on point, english its not my first languge, I will improve it with time.
    And about the dirty words Im sorry but thats the way I express my self but I will try to reduce the amount of tose words in future posts, I have no higher education so my vocabulary its not on par with many of you, in time it will, thats why im here.

    Thanks for the criticism I will improve
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