Changing the past in our imagination I agree that "Star Trek: The Next Generation" is a work of fiction but it still shows a society free from money. The food, the drinks, the clothing, the equipments are synthesised by the replicators on the starships, space stations, homes and offices on planets and moons. I know we don't have such technology yet. 3D printers are the closest we have reached to replicators.
Don't you feel horrified and upset about all the suffering, inequality, injustice, and death in the world? 99.9% of all the species to evolve so far on Earth are already extinct. Surely, an egalitarian system would be far better than what we had in the past and what we currently have?
Why does anyone do anything? How do individuals gain the ability to do anything? What values do they learn and how do they learn them? What motivates them to do anything? — Athena
We do because we care about every sentient organism. How would you like it if you were boiled alive the way lobsters are boiled alive by non-vegans or are slaughtered like cows, chickens, ducks and pigs? Our empathy and compassion motivate us to live in a better way that minimises suffering, inequality, injustice, and death. Just look at the current statistics on inequality: We shouldn't keep the capitalist system that has produced such inequality and injustice. Did you know that companies have used and continue to use planned obsolescence in their products? This is what you get with the profit motive. This is why we need to remove the profit motive by changing the ownership of everything to everyone equally and banning money.
We could teach children at school about empathy and compassion and how to share what we have instead of cut-throat competition, cruelty and murder. In this egalitarian system, everyone would contribute according to their abilities and receive according to their needs. Children would develop skills based on their interests and aptitudes at schools that reward empathy and cooperation instead of competition, exploitation and backstabbing. They should be taught core values such as "Live and help live, live and love. Help all, harm none. One for all and all for one."