Deconstructing our intuitions of consciousness One clue to the puzzle of Personal Experience may be that both Consciousness and Energy are special forms of non-specific Generic Information (the power to change form ; to transform ; energy?). And in human experience, Information is also Meaning, Significance, Relevance to Self. — Gnomon
The information is basic. Metaphorically. Because what is transformed is the physical into the mental, no? Or is it the physical into the physical? Energy, mind…what do they have in common? Nothing, and that’s the point – one must transform into the other by means of a unity that is the(i)re.. informational content. Information is meaning, but it is also wave functions. A graph of reality?
Transformation implies what? – that what is transformed becomes what it is not. If I am seeing red, and this is a transformation of an informational content (as I am calling it), then either I am not seeing red or red is not red. Phenomena, nouema, what’s the real red, what I see or what is there, a quantative signal -- A mathematical entity?
We interpret the Information. Whose interpretation? The brain’s I guess. Mine or yours? Too many questions. “Excuse me, am I interpreting this correctly?” “No, although your brain is.” “Okay, great.” Can meaning be physical? I would think it would have to in some sense if it is in this universe. “I’m a doctor, not a linguist Jim!”
There are two senses of a why question. There is the “why” in the sense of more of a where… where did this come from, “why” is it here. Then there is the purpose sense: “why” am I doing such and such, for the sake of what. “How” is a different question, but if you’ve got answers then I’m all ears, metaphorically speaking.
In conclusion, I’m not a fan of abiogenesis because I don’t see how something that lacks a kind of self-motion can acquire it. And I agree, panspermia has never been much of an answer.