It is sometimes bizarre beyond any understanding. Like if we find ourselves interacting in a way with someone we absolutely would not interact with in that way. Whether from one extreme like romantic/sexual with someone we most certainly would not, to the other extreme iof trying to kill someone we love. Yes, we've thought about the person involved. Yes, we've thought about that kind of interaction with a human. But that interaction with that person? Literally never thought about it. Yet, obviously, our unconscious did.Sure, one can see the appeal that a dream is often related to something we are thinking about, sometimes unconsciously - but the weirdness involved is quite striking (in my case anyway). — Manuel
Could be. It's all such a crazy, fascinating topic.Perhaps it is as I describe above, the brain gets tired from having to adhere to the restrictions of the conscious mind forcing it to be "rational". The brain needs periodic "vacations", to do its own thing, in order to maintain the mental health of the individual. — Metaphysician Undercover
That's an amazing statistic!More than 50% of the sensory receptors in the human body are located in the eyes, and a significant portion of the cerebral cortex is devoted to interpreting visual information. —
Indeed. It's not our conscious mind that makes us sleep. Our conscious mind often fights it in any way it can. Eventually failing.And, again, I'll maintain that the very process of falling asleep is regulated and brought about by the unconscious aspects of our mind. — javra
Yes. Some need silence, and others need noise. I would guess the tv acts as white noise. Just background droning. I would guess, that's all it is, those people would not be able to sleep if the show varied greatly and sounds. Conversations of several minutes followed by bazooka and machine gun fire might not work for them. i've never tested what noises I could fall asleep too. I can read a book in a room with people talking, or on the couch next to the television. but that's not the same as trying to sleep.Anecdotally, I know of people that benefit in their ease of falling asleep by having the TV on. — javra
Yes, I think this was mentioned in Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness, by Peter Godfrey-Smith.As one example, although its difficult toward impossible to conclusively establish strictly via fossils and DNA, common consensus has it that cephalopods (like octopi and squid) and vertebrates have evolved their eyes independently via convergent evolution. A reference for this. — javra
No, I'm just curious.These details aside, (maybe as you yourself imply (?)) I so far don’t find all this much mattering though when it comes to basic appraisals of the unconscious mind and consciousness’s dependence on it. — javra
Thank you for your response. I'm understanding it a little more with each reading. But I'm not understanding this:.My way of explaining this is that it is not that you (i.e., that I-ness) which is the agential first-person point of view (i.e., which is the conscious intellect during waking states) that devises the given dream which one as first-person point of view experiences – no more than it is you as an agential first-person point of view which produces that which you see, smell, hear, etc. during waking states. Rather, it is that you (that I-ness) which consists of one’s total self or being (more specifically: one’s total mind, the unconscious aspects of it included) which produces the REM dream which is experienced by you as a first-person point of view during sleep. Just as its your unconscious mind which produces that which you are conscious of during waking states.
But this gets bound up in the philosophy or else psychology of what a self is constituted of. To use William James' basic dichotomy, which mirrors that of Kant’s and of Husserl’s, the first-person point of view is the “pure ego” which is that I-ness that experiences and thereby knows the phenomenal aspects of one’s total self; i.e., the “I” as knower of the experienced self; e.g., I see; I choose, I remember, etc. All aspects of selfhood that are experienced by this same pure ego is then broadly classified as the “empirical ego”; i.e., the “I” as the self which is known via experience (this by the pure ego); e.g. I am tall/short (or: I have two hands); I am stupid/smart in relation to some topic (or: I have an unconscious mind); I am of this or that nationality, etc. The first consciously experiences phenomena; the second is constituted of the phenomena experienced. So, during a dream, the agential first-person point of view (the pure ego) can well be surprised by that which agencies of its total unconscious mind present to it. To further complicate matters, the pure ego can in certain dreams hold an empirical ego quite distinct from its empirical ego during waking states. But this is a very broad and possibly very different topic. — javra
No, I'm one of those. :grin: I agree with Chalmers that there needs to be an explanation for why the physical processes don't take place without subjective experience. As Chalmers puts it:I agree it is a source of wonderment. I'm glad to see you are apparently not one of those who go on to insist there must be something more than the merely material going on. — Janus
At 7:00 of this video, Donald Hoffman says it well, while talking about the neural correlates of consciousness, and ions flowing through holes in membranes:This further question is the key question in the problem of consciousness. Why doesn't all this information-processing go on "in the dark", free of any inner feel? Why is it that when electromagnetic waveforms impinge on a retina and are discriminated and categorized by a visual system, this discrimination and categorization is experienced as a sensation of vivid red? We know that conscious experience does arise when these functions are performed, but the very fact that it arises is the central mystery. There is an explanatory gap (a term due to Levine 1983) between the functions and experience, and we need an explanatory bridge to cross it. A mere account of the functions stays on one side of the gap, so the materials for the bridge must be found elsewhere. — David Chalmers
So the physical activity of matter doesn't have any connection to consciousness that we can see.Why should it be that consciousness seems to be so tightly correlated with activity that is utterly different in nature than conscious experience? — Hoffman
And the physical properties of matter don't have any connection to consciousness that we can see.And within that mathematical description, affirmed by decades of data from particle colliders and powerful telescopes, there is nothing that even hints at the inner experiences those particles somehow generate. How can a collection of mindless, thoughtless, emotionless particles come together and yield inner sensations of color or sound, of elation or wonder, of confusion or surprise? Particles can have mass, electric charge, and a handful of other similar features (nuclear charges, which are more exotic versions of electric charge), but all these qualities seem completely disconnected from anything remotely like subjective experience. How then does a whirl of particles inside a head—which is all that a brain is—create impressions, sensations, and feelings? — Brian Greene
I'm not sure it's not the same thing, looked at from opposite directions. However, not rationalization, but explanation.You have offered fairly extensive reasons for why you feel as you do. Do you feel the way you do for those reasons or are they just a rationalization of how you would feel regardless of those reasons. — Janus
Thanks. But it was only the very lowest hanging fruit. :blush:↪Patterner Nicely put. — Tom Storm
I don't know if one should. I do. I would cry my eyes out of I had to choose between saving the life of a beloved pet and a stranger, because I would save the stranger.OK, I had thought that you were claiming that humans are more important than other animals per se, and not merely in your opinion. If that is how you feel, of course there is no argument against it other than to question just why you might feel that way. I mean it's easy to understand why you would feel that way when it comes to friends or loved ones. Do you think one should feel that way, even when it comes to those you don't know personally? — Janus
Of course. We're talking about subjective judgement.All that says is that humans are more important to you. — Janus
Quran or Bible, if you burn the whole thing, you're probably just trying to cause trouble. Burning a specific part means you have a specific concern. That can be addressed. At least discussed.So to refine my thought. If burning the Quran is intended only to offend, I see no good in that. If it is to demonstrate against, and reform fanaticism, yes. — ENOAH
Yes, it is. It's a judgement call, and that is my judgement.Humans are more important.
— Patterner
For humans, humans are more important than cats.
For cats, cats are more important than mice.
For mice, mice are more important than cockroaches
For cockroaches, cockroaches are more important than bed bugs.
Philosophically, is it right that one part of nature is more important than another part of nature? — RussellA
Yes, it is. Humans are more important. In some bizarre scenario in which a human is about to be killed, some glorious natural wonder is about to be destroyed, and I can only prevent one, I'm saving the human. It's not even a close call. I will say, "Damn! What a shame! That was very pretty!"That's why the difference between being able to judge and not being able to judge is more philosophically important than the difference between the electron and the Higgs Boson.
— Patterner
That means that philosophical questions about the nature of time, space and the Universe are less important than philosophical questions about the human mind.
Is it right that humans consider themselves more important than the world in which they live? — RussellA
There doesn't seem to be a conflict between the two groups in your scenario. The LGBT people are pointing out that certain verses are evil, and should not be part of a religion based around an all-loving deity. A good response to their action would be, "You're right. Those verses are wrong, and should have been removed long ago." Anyone who has a problem with what they do is the party in the wrong. Worrying about offending them is much like worrying about offending some pre-Civil War Americans by burning copies of state laws that allow slavery. Sure, they got mad. But it was still the right thing to do.↪Patterner Maybe. But end of the day, the burning of Romans is still not a functional response to the hypothetical conflict between the hypothetical Christians and the hypothetical LGBT. — ENOAH
That's why the difference between being able to judge and not being able to judge is more philosophically important than the difference between the electron and the Higgs Boson. The former is about how we should behave, treat each other, and respond to how we are treated by others. The latter is about the physical nature of primary particles. Unless we come to realize primary particles are conscious entities, we don't need to concern ourselves with flinging them into each other at extreme speeds in order to smash them to pieces the way we concern ourselves with doing the same to people.A very good philosophical question. The philosophy of particle physics is an academic topic. — RussellA
Maybe those who have no ill regard for the LGBT community should reconsider their cherishement of certain verses of Paul's Letter to the Romans. Maybe the offense taken by the LGBT community over the verses that call their love shameful is more legitimate than the offense taken by Christians who cherish those verses when those verses are burned.If the LBGT community called upon its members to burn copies of Paul's letter to the Roman's, I don't see how that could be seen as not offensive to the millions of Christians who might cherish that scripture, and have no ill regard for LGBT community; and I don't see how burning Romans would advance their cause. — ENOAH
There is a philosophical difference between being able to judge and not being able to judge. Is there a philosophical difference between the electron and the Higgs Boson?Yes, something having the ability to judge, such as a human, is different to something that doesn't have the ability to judge, such as a tree, but how can this be argued to be of special importance, if no more than a natural expression of nature.
Why is the difference between being able to judge and not being able to judge more philosophically important than the difference between the electron and the Higgs Bosun? — RussellA
Nicely done! :grin:What was the name of the bosun on the good ship 'higgs'? — Janus
SpoilsportA momentary irritation on my part with reading a thread mired in confusion. I'm not really a great burner of books, or even threads. — unenlightened
Certainly, morality is relative. But I'm suggesting there's a common reason for all morality. All have the same goal, but have different, even opposing, ideas about how the goal should be achieved.Moral Relativism rather than Moral Absolutism. — RussellA
You absolutely do not stay with her until she is ready for separation. That would often mean you will never be allowed to go. Sometimes because she is manipulative and controlling. Sometimes because she innocently will never be emotionally able to let you go. Sometimes because staying with her, being kind, understanding, and patient will it make her more attracted to you.Do you dump your partner or stay with her until she is ready for separation? — MoK
I think people often act out of things like fear and low self-esteem. The things they do do not make sense, but are done to punish themselves, or sabotage their future.Sometimes people do things intuitively because it makes sense at the time. Sometimes these acts are intuitive, such as giving up a well paid job or starting to take a particular drug. It may not be possible to put their reasons into words, other than the feeling that it is the right thing to do. — RussellA
Perhaps moral codes are all rooted in what gives the individual the best chance of continued life and prosperity. The Nazis thought their best chance was to kill everyone not like themselves. The American enslavers amassed wealth by brutalizing others. Many believe the best chance for anyone is to makes things better for everyone, so you won't need to kill or steal from me in order to survive and prosper yourself.Moral codes can be described but not justified. — RussellA
I hadn't expected anyone to take what I said to mean above in relation to Earth's gravitational pull. But if that's the example you want to use, the vastly overwhelming majority of humans are above the vastly overwhelming majority of sharks at all times. You would do better to use probably most any flying species.We are leaps and bounds above any other species of this planet.
— Patterner
No, we're not. You're not above a shark. Not when you swim under it. — Arcane Sandwich
"Different" is certainly an understatement. We are leaps and bounds above any other species of this planet.The point I'm trying to get it, is that while it's true, of course, that h.sapiens evolved from simian forbears, during the course of evolution, a threshold was crossed which makes humans very different from other species. But every time I say that, the response is, hey, caledonian crows can count! What makes you think we're so special? Which is what I'm saying is the 'blind spot'. — Wayfarer
Someone created the site by purchasing the domain name and setting up the operating system. Someone, maybe the same person, pays every year for the domain name. Someone, maybe one or more people in addition to whoever pays for the domain name, has the power to shut it down, and even delete every post.No one owns The Philosophy Forum. — Arcane Sandwich
Yet people do things that do not make sense all the time. Indeed, things that are very bad for them, things that ruin their lives, and even things that kill them. We say some of these people are addicts, and that addiction is a disorder or disease. Does everyone who does things that don't make sense have a disorder?I have a personal moral code precisely because some things make sense and some things don't. — RussellA
Well, I didn't mean everything everything. I meant the things he had said in his last couple posts. Factually accurate, but I think a different interpretation applies.↪Wayfarer
You're right about everything.
— Patterner
Well, if that's the case, then why are people so dismissive towards his idealism? — Arcane Sandwich
I believe this is the accurate option.P1 Assume that within nature there is no objective judgment of good and evil
P2 Humans are part of nature
P3 Each individual's judgment as to what is good or evil is particular to them and is subjective
C1 As between different individuals there may be a range of judgments as to what is good or evil, it is not possible to determine an objective judgment of what is good or evil.
C2 Within nature, whilst there may be a range of judgments as to what is good or evil, there can be no objective judgment of what is good or evil. — RussellA
I agree. I never said there is an objective judgement of what is good and evil. In fact, I suggested there is no such thing as objective judgement. Judgement is subjective.In conclusion, within nature there may be an objective judgement of what is good or evil, but humans are not aware of it. The fact that humans are part of nature and make subjective judgments as to what is good or evil does not mean that within nature there is an objective judgment of what is good or evil. — RussellA