
  • Do we genuinely feel things
    it’s funny you should use the matrix as that movie had nothing to do with real reality, it was pretty much about transgender people and transitioning.Darkneos

    I was wondering if the writers intentionally wrote the script to describe faith. Apparently not. That brings up a side question: should someone who states an inaccurate statement unintentionally get credit?'

    It’s also funny you use that movie as an example when religion itself, god, Jesus, etc, is the matrix. It provides a comforting and easy answer to the hard questions of life. But those who dare to go past it find how much isn’t certain and how little we truly know or control.Darkneos

    I would argue that God, Jesus, etc are NOT easy answers. They are simple answers, but NOT easy. If it WAS easy, it would require no faith.

    Regarding control. I believe humans overall, know very little and can control also, very little. It's only the perception of controlling things, especially others. I fail to see the correlation between knowing lots and the perception of controlling lots to the existence of God.

    It’s often a warning sign to steer clear of such people who claim to have “truth” because more often than not they don’t. But people will follow and listen because the unknown is scary and the lack of control terrifies people.Darkneos

    How can anyone know if someone else 'has faith' or not? It's like saying, 'your feeling is wrong'. Also, I thought it would be God's role to determine one's level of faith.

    One thing, of many, that made me believe there isn’t a god or that I have no reason to think so is the creation of life. No loving deity would ever create life.Darkneos

    Except for love. Love must have another to exist.

    I find it odd you have an issue with just surviving, seems to be enough for animals so why do you need more than that?Darkneos

    I don't have an issue with 'just surviving'. That's fine. What I was stating is that asking the question 'what is the point of going on...?' implies that one is already thinking beyond mere survival mode.

    You’ll find that God ends up being a poor answer for just about any question. I see no reason to think there is more than this nor would I wish it.Darkneos

    Well, your feeling about this is wrong! Sorry, I couldn't resist. That opinion is fine. Thank you for sharing it, but I encourage you to stop 'wondering what the purpose of living is'. Stick with survival.

    Sounds like fear of death.Darkneos

    Um, personally, I am not only NOT afraid to die, but I also look forward to getting my next body (yes, I believe that in faith). If I was doing any better, I'd be dead, but I love life fully! I cannot speak for others if they believe in God but are also afraid to die.

    Also this has nothing to do with the OP.Darkneos

    Understood. So despite that, thank you for continuing this conversation.

    Lastly, can you do me a favor?

    Can you put a smile on someone else's face today?
  • Do we genuinely feel things
    Sorry about the 'edits'. I'm still figuring out how to quote properly.
  • Do we genuinely feel things
    And some are realistic enough to know that attempting to find out the absolute truth of anything could take a lifetime and yield no results. However, discovering a little partial truth about some things can be an enjoyable and rewarding process.Vera Mont

  • Do we genuinely feel things
    Oh! I forgot to mention, Thank you for the warm welcome!
  • Do we genuinely feel things

    'Quid est veritas?' ('What is truth?')
    Pontius Pilate

    I know what the truth is! ...until just now when I learned what I believed was not true, but this new thing is truth. Thus, NOW I know the truth.. until... :D

    1500 years ago, everybody "knew" that the earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody "knew" that the earth was flat. And 15 minutes ago, you "knew" that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll "know" tomorrow.
    Kay from Men in Black

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that perhaps knowing the truth is not as important as loving people. Jesus said, 'I am the Truth'. So that's either true, and He is THE truth, or He is lying and a fraud. I don't know anyone else in history to have claimed that. So I am left with, either believing Him or living with no one being THE truth. The latter is not so bad, but when someone claims to be God, well I'd like to know, is this guy telling the truth? So far, what I've studied about Jesus seems to hold up. But do I know what the truth is? Well, as another writer did a GREAT job explaining the existence of God is not provable, I have faith. I have faith that what Jesus declared about Himself is true. I have faith that God, YHWH, created the universe. I believe God is love. I believe it because it is written in the Bible. Oh, so the Bible is 100% accurate, is it? Well, I'm just too lazy to nitpick and figure out which parts aren't accurate, so I just believe it all. It's me being lazy. But what IS true about God? Well, if I could describe Him, then he wouldn't be God.

    I mentioned 'God is love'. As I was wrestling to answer my son's question of 'if God is so loving than...', I asked God to give me an answer. He asked me if believe He IS love. I said 'yes'. He continued, "Does the sun have an off switch (that I know of)?" I said, no. "Neither does my love." He replied. Hmmm... I quickly realized we don't see or feel the sun's light and heat due to where we are. Perhaps we don't feel God's love because of where we are, not His 'lack of love'.

    So what is truth? Well, I believe God is love and he wants us to love Him. Selfish, I know, but I'm also not the Creator, so I go with it. He also wants us to love others. Mathematically, love duplicates itself. So love works. I do not know all truths but am on the journey to discover truths, but most importantly, I am on this journey WITH the Creator of the universe and we love each other. So, for now, rather than being 'right' I'd rather love.
  • The Philosopher will not find God
    This is a very well written article. Thank you for sharing it! It is a good description of faith. This is probably why those who believe in God are said to have 'faith in God'.
  • Do we genuinely feel things

    You'll find that there is a lot of hostility to religion here on the forum.
    I walk outside and I find hostility! :D I've come to expect it out of life. But I see awesomeness too.

    Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry it couldn't have been with a more gracious poster.
    Thank you! But why are you apologizing? You seem gracious. You are the first one to welcome me. Someone else just told me 'I didn't get it'. That's not a 'welcome' in my books. ;D
  • Do we genuinely feel things

    What specifically do you have against God and Jesus? I believe in Santa Clause, but someone then showed me that the gift givers were my parents all along. I doubted their story, but tested it and found it to be true, so I changed my belief and moved on.

    About the 'question', does it matter if it is 'genuine'? What if you never find out if it is 'genuine' or not? The point is that your life is still real to you, isn't it? If all you desire is self-preservation, then 'survival' is your point of living. That's all there needs to be. Only someone who starts considering that there could be something more will EVER consider the thought 'what is the point of going on...?' Having that thought implies that one is already thinking beyond mere survival mode. Wondering 'what the point of going on' also indicates that you believe there IS more than just surviving. So what is that 'more'? The next question should be 'Am I really interested in discovering more truth or am I just curious so I can brag about knowing something others don't?' (which is kind of like knowing who will win a sports game and bragging and then 'proving to be right for the sake of being right'.)

    I think the movie 'The Matrix' does a perfect job of illustrating most humans. There are only a few people who really want to know the truth and take the steps to seek it out. In real life, I believe most people don't really, really want to know the absolute truth of everything. It's not a bad thing. It just is. Most people are in 'self-preservation' mode, just like most other animals are. It's not bad, it's just instinct. I believe there are some, a small number even, who passionately want to know 'the truth'. Not to shove it down someone else's throat or bash it over someone else's head, but they just have a passion to discover, and a love for, truth. I firmly believe those people will find it. They will find the truth if they genuinely seek it with an open mind, but an open mind is a must. An open mind to reading all sorts of things. Yes, even the Bible, but other material as well. If you seek, you WILL find, but seeking is still a requirement.
  • Do we genuinely feel things
    'Do we genuinely feel things?' Awesome question!

    I have recently wrestled with that specific question. For an unknown reason, I find I do not linger on a particular feeling very long. As someone who strives to be open-minded, I have asked myself why I am that way, whether is it good or bad, and whether I should change. I strive to look at situations from all possible angles. Of course, I cannot look at it from an angle I cannot perceive, but I strive to be 'open to ideas'. I know for a fact I am a product of my upbringing, but as I have grown older, I have challenged things I was taught as a child. Some things I have found I agree with, and some others I disagree with.

    One thing I believe emphatically is I, my soul, the 'me without the body', will live on forever. Yes, I read that idea in the Bible, but I believe that to be true and I have discovered more evidence recently to solidify that belief.

    Another thing about me is I find I am very literal. I get jokes and share them, but if a teacher who has shown to have wisdom, says something, I take them at their word. For example, Jesus said, 'fear not', so I strive to not be afraid. I have played out 'not being afraid' and what I would gain from not being afraid, and I've played out 'being afraid' and what I gain from that. I found 'not being afraid' has many more benefits than 'being afraid', so it makes sense to me to strive to 'not to be afraid'.
    More recently, I wrestled with the idea of someone else 'wasting my time'. As I wrestled with it, I realized my time is mine to use how I want to use it. It's only a question of how I use it. I could sit and be angry at the driver in front of me while stuck in traffic or I could meditate. I could dwell on me 'not getting to somewhere on time' or call someone or pray for someone. The bottom line is it is MY choice. Later on, I came to the realization that the incidents that happen around us are not as important as the relationships we cultivate during those incidents. Why do I believe that? Well, over the years I have come to believe life is not about me. So, if it's not about me, how 'I' feel becomes less important than how others feel. No, it's not 'less important'... It's more like how 'I' feel is instinctual, but short-term planning, whereas thinking of others is NOT instinctual and long-term planning. You see, if everyone put others first, if people genuinely loved others as they love themselves, the world would be an excellent place to live! On the other hand, if everyone hated everyone else, eventually we'd all kill each other.
    I believe there.

    The way I see it, there are two equal laws that exist in the universe that are non-negotiable. There are two because one cannot obey one without obeying the other. Those two laws are to love God and love others. In this case, love is an action. It is not just a feeling. Therefore, one must seek to learn what love actions look like. Many examples can be found in the life of Jesus. I would argue, a person cannot obey these two laws completely unless God's Spirit is in that person. The Bible seems to indicate that the process of having God's Spirit enter you is simple: To believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead.

    The point of these two equally important laws is these laws perpetuate life. Not following them, might not bring death, but it doesn't perpetuate life. Of course, hating, which seems to be an emotion, can only bring destruction. Following these laws also allows one to find an answer to 'What is the point of living?' The answer is, 'For others'.

    As a result of all this thinking, I have found myself shying away from all feelings. So are feelings important? Feelings can move us to desire to take an action. Of course, those actions should be evaluated BEFORE actually being taken to see if those actions will genuinely be showing love towards other persons.

    The beauty of seeking to do actions that live out love towards others is those actions will be different in different situations. I recommend seeking Wisdom for what to do in each situation.

    I also do believe our perception is our reality, so while many things do happen out of cause and effect, how we interpret them (being good or bad) is up to us. Perhaps we if strived to learn from situations rather than classify them as 'good' or 'bad' we would be better off.

    This leads to a riddle I came up with: Every person has a most important moment in their existence. When is it? Now! As in 'The NOW'. We will forever be there, but how many of us live there? The present is a present to be present in. If we looked at situations of learning or loving others, very few situations will be truly 'bad' or 'good'. They will be moments, or opportunities, to live life (in this body or another) with others, and for others.

    So 'Do we genuinely feel things?' I don't know, perhaps not. But when I think of what I am feeling, recently I have found myself asking 'Whatever I am feeling right now, how can this feeling help me love another?'

Michael Phelps

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