
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    And so you really do believe that gun laws are perfect right now? As you avoided the question. Look, I am very understanding that the law isn't going to change with a click of the fingers but all we are asking for is more safety and the law isn't safe the way it is right now. We already wait for big mass shootings before this debate rises again. Why not do something now to prevent it from happening? I don't care about statistics at this point because the actions of a few kids shooting up their schools is enough for anyone (well clearly not but) to actually think, well maybe we should do something to prevent this from happening considering it is a regular occurrence. If you argue that, i really lose faith in this country.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    You are blaming the problem with guns on drugs and gangs. You are wrong. The problem is mentally ill children are getting their hands on guns too easily. This hasn't happened once or twice, this happens all the time. Instead of pulling it back to drugs and gangs can you please address what you think we should do to prevent school shootings? Or any mass shootings because unless you can give me a reasonable statistic that backs your claim, you're on your own. Facts, need facts...
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    Why not change gun laws? Why are you people so ignorant, kids are literally shooting people and guns are legal and very easy to purchase. Make it safer, more secure so that this doesn't keep happening. It's the obvious thing to do. Are you really saying that the laws on guns are perfect the way it is currently?
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    dude the reason we are hear is to discuss the problem with guns and mentally ill kids getting hold of guns easily. so the law needs to change to make it less accessible. The reason the laws don't change is because of Trump and the rest of the government saying the same thing as you. The reason it doesn't change is because this gets blamed on gangs and drugs every time, even if it was a child that everyone thought was a good kid
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    also mentioned that most gun related deaths are drug and gang relatedHarry Hindu

    look, forget about gun violence in general for a second. School shootings are the reason for the rise in debate on gun laws once again and they are something that's becoming far too regular. Show me the statistic that says that most or any school shootings are drug or gang related. Blaming Americas gun violence on gangs and drugs just seems like a generic excuse for keeping the law the same. the reason we are all here is because school shootings challenge the gun laws the most, because kids are getting hold of guns somehow and using them to shoot and kill kids at their school. you cant change the reason we are here and start using the gang card. not only is it painfully naive but also racist.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    The question is gun control, not gun "takeaway." To those opposed to gun control: are you opposed to any and all gun control? Why waste time on rhetoric. Of course everyone wants some gun control, unless you're crazy.tim wood

    nobody is saying that all guns must be removed, if you are you're being irrational. that just wouldn't be possible, it would take years and years and years to banish all guns at this point. If you think about what it would take to "MAKE GUNS ILLEGAL" it just isn't as possible as people would like. If you ask everyone in the country to hand over all fire arms, do you really think that 100% of guns would be returned? Of course not, probably not even 60%. But what needs to happen is more control and they need to be made less easily accessible. You cant just give a gun to anyone whIch is basically what happens in this country. On the terrorist watch list? Doesn't matter. This is what is wrong with the gun laws.

    And as much as most people don't want to hear it, the reason you need to protect yourself with a gun is because of the law that says you can have guns anyway but like i said it isn't very possible to reverse that now but there certainly needs to be some new laws tightening the accessibility of guns, with more security and safety, that isn't much to ask.
  • The American Gun Control Debate

    promoting the right to own guns is promoting guns in general. you haven't given any real contribution to this argument. only outdated articles that are just pure propaganda to the British conservative party, designed to make people turn their heads away from the labour party. id suggest you read the article before posting here. mass shootings are a regular occurrence in america. if you cant see that the accessibility of guns is the problem here than you're just being stupid.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    fact is, every country in the world has a gun problem but none like america. no other country in the world has as many mass shootings and it is the country that promotes guns the most. if you cant see a problem you are blind.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    this is from 2009, also a conservative tabloid paper. clearly slamming the labour party like most of the propaganda from the conservative party papers. this is not a trusted source. England is a great example for the simple following fact, guns are illegal.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    Yes the FBI is at fault but why are guns so easily obtainable? Because they are legal. Name a country where guns are illegal that have this problem. It's so frustrating that people just blame everything else other than the gun. This country glorifies guns to a disgusting point, it is a weapon that kills i do not understand the love for it, it's sick. Yes it's the person carrying the gun but if that person didn't have a gun it would be a different story entirely. I'm sick of seeing people support current gun laws when it's so clear that they need to change and why is it even a conversation that needs debate? Why would you want to carry such a weapon around anyway and if you really really do it for "protection" then you should be behind the support for better gun laws.
  • The age of consent -- an applied ethics question
    yes i do not disagree that his sexual preference is concerning but it should only be a matter of real concern if you have reason to believe he is manipulating these 16 year olds into having sex with him, whether that is with force or not but you said you dont have any reason to think that. of course for any parent that is a concern but your children arent your possession and you have to understand that at the age of 16, especially females you can be very mature. this is why the age of consent is at 16 for this reason. whether she decides to have sex with males her own age or older that's her choice.
  • The age of consent -- an applied ethics question
    then if you have an understanding of sex it shouldn't be a big problem to you. as long as he isn't hurting anyone you should respect that his sex life is personal
  • The age of consent -- an applied ethics question
    the parents couldn't possibly know when their daughter wants to have sex. consider that a mother doesn't want her daughter to have sex because of the stigma attached to sex and the possibility that a relationship might fall apart after sex and so leading to heartbreak. the idea that a stranger (to the parents) is having sex with your daughter would be very frightening and i understand why a mother would want her daughter to wait but they don't have that instinct.
  • The age of consent -- an applied ethics question
    1) What do you think the age of consent should be?
    2) Do you think my brother's behavior is wrong?
    3) Should our family friends be told about my brother?
    4) If your answer to questions 2 and 3 are yes, what in general am I ethically obligated to do? I am thinking above and beyond notifying our friends. Should I create a website solely devoted to my brother's behavior and engage in SEO so that his name will be a top 10 hit if someone googles him?
    Tree Falls

    1) well in society today i think we need to understand that younger people want to have sex earlier than say their parents would like them too. i think 16 is an age were you are either mature or you are not and so maybe 16 isn't the ideal age of consent but in a lot of cases that person may be capable of making a decision like that and i don't believe that it is fair to make a person choose whether to break the law or not over sex at 16, they may be completely sure they are ready to do that and as sex is a very personal thing, they should be able to make that decision at the age of 16, if they so please.

    2) it depends, is he lying to the girls? is he manipulative? i don't feel that there is enough evidence to suggest he is doing anything wrong exactly. maybe he isn't making the best decision when he chooses to do that, only because of public and family perception of him if it came out about his sexual activities. if those women are giving him undoubted consent then he is innocent, if both people consent to sex then in no way is that wrong, but it's a matter of perception like i said if you believe a 16 year old is able to consent to sex then you wont have a problem with it but if you think the opposite then you will have a different opinion.

    3) i don't think so, in fact i do believe you're are being a little too worried about him, the way you are talking about him, it's almost like you believe he is capable of rape or doing something wrong. if that is what you truly believe then you do what you think is right. do you think he would have sex with a 14 year old? knowing that a 14 year old cannot really consent to that?

    4) why would you want to ruin your brothers life? he hasn't done anything to make you think he is a bad person so no, don't do that if you don't believe he deserves it. you have to understand that sex is a normal thing, sounds to me like you still have the views he had before he left to the other country.

    we don't know your brother so we don't have any evidence to suggest that he is a bad person.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    No it doesn't. Many of the school shootings are suicides, for example.Thorongil

    okay so we should just let it happen either way? suicide or murder. it's still a problem
  • What is the ideal Government?
    a trusted democracy is most important and i do believe that the countries military options should be put to public vote also, in most cases people will decide against war and most of the time the governments military actions do not reflect that of the public opinion. destroy of any weapon of mass destruction. a helping hand to developing countries. and a major peace advocate, these are all things that a good government would do. complete freedom for same sex marriage as well as equal pay for both genders. a government that is not racist and helps to give refuge to immigrants in need. you see where im going with this...
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    at this point, we cant keep letting this happen. something has to change and the only thing i can see that will make a difference is stricter laws on guns. we've been at a point for a long time where we cant just blame the individual child. THIS HAPPENS EVERY WEEK. We have to ask ourselves why our children are taking guns to school to kill people and what we can do to stop this from happening. The only reasonable answer is to take guns away or to tighten the laws but no one wants to do it. i don't even understand the need to carry a weapon but if they insist on keeping them at least try to help the situation. america prides itself on freedom and compared to the rest of the world people live extremely well but if we cant even send our kids to school without fearing they'll be shot then what is the point in having pride in this country, it isn't a safe place anymore.
  • Life's purpose is to create Artificial General Intelligence
    I don't think so, I mean i think it's a wrong road that we will happily speed down but I would say that its happened to us through our greed for technology. You can't ask this question without wondering if there is more intelligent life in the universe and is it their fate too to create some kind of artificial intelligence? I don't agree. I think you can take the human race as an example of how bad intelligence can be, we're completely blinded by money and the sad thing is, we aren't creating an artificial intelligence to better the human race, it's all for the profit, the money. If money had no value I don't think we would rushing to create these things like we are now.
  • Time dilation
    what you're suggesting is that the spacecraft doesn't move and that for your whole trip on the spacecraft, the whole universe moves around you? come on. that sounds as ridiculous as time dilation.
  • Time dilation
    well isn't saying that anything could be accelerating depending on the viewpoint just as silly? it is when you put it against actual propulsion systems in a spacecraft that allow it to move forward. i understand that the time stuff is weird and it may very well amount to nothing so lets ignore it (i was merely exploring the topic in my original post after doing some research on time dilation).

    your acceleration point still doesn't make sense.

    Two measurements, and from each point of view, something is accelerating.Rich

    yes that something is the machine that has been built to accelerate. if you dismiss the idea of having your own perspective of time depending on gravity and velocity, then why aren't you so quick to dismiss having your own perceptive of acceleration.
  • Why does evolution allow a trait which feels that we have free will?
    i think what is most interesting about this is, who is making decisions? if every decision that is made is just a product of sub conscious that's very odd because everything that you have done up until this point has been chosen by something that you're not even aware of. the sub conscious is what acts first but it acts without your contribution and so what does this mean for us? are we even able to make a choice? does the brain create the illusion that we're making the decisions when in fact we play no part at all? and more importantly, who is pulling the strings? if all this true then what about the bigger picture, the population of the entire world experiences the same as i do and all of those decisions made by everyone to bring us to this point in human evolution has just been a product of zero conscious thought? is everyone is just riding a train to experience what our inner conscious feels is the right and wrong way to act?
  • Time dilation
    The Earth is acceleratingRich

    we will make the spacecraft with propulsion. it is needed in order for the spacecraft to leave earth. when you create something with the intention of acceleration then it will accelerate. yes i understand that from each viewpoint both seem to be moving away from each other but the spacecraft has been built in order to accelerate. the only acceleration that earth is experiencing is its orbit around the sun and that wont change when the spacecraft leaves.
  • Time dilation
    earth doesn't experience any acceleration what so ever. From either viewpoint the perspective is that they are both accelerating away from each other but in reality only the ship is experiencing acceleration.
  • Time dilation
    yeah I mean this seems like it will pose a big enough problem to at least try and develop time technology and maybe they'll find a way to keep everyone's clocks running at the same speed
  • Paradox of the beginning
    How could something always have existed? How could nothing exist, and then something come from nothing?CasKev

    this is something that i've struggled to understand my whole life, i understand that the universe is expanding from every point but there still has to be an edge because how can something just be infinite. that's extremely hard to comprehend. and the idea of infinity, what does this mean? is anything possible? if it is infinite i shouldn't any problem stating that spongebob squarepants is a real living sponge somewhere in the universe but that sounds ridiculous. what does infinity actually mean for the universe?
  • The trolley problem - why would you turn?
    Oh, wait. I misunderstood. You think it would be ok to let the Death Star destroy Alderaan rather than drop Jar-Jar Binks down the vent pipe into the reactor core.T Clark
    If you are choosing someone to die then you are the cause of someone's death. If you let the 3 workers die then you played zero part in the accident because none of it was caused by you. Lives will be lost either way and there will be suffering either way I don't think you have the right to doom someone's life just to save more lives if they were safe to begin with.
  • The trolley problem - why would you turn?
    it still isnt your fault that brakes failed and so your conscious is still clear, if you choose to kill a person then you made that choice. 10000000 people or not
  • The trolley problem - why would you turn?
    if you have the time to choose between changing tracks you likely have the time to scream at the workers to move off of the tracks but for the sake of the post i think that choosing to kill in any scenario is wrong, it isn't your fault that the trolley failed it's brakes but if you choose to change the track and kill the one worker then you've played a role in the tragedy and it is your fault that one worker died, whether or not you saved three lives in the process
  • Perspective, the thing that hides behind consciousness
    you're perspective can be influenced as you grow into an adult. as a child you are easily influenced and it doesn't matter how much you believe you are different from your parents and the people that were significant during your childhood you will always have something about you that is like them. you really aren't your own person when you really think about it.
  • Thought: Conscious or Unconscious activity?
    like i wrote in your last post. i think it is both, i think a choice will have entered your mind subconsciously but you can rethink that idea based on the possible consequence of that decision. someones personality may be inclined to speak and act before they think but someone else may be the opposite and think before they act or say. i think that you're right to a certain extent, i think that every time you're made to make a decision a subconscious choice is made in you're head but it is definitely possible to rethink it and change the outcome of your decision.

    hope you don't mind me replying to both posts, i think you have a good point and i like this topic alot.
  • If consciousness isn't the product of the brain
    well yes that is true but there are a lot of unexplained phenomena that suggests that we are capable of more advanced things. like i said before astral projection is an experience that many many people have claimed to have had and so it cannot go unnoticed. using this as an example people to claim to leave their body entirely and can see their body from a distance away. if this is true then what this means for our consciousness is groundbreaking and would mean that it is capable of being more powerful than the normal experience of an every day person. it is also fact in government declassified documents that people of 'special abilities' exist and are capable of psychic abilities and as funny as that may sound to a skeptic it is fact and these documents are available to you if you choose to educate yourself in this.
  • Conscious decision is impossible
    if the choice you had to make requires you to come up with more than one decision then you need to have put some thought into it, otherwise you would have decided already with the first subconscious choice. if there is a second choice then that one has to be a conscious one
  • If consciousness isn't the product of the brain
    well yes that is my belief that the consciousness is very powerful BUT the original post poses a very important point, if the consciousness is so powerful then why are our experiences limited to when our bodies are 'awake? My reply was only exploring a potential possibility.

    Maybe the consciousness has the potential to be very powerful but in our age of human evolution our consciousness is weak and it is very underdeveloped due to our dismissive attitude towards what consciousness means. People don't care and have no interest in it. Most people won't even question what they are experiencing and what life actually is. This is why I believe we aren't powerful at all but we have the potential to be, but until we start questioning it as a collective race we will never strive for the answers and to learn about growing and improving the consciousness.
  • Conscious decision is impossible
    but you can still change that decision. Even if you're subconscious makes a choice you're still able to think twice and change the outcome instead of not thinking at all and going with the first decision that pops into your head. In fact, I don't believe that most decisions are made like this. I think that when it comes to an important decision, one will certainly think about it and make a conscious decision.

    Stupid things that don't have any consequences will likely only require a quick decision without a thought process so I think it really depends on the individual and the possible consequence of the decision. If the decision has possible bad consequences then that person is likely to think about it and make a conscious decision on what will be best for them.
  • Conscious decision is impossible
    you're suggesting that the sub-conscious makes the decision before you're conscious of it?
  • If we could communicate with God...
    well it's interesting because all of the religions claim to get their own kind of 'feedback' from their god and some claim to have literally spoken to their god and so that is why it is difficult for non-believers to believe, there are just so many gods that haven't given us actual proof of their existence. in reality, in your scenario all of the phones would be silent because never has there been such proof that one of them exists.
  • If consciousness isn't the product of the brain
    maybe the consciousness is too connected to the brain. people who practice in becoming spiritual and opening their consciousness claim to experience phenomena that can only suggest that we can separate from our brain, such as astral projection and other out-of-body experiences. we may be so connected to the brain that we aren't able to experience anything if the brain isn't fully functional. it could be that it is separate but extremely weak without a brain and people who claim to have these out-of-body experiences are just able to separate for only a small amount of time because of the sheer weakness of the consciousness without an intelligent brain. animals are a good example, they have consciousness but they aren't very intelligent. this could suggest that our capability and intelligence is dependent on how complex brain the brain is (if we receive it from elsewhere). i am a firm believer that the consciousness is different from the brain but as humans know very little about both it is very frustrating pondering these topics.
  • Do we behold a mental construct while perceiving?
    that's interesting because we only see what our eyes perceive. i believe that our eyes act as an observer that send the messages of light to the brain to create the image that we are seeing. It's all information, our eyes aren't seeing what is there, it is receiving light and colors and our brain acts accordingly. The imagine you are seeing is a mental image but that's how we experience the universe. the same with ears, you're detecting audio signals and your brain allows you to experience the audio. this is why you have those parts of your brain for those parts of your body other wise they would act by themselves.

    so the fact that every signal has to reach the brain before it is experienced is strange because that would suggest that what we seeing and hearing is just what the brain has created as a result of the signals it received. People who suffer from schizophrenia can hallucinate images and audio and what they see is a mental image. but they cant tell it apart from reality so it works the same way only their brain makes up images or audio without receiving the signals that would cause that.
  • Cryptocurrency
    it is simply the future of currency. a global currency that is instant and doesn't require physical money. more and more people are becoming interested in bitcoin and not only becoming interested but buying into the currency too. international travel will see more people using bitcoin and less people will convert their countries currency. Though it's not in the interest of governments to use bitcoin for their own economies as a lot of wealth on earth is a result of a currency being worth more (USA, Britain etc.) but their may be change as it's popularity increases. it could sort a lot of economic problems around the globe in the future.
  • Is it necessary to know the truth?
    In my opinion it's just for filling a need that is curiosity. humans are very curious and very intelligent and we have the opportunity to expand our knowledge and apart from anything else, what else are we going to do? we are alive until we are not and the time we spend in between is meaningless if is not spend trying to learn about where we are and what we can do with our environment to make our lives better. if we didn't then we would still be trying to figure how to make the wheel
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