Ok, I was talking about Jack's beliefs in the figure.
How can a belief, how can anything but nonsense, not be propositional? What non-propositional statement has any meaning? Am I missing something? If I'm not attributing something to something else, than am I saying anything?
My point is, if we accept the objective reality of the material universe, Jack either knew the clock was broken or he did not; he either knew the time or did not; and the time on the face of the clock at that instant was either coincident with the actual time, or it was not; and from these possible conditions we can make any of the possible statements:
Jack, not knowing the clock was broken, thought it to be Eleven.
Jack, knowing the clock was broken, wondered if it could actually be Eleven, as shown on the broken clocks face.
Jack, knowing the clock was broken, checked his pocket watch, and was amused that the working and broken clocks agreed that it was Eleven.
Jack, knowing the clock was broken, and knowing that the actual time was different, yet still thought that, in some strange fashion, the clock was working, and that its time was somehow more accurate than the one that agreed with Greenwich.
Is there some variant to the explication of "At 11, Jack thought the broken clock was working," that I'm missing? If I am, let me know; but the point is, in Reality, the Proposition can only have a very limited number of very clear meanings.
So why are we spending so much time in parsing the nuances of Propositions to see if we can make them seem Absurd? Why all the fuss about language?
So let me say this again, in an Objectively Extant Material Reality all of the Referents of speech are to real objects in the real world, all of which operate according to the fundamental, eternal, necessary and unchangeable laws of Physics, and so any confusion between Consciousnesses over their communications is solely due to poor definitions and poor or untenable propositions....
And none of this Linguistic Confusion has any Metaphysical significance whatsoever...