You don’t have to travel that far. Being a habitat journeyman from a lower tier Stockholm suburb one to an academical one will see that meaning question multiplied. Where I grew up we just lived on without too many questions asked. No meanings of life, no wants to do with our lives. We also became, imho, not less valuable for mankind, doing what we do best to put milk on tables, and to get some comfortability.I’d imagine if I was an African man struggling to eat this would be the last question on my mind. It’s the spoilt westerners that have this sort of nihilistic outlook about life. Life’s too easy or comfortable is why this question gets asked — simplyG
Whats the truth about being able to do good computer programs? Or discussing say politics wisely? Whats the truth about abortion being right, handling climate crises or determing the number of immigrants to be admitted to a country?The truth must always be the goal...
— chiknsld
I genuinely agree with you. The truth is the most important objective here, or anywhere in life really. — Bret Bernhoft
Of course, what "merit" is, would have to be defined and accepted. What a corntribution is and how valuable it is to society and mankind.But doesn't empowering someone on merit naturally lead to disequilibrium? To anyone who argues against them do you merely say "shhhh" or do you entertain their qualms? — Benj96
Enfore meritocracy is by no means a contradiction, remember I am God. My goal is not the pleasure for mothers of rich cultural and social captial to “make offspring happy” and “seeking life fulfilment”. There is a good portion of coercion and conformance in meritocracy. If you “feel enslaved” by being lazy and letting the others do the hard work its your funeral. Or rather, you lazy, you serve. That’s the choice you have. A fair race. And of course, everyone works office, hospital, factory hours."Enforce meritocracy" sounds like a contradiction of terms. As does "induce embracing".
It sounds like "totalitarian/autocratic free will" which don't seem to go hand in hand.
Essentially, in summary, enslaved to doing right by others (merit) and forced/induced to only think in fun ways. Totally controlled in essence. No free will to be bad, selfish, or boring and thus no meaning to their opposites - good, selflessness and fun. — Benj96
during my time of studying art therapy — Jack Cummins
All we had to do to prevent climate change was to follow Aristotle's advice: aureum mediocritas (the golden mean) or nec quid nimis (nothin' to excess). These simple rules, if followed in the right way, would have worked like a charm - no wars, no global warming, no poverty, no nothin'!
Unfortunately our (human) nature got in the way - we drink until we pass out, we eat until we die of heart ailments, we drive past the speed limit and die in a collision, you get the idea.
Climate change in my humble opinion is nothing more than a manifestation of very human flaws — Agent Smith
And people, groups, nations, world haggle with that.Let's get down to the brass tacks, shall we? We know we have a problem (climate change), a huge one as a matter of fact. We know the aetiology (CO2
) as well! The solution, however, isn't as straight forward as we'd have hoped, oui? We're almost completely dependent on fossil fuel for our energy. So, the hard choice we've got to make: Freeze or Fry! :grin: — Agent Smith
An Initial requirement is you have to have a pole up your behind.
— Ansiktsburk
A portrait of the earnest as a wrong man? — lll
Where do you wanna start? — Agent Smith
I just, lately, thought about it harder than usual, and then the question came to light: What about families?
Maybe I am not personally the kind of person that is able to form a family and that is okay; but most people... That should be somehow alarming. Why? Because think about it... Think about a family in which they are "Free" to give love (real, familiar love) to whoever they eventually want. — ithinkthereforeidontgiveaf
Don't you think the "Father figure" and the "Mother figure" play both a special role? — ithinkthereforeidontgiveaf
Either happiness is subjective or objective. No one, as per Wikipedia, wants to get hooked up to an experience machine. In other words... — Agent Smith
The picture the media paints. The physicist that has the answers to existence because of some sacred knowledge, unattainable to "the ignorant layman", exactly as in religion.
Einstein dreamt of a final unified theory. At CERN the fundaments of the universe are probed. I can tell them what to find at higher energies without ever having experienced the ultra small directly myself.
Hawking, Einstein, Witten, Rovelli, Carroll, Wheeler, Smolin, Lederman, Teresi, Süsskind, Strominger, etc. All painted as the priests of the church of science. — EugeneW