Is 'information' physical? It's a matter of fact. 'The number of possible protein sequences is astronomically large. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that there are 20exp150 or the order of 10exp195 possible proteins with 150 amino acids length alone. Only a very small percentage of them exists, or ever existed, in nature.' And also, he's a professor of paleobiology. — Wayfarer
.The point is, there is a limited amount involved. But why should the ones
not involved would not be able to support life? Pointing out that they are not used is no proof. They are obviously not, but what
if? Stating that with 150 amino acids 20exp150 forms are possible is actually not
exactly true. It's half that number, which is still rather big though...Nature could have chosen a lot of proteins! All of them could have started an evolution ("viva la evolution!").
Man is that part of reality in which and through which the cosmic process has become conscious and has begun to comprehend itself. His supreme task is to increase that conscious comprehension and to apply it as fully as possible to guide the course of events. In other words, his role is to discover his destiny as an agent of the evolutionary process, in order to fulfill it more adequately. — Julian Huxley
What needs to be fulfilled? Animals are part of that reality too. Consciousness has not developed to become aware of the process it is based on and it's certainly not man's supreme task task to increase that comprehension (science) and to apply it as fully as possible to genetically modify the course of the process on which his becoming conscious is based, in order for some divine destiny. That thought is one of the about 10exp(exp100) possible patterns of thought, but if he wants to think that... I don't think man is obliged to conform though. It's no evolutionary imperative.