Within that metaphorical framework, enlightenment (both scientific and spiritual) represents the culminating stages of that awareness becoming self-aware. — Wayfarer
In the double-slit experiment, the electron is interacting with the Higgs the whole time. — Kenosha Kid
But again, DNA encodes and conveys information. — Wayfarer
It's probably going to go the way of the ether though, just an idea dead people once believed in out of ignorance. — Kenosha Kid
Reminds me of how many people have told me to exercise more self-control. Humanity, it seems, is running amok on planet earth. No sense of restraint, temperance, or moderation. We're multiplying like Fibonacci's rabbits. We'll eventually have to, as they say, pay the piper. For better or worse I probably won't be around when the shooting starts. — TheMadFool
It seems as though population is the root cause of our problems. — TheMadFool
the only thing that exists is one eternal reality. there is no people. there is no you — Miller
Proteins can’t have existed first. That fact is written into the architectual history of the molecular machine that synthesises all proteins - the ribosome. — apokrisis
Complete self recursion is impossible, this is what causes the illusion of free will, and the ego. — Miller
Don't think 20mm will do. Grenades, too, definitely.
Yes yes, that's escalation, but I have a god-given right to defend myself. Against all of them.
Do you know how many heavily armed gangs are out there? And dangerous lunatics?
And, for proven deterrent, I'd want setups with mutually assured destruction.
That's safety. Then there will be peace. One way or other. — jorndoe
"This feeling arises from moment-to-moment ignorance of the prior causes of our thoughts and actions." - — Miller
Life was an accident waiting to happen. It just needed a coding mechanism - RNA. The coding system needed to be able to produce nanoscale switches or entropic ratchets - enzymes. The rest was evolutionary history. — apokrisis
So there is just the one "stuff". You are making some kind of panpsychic claim in regards to your ontological commitments? — apokrisis
So there are two kinds of descriptions, not two kinds of “things”? There is epistemic duality but not ontological duality? — apokrisis
In what sense is consciousness a “thing”. Do you want to say it has substantial being? Explain to me how that works. — apokrisis
It does often seem that those who are good at maths are also good musicians too and I have often wondered about why that relationship exists. Perhaps, the symbolic aspects of both involve the same aspects of the brain, including the reading of music. — Jack Cummins
Either way you have no free will. — Miller
Nope. I’m just asking you to attempt to justify your dualist framing of things. — apokrisis
dunno. Just a vague idea regarding that but it's probably nothing. Muddled-thinking at best. — TheMadFool
Keep what up? I haven't done anything that's worth...keeping up. :chin:
now — TheMadFool
Alas, I'm too uneducated to compose a sensible reply. — TheMadFool
I thought that was a open-and-shut case: the hidden variables question i.e. there are none and QM is complete in its probabilistic qualities. — TheMadFool
So does the function ever in fact happen “in the dark”? Is there any reason to believe that? — apokrisis
I was very much deterred from thinking of particular functions as in any way capable of being carved out of the whole and considered in a vacuum. It's not that their not contributing to consciousness, rather that they do so in the context of everything else. — Kenosha Kid