Is our Universe a perpetual motion machine? In the linked article it is said a faux BH was created with 1000 atoms. The atoms are pushed into an BEC and gas flowing inward represented space.
Phonons in that gas simulated photons in the Hawking radiation. The event horizon was there where the gas flowed with the speed of its own sound to the BEC, a state of 1000 atoms resembling a single atom (no black hole though, because for that the atoms have to be pushed together with a lot lot more energy, as the event horizon is tiiiiny, like the 3cm horizon for earth; at CERN they smashed up protons with the aim of constructing holes in the framework of one large extra space dimension, in which case it would be possible; they didn't succeed; I could have told them; wasted toil...).
The gas was forced to flow to the Bose-Einstein condensate with increasing speed creating an event horizon for phonons, like there is for particles in the real case. In the real case fluctuations in the particle field at the horizon are realized (which are entangled with the stuff inside, thereby solving the information paradox).
In this case phonon fluctuations are realized by the velocity ingredient of inflowing gas. Where the speed of the inflowing gas equals the velocity of the speed of sound in the gas, the horizon produces pairs of phonons.
Like particle pairs get real near the real horizon, one of which has negative energy to annihilate internal BH mass (not an antiparticle, but a negative energy one). This last aspect is present in the sense that the inward traveling phonon has no real negative energy but it certainly affects the BEC.
In the simulated state there is no entanglement between the phonons and the BEC. This would be the case if the condensate could have conveyed information about its state to the gas that it is placed in. Like in the real case the state of the hole is conveyed to the surface during formation and in fact to all of space there during formation).
From the inside, the formation takes a small time while from the outside it takes "a bit" longer, depending on the mass. If you jump in the hole, you feel that you get radiated away in a flash. From the outside, I see you slowly emerging, from slow with low temperature to fast high T. Though the emitted power stays the same. So you would leave a final flash. But a low intensity one. A mini flash.