"The answer to the ultimate question is..........................42." — Fire Ologist
programmatically in Python:
rocks = 0 # beginning at 0
while rocks < 2:
rocks += 1
output = [1, 2] # correct output
rocks = 1 # beginning at 1
while rocks < 2:
rocks += 1
output = [2] # incorrect output — punos
Well, what I see here is that you are saying 1+1 is not 2. So I don't know where you're coming from. — Zolenskify
But I want to know what you think. — Zolenskify
I do not follow how this differs from my example, only that you now add the condition that the beginning of the day is 0. — Zolenskify
But an interval of time is always passing, and can't really be counted in terms of starting and stopping. — Zolenskify
A stopwatch can do this for practical reasons, but we are then changing what time means because we are now only looking at it in terms of evaluating some other dependent variable. — Zolenskify
Say that we are now counting these "spaces" instead of the rocks. That "space" just becomes the object we are counting. — Zolenskify
So swapping these two objects still allows for my argument to hold. Thank you for these thoughts. — Zolenskify
counting models that do not start at zero are very counter-intuitive for me — Dawnstorm
if I count 2 rocks do I count from 0 to 2 or from 1 to 2 — Dawnstorm
rocks = 0 while rocks <= 2: print(rocks) rocks += 1
rocks = 1 while rocks <= 2: print(rocks) rocks += 1
rocks = 0 while rocks <= 2: rocks += 1 print(rocks)
rocks = 1 while rocks <= 2: rocks += 1 print(rocks)
rocks = 0 while rocks < 2: rocks += 1 print(rocks)
rocks = 1 while rocks < 2: rocks += 1 print(rocks)
rocks = 0 while rocks < 2: print(rocks) rocks += 1
rocks = 1 while rocks < 2: print(rocks) rocks += 1
And the fact that one piece of code counts "correctly" and the other "incorrectly" (like ChatGPT says) begs the question as to why one is right and the other wrong, which is the thread's topic. — Lionino
rocks = 0 # beginning at 0 while rocks < 2: rocks += 1 print(rocks)
There is nothing correct or incorrect about the output, it is just the way you programmed it and how Python works. — Lionino
rocks = 0 # beginning at 0 while rocks < 2: rocks += 1 print(rocks)
rocks = 1 # beginning at 1 while rocks < 2: rocks += 1 print(rocks)
The statement that some infinities are bigger than others comes from set theory. The OP talks about infinities in the context of counting procedures. These are two different concepts of infinity. — DanCoimbra
That's not Hilbert's paradox. — Michael
If there is no end to something, how can another thing with no end be twice as large as it? Don't they both have no ends? — Philosopher19
The first one is the sentence “The sun is yellow”, and the second one is “this sentence is false”. — Skalidris
I have multiple questions that need answering. — an-salad
First, if there are infinite whole numbers, and there are infinite decimals between 0 and 1, and there are infinite decimals between 0.1 and 0.12, does that mean that infinity itself is infinitely infinite infinitely (etc.) ? — an-salad
Also, will there be a manned mission to m87 by 2030? — an-salad
What if u brought a talisman from Cambodia? — an-salad
Also, Ive never left Chicago in my life. How is it different out there? — an-salad
Is the sky purple? — an-salad
Are there dinosaurs? — an-salad
Are there three large moons? — an-salad
Thnx for your answers in advance. :3 — an-salad