Does Camus make sense?
Ad Hominem = To the Person (Latin). there is no ad hominems here as both authors are dead. Also i did not attack any of their philosophical arguments by calling them idiots merely expressing my view on the significance of their thought on western philosophy. It was a simple ranking exercise.
Now you came along this thread and tried arguing with a dead man by picking up the quote I posted from Kierkegaard and in your infinite wisdom either expect me to defend a dead man’s logic (btw there is no defence required on my part as his paragraph is watertight and you don’t understand what he’s actually saying so you try to nit pick it logical inconsistentcies where there are also none) or expect him to rise from the dead.
To re-iterate I have not committed the ad-hominem fallacy as you suggest by downplaying the importance of their work.
I thought I’d point the topic in its rightful direction as the point on the matter was made.