
  • Philosphical Poems

    . Have a taste of this ...

    But, and If ...

    The outer sky is the outer sky;
    But, and if it is not the expression of our inner sky?
    But, and if it is not an outer symbol, a direction, an insight leading to our innermost core?

    The clouds are the clouds;
    But, and if it is not a subtle sign from God, whispering about the messy state of our inner sky, filled by thoughts.

    Adam and Eve were expelled of the Kingdom of God;
    But, and if God did it compassionately, with no hatred?
    But, and if God was trying to indicate that innocence and not knowledge is the doorway to truth, to awe, to tao?
    But, and if God was trying to say to Adam:" You shall reborn again, innocently not knowledgeable, to enter into the Kingdom of God."
    But, and if human beings are born as Adam's, fragile flowers, whose winds of knowledge take them away from Heaven to Hell?

    Jesus is God;
    But, and if Jesus is not God.
    But, and if Jesus is just a finger pointing to the moon, pointing to the formless form reality, pointing to the thought of no thought, pointing to the voiceless voice of truth?

    The serpent is the Devil;
    But, and if the Devil and God are just one?
    But, and if Man is God when the cycles of rebirth are finished, and he turns to pure consciousness, just a pure mirror, just a crystal lake reflecting the moon shape?
    But, and if Man is Devil when he is far away from his being, when he thinks that which he is not, when he is just a cloud of thoughts, occluding the sun rays coming from his heart source?

    If is if;
    But, and if if's can be reality?
    But, and if if's are the hidden truth?
    But, and if if's are the hidden truth, trying to waking up that whose dream has become vigil and that whose vigil has become a dream?
  • Are we “free” in a society?
    . You can be free anywhere ...

    . Unless you're attached to anything ... your Life is a celebration ... you ... live in utter freedom ...

    . You can be free in society ... Yes ... but ... you cannot identify yourself with any social bound or condition ... otherwise ... you would be stuck on the society shackles ... on the society traps ...

    . In order to be a ... human being ... you shall be free ...

    . Inevitably ... you'll be in society. It's impossible being out of society. Even if you go to the himalayas ... you'll carry out ... with you ... the social conditions in your mind ... as a subtle ... autohypnosis ... that society has been giving to you ... since your birth ...

    . Out of intelligence ... freedom is possible ... even ... in a repressive mean ... even ... in a repressive environment ... Why is it so?

    . Because ... freedom comes from within ... friend ...

    . Nobody can take you out ... You ... as such ... are freedom ...

    . It's your very birth right ...

    . Once upon a time ... Buddha was recorded for saying - "Even in Hell ... I'll be well."