Who do you still admire? @Thorongil
Yor point about eternal hell does araise serios questions about procreation. If it is in anyway possible that two people may create a new consince that will be damed to an eternity of suffering it does not seem moral in anway to permit that action.
But to believe that one is condemed to eternal suffering one must first believe in God, Christian or otherwise, I will merely focus on the Christian standpoint, since it is the one being talked about. The christian doctrine states that God is an all loving being. God loves every individual so much that he was willing to sacrafice his son so that or sins may be forgiven etc etc
My question is what kind of "All loving God" condemns anyone to an eternity of suffering? Either no one shall go to hell or God is not "All loving". If the former we have nothing to fear, in fact it might even be a moral act to raise children. But if the Later; in everysingle way it would be Immoral and wrong to bring a new conscience to this earth. If God were Condemning i would rather Suffer eternity in hell than to live in heaven with an evil God.
My conclusion is that afterlife does not exist, but since this has shattering implications to the foundations of almost all religion i shall not delve into the third alternative. (Unless asked).