
  • Ontology of Time

    Maybe we measure oscillation. Not time.

    So a duration of time like 10 seconds is number of ocsilations .
    Each oscillation exists in a physical moment.
    They don't exist simultaneously.

    10 meters is in fact ...10 meters.

    Not the same kind of measurements.
  • Ontology of Time

    I think you are saying we should question if time exists. I might agree that it does not in a physical sense.
    Physical matter is just something I see as more fundamental and a better starting point than our perseption of time...that reduces to mental content

    And our perseption of time isn't just one thing.
    We use clocks, calendars, and physical models in different ways. An engineer might have practical reasons to use time in his math equations but a theoretical physicist might not.

    So mind emerges from matter.
    Mind is secondary so start the problem with physical matter as primary. That identifies the constraints of everything operating in the physical present.
  • Ontology of Time
    Does physical matter exists?
    That's a better starting point because it's more basic than a concept of time.

    Start with matter exists to build a model of time.
    Physical matter exists as we observe it...
    And only in the present.
    Information exists as Instantiated mental content.
    Brains composed of matter that process mental content.
    So time exists as mental content.
    Brain; ( perception of time ).

    That means nothing can physically exist outside the present moment.

    But like some have mentioned, the concept of time is useful.
    Understanding it seems a basic task of philosophy.

    We should expect to see different time models in different applications.

    Brain; (time model #1)
    Brain; (time model #2)
    Brain; (time model #3)

    And so on.
  • Mathematical platonism
    Notation might help with the idea of Platonism.
    Is it physical or non-physical?

    Let's say,
    Physical is notated by square brackets...[ x ]
    Non-physical by parenthesis....( o )
    A grouping required for existence by braces..{ a;b }

    (Mathematical Platonism),
    Is notation for non-physical Platonism.
    { ( Mathematical Platonism) },
    Is the notation for existence with no requirement for physical form.

    Probably not viable.

    A brain being physical is [ Brain ]
    A Brain with non-physical content is,
    [ Brain ]; ( Mathematical Platonism )

    And giving it the designation of existing...
    { [ Brain ]; ( Mathematical Platonism ) }

    Another variation?
    { [ Unknown physical phenomenon ];
    ( Mathematical Platonism) }.

    I like the Brain; ( non-physical ) form.

    I could try some others

    (Mind)...creates...[ Matter ]. ???

    { [ Matter ] }...{ [Brain]; (non-physical content) } is emergent and exists.

    Any more?
  • Mathematical platonism
    The Russell Paradox was covered on this forum ...maybe a few times.
    Something that applies to Mathematical Platonism is the unrestricted comprehension principle.
    For me, Mathematical Platonism just leads to paradoxes. It leaves the door open for all sorts of problems.

    I think mathematical objects can contradict.

    Brains; (mathematical object 1)
    Brains; (mathematical object 2)

    No problems....they both exist as mental content.

    They exist in the standard form of brains instantiating non-physical objects
  • Mathematical platonism

    It might just be that our mental process is so effortless that we ignore it.

    So existing or not existing is one question.
    Platonism as an abstraction doesn't exist.
    Mental content does physically exist.

    Rules that exist in mental content can be valid or invalid. But as mental content they both physically exist.
  • Mathematical platonism

    Just looking at what I wrote, maybe multiple forms of mental content are nessecary to deal with numbers.
    The number 7 could be a pure number, or a unit of something, like a length, area or volume on and on.
    So numbers as mental content are dynamic and modified as needed by mental process.

    That exists by observation so why does some secondary Platonic form need to exist?
    One form isn't enough?
  • Mathematical platonism

    The "All in one's head" model is a thing known to physically exist.
    Brain; (Numbers)
    Brain; (Numerical laws)

    And numbers just as non-physical abstractions doesn't have an explanation.
    Give it a try if that's your position.
    Prove it.
  • Mathematical platonism
    Mathematical Platonism.
    So platonism is the idea abstractions exist.
    I don't see how abstractions as non-physicals can exist. If they are non-physical they don't exist. What is the alternative?

    If abstractions are mental content that's different and it should be acknowledged. And the infinitesimal as mental content is one possibility out of many.

    Brain; ( number system 1 )
    Brain; ( number system 2 )
    Brain; ( number system 3 )
    And so on.
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”
    So the logic is given memories of the past are know to be not physical then consciousness is known to have non-physical components supported by brain biology. To me that's where the logic leads.
    Chalmers didn't do anyone any favors in setting up the hard problem.
    I just disregard him.
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”
    How did quantum mechanics come up?

    Neurons have 100 trillion atoms so I don't see the mechanism of consciousness at the atomic or quantum level at all.
    ...just neurons operating at the scale of neurons seems to be the right scale of consciousness.

    And consciousness has a non-physical component.

    If you recall what you were doing ten years ago that is part of your personal consciousness.
    The physical reality of ten years ago doesn't exist.
    It's just a memory. Non-physical information.
    I think most of us would classify a memory as both information and a component of consciousness.
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”

    I might tend to physicalism, but if you are saying our mental worlds are what drives thing... I do agree.
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”

    You really do believe information exists outside a physical form?
    A piece of information?

    A non-physical that exists with no physically supporting mechanism?

    And all the various media have interactions with brains as a common denominator. The 'piece of information' doesn't move supernaturally from media to media but brains always guide the process.
    It really is a chain of physical events in all cases of information transfer.

    A printed page is just physical pattern.
    Brains are involved encoding and decoding.
    Just identify brains as supporting non-physical content in the process and things work fine with no mystery elements like unsupported "information".

    Information and consciousness are both physically Instantiated non-physicals. It's the only possibility. Seems like a common theme with overlap between information as it exists and consciousness.
    Mostly a problem of definitions, boundaries and semantics at the fundamental level.....
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”

    There aren't a lot of options.

    Physical matter exists or not.
    Non-physicals exist or not.
    Physically instantiated non-physicals exist or not.

    Do you have alternatives?
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”

    I don't think I follow any conventional dualism.
    It's just forced on us that non-physicals need to be paired with physical brains.
    If we can't use non-physicals we don't have normal time perception or understanding of distant events. It would only be here and now.

    I can't see anyway concepts could predate brains.
    How? There isn't a physical mechanism.
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”

    It might be human nature to think our own mental world is more real than it really is. So I think, gives a good perspective. But a lot of it is real so brains keep us safe too....
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”

    Not sure.
    It's real in the sense that a brain must physically configure and process specific content.
    But other than that the content has no physical form.
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”

    Yes. Pretty sure. Without exception.

    Addition: Instantiated is a better word and is what I meant.
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”

    My version is:
    Physical things exist.
    Non-physical things do not exist.
    Physically contained non-physicals do exist.
    Or mental content....

    For example the future doesn't physically exist.
    But the idea of the future does exist as mental content.

    It would be hard to build a model of consciousness without physically contained non-physicals.

    For you the question is in what form do non-physical things exist? If physical matter isn't involved there is no physical form.
    But as a concept a non-physical always is mental content so is physically contained.
    It seems relevant...and a starting point...for understanding consciousness.
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”

    My main point is that the hard problem really is a secondary problem. The question of physically contained non-physicals is primary to understanding consciousness.

    So it doesn't take place in the dark, in your sleep or when you are dead because all the biological functions need to be in place for consciousness to be fully developed.

    Not sure what in the dark means? Unconscious?
  • Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”
    The hard problem of consciousness.
    It might not really be that fundamental to philosophy.

    Try starting with a more fundamental idea
    Do physical and non-physical things exist.
    I think if we assume physical things exist the next question is how non-physical things can exist.
    They can't by definition.
    Non-physical, to me, means non existent.
    So a good approach is to identify non-physicals as physically contained non-physicals.
    Brains holding mental content.

    That gets closer to what consciousness is.
    Not just any type of physical matter, but the special case of brains holding non-physical content.
    And examining the context we see full input and output capabilities, connections with the biological organism, location in space and time, that is fully consistent with what consciousness is.

    So what consciousness is, and other things like information, can be understood by using the idea of physically contained non-physical objects.
    Not sure that's news, but maybe to some. In anything Chalmers related, consciousness refers to brains in a physical state.
  • Identity of numbers and information

    I agree that numbers and information have something in common.

    So, numbers physically exist as,
    Brain; (numbers)
    And, information physically exists as,
    Brain; (information)

    The general form is,
    Brain; (a non-physical thing)

    So as far as identity of numbers and information...they are associated with a physical location and time of a physical brain...always.
    And they have the mental content consistent with what brains can do.

    Numbers and information are not non-physical without support...but only exist as a physically supported non-physicals.

    Any Claude Shannon reference is going to cause confusion
    Is it physical, non-physical or physically supported non-physicals? I assume anything with Shannon information theory is physical only.
    Entropy doesn't apply to non-physicals or physically supported non-physicals.

    How does Shannon information even deal with a non physical things such as the past or future?
    Our brains do it all the time, so something different is going on. More than a physical signal in our brains...
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.
    So for me...being a head in the sander....on the issue of Arbitrary Transfers....really isn't an option.

    So let's move on with Arbitrary Transfers.

    Is democracy a haven for AT activity?
    Vote your interests?
    Promote the policy that moves money your way?
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    You.mentioned taxes.
    We know what we pay but not were exactly it goes. And it diminishes as it is distributed.

    So taxes and transfer payments are part of arbitrary transfers.

    If it's not philosophy to you ...fine.
    Maybe we are lucky or unlucky and transfers play a part.
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    People will.have different perspectives on arbitrary transfers.

    Let's try three catagories.

    Only Payers Out of AT's,
    Net income = (earned income) minus (AT out).

    Both Payers.Out and Benifitiaries of AT's,
    Net income = (earned income) plus (AT's in) minus (AT's out).

    Only Benifitiaries of AT's
    Net income = (earned income) plus (AT's in).

    A fourth catagory would be people not in any form of AT economy. Not a big group.

    So perspectives will follow the group you are in.
    Most of us are both Payers out and Benifitiaries.
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    To me, defense budgets are another category.
    But AT principles apply.
    Are we paying for something without a return or is the alternative an impossibility?
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    Add HOA's to the list.
    Some might be well run but others might exploit.
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    Arbitrary because transfer payments are not direct payments.
    A taxpayers has an involuntary commitment, the government sets policy and allocates and the beneficiarys need to be qualified.
    Or the benefit could be funded by debt and the final payers are unknown.

    And in cases like markups the arbitrary transfer is a variable factor in price.

    Arbitrary Transfers come in many forms but are identified by a transfer of funds or resource with no benefits in return.

    So in specific cases, like welfare the benefits can be targeted.
    Property taxes are an arbitrary funding method as all beneficiaries are not property owners. Such as large proportions of school funding by property taxes.

    Arbitrary because not all players have control...
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.
    What about dying with liabilities and no assets.
    That's an arbitrary transfer.

  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    I hadn't thought of remittances.
    That is a big one.

    Ok, people work in a wealthy nation, earn a wage and send a portion back to their home country.

    The portion sent back is an arbitrary transfer.
    If the worker works for.less than prevailing wages, the difference could be an arbitrary transfer in favor of the employer. Appears to be voluntary on the part of the worker or the best option.
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    I did see economics wasn't listed as a subject heading.

    We'll see want turns up.
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    Philosophical question:
    Are arbitrary transfers a philosophical question?

    Describe why arbitrary transfers are philosophically significant:
    Arbitrary Transfers such as transfer payments are political decisions and involve moral judgement.

    But I thought it was an interesting topic.
    It might have some usefulness in understanding the economy and varying perspectives.

    Are you critical of the subject, 180 Proof?
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    So you are opposed to arbitrary transfers?
    Transfer payments?
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    What my point is, if you use Arbitrary Transfers as a tool to understand the economy you will see things you missed before.

    Let's say a consumer buys a 15 dollar toaster.
    Consumers buy blind without knowing what the markup is. So by thinking in terms of arbitrary transfer the over view is the consumer paid 11 dollars NT and 4 dollars AT.

    Something a consumer is likely unaware of.
    So the retailers profit is the 4 AT dollars and is the beneficiary.
    The consumer was willing to pay 15 dollars that included a 4 dollar AT. The consumer has a 4 dollar AT cost burden.

    All useing my original example of a 10 dollar wholesale toaster and an 11 dollars NT cost from the retailer.

    It's just a tool to use...
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    I can speculate on China...Not sure but with centralized control it's possible that what would be corporate profits (AT dollars) in the US, might end up in central government control in China.

    But the US economy has control features that are less than transparent.
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    I am suggesting to be more aware of Arbitrary Transfers.
    So in the US economy the organizations that can capture the most arbitrary transfer dollars will do the best. It might be obvious but profits tend to accumulate in certain sectors of the economy and Arbitrary Transfers can drive profitability.
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    Political donation might be a special case of Arbitrary Transfers.
    Is something gotten in return or is it really a donation with no return?
    Tens of millions now days...
  • Politics, economics and arbitrary transfers.

    It may or may not be a disadvantage.
    But I was thinking about opportunity cost.
    Production could bring high return but the social programs wouldn't get done.
    So supporting or not supporting social programs is a political perspective.

    Arbitrary Transfers (AT)
    Can work against consumers...
    Here's an example,

    A toaster costs 10 dollars wholesale.
    A retailer marks it up to 11 and sells to a consumer.
    The 11 dollars is the nessecary transfer (NT) for the transaction to occur.

    If the retainer sells for 12 dollars, the price could be understood as 11 dollars (NT) and 1 dollar (AT).

    That means the consumer was the burden bearer of the AT and the retailer was the beneficiary.

    So with arbitrary transfers, it's not just a point of view but a need to understand the concept.
  • Nothing to something is logically impossible
    If energy is involved, that too could propagate opposite the arrow of time.

    I suspect that is the case given the logic of the problem.
  • Nothing to something is logically impossible
    Here what I came up with to explain back propagation through time.

    t0 to t3
    t1 to t4
    t2 to t5
    t3 to t6
    t4 to t7
    t5 to t8
    t6 to t9
    t7 to t10
    t8 to t11
    t9 to t12

    These are ranges of clock time at quantum scale.
    A range of time has physical events that coexist in the time range.

    A physical event at t3 could effect t0 because they coexist.

    A physical event at t12 can not directly effect t0.

    However, if a signal can form a chain of physical matter that can transmit a signal, it may be possible to back propagate between t12 and t0.

    In theory, a signal back propagating in matter could, as time progressed from the big bang, have been back propagating from a future state to the big bang era.

    So retro causality could be involved in the big bang era.

    A signal needs a physical carrier so the carrier would be things that exist at the quantum scale.