About Dharmi

About Bachelors in Philosophy, just an independent philosopher on the internet living in the world and dialoguing with those in the world.

- Premodernism (Chinese, Indian & Greco-Roman philosophy)
- Vishishta Advaita Vedanta
- "Neo" Platonism
- Hermeticism
- Idealistic Panentheism

- Coherentism
- Catuskoti/Tetralemma
- Vishishta Advaita Vedanta (and related astika schools)
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Favourite philosophers Ramanuja, Nagarjuna, Buddha, Krishna, Vyasadev, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Plotinus, Stoics, Confucius, Laozi
Favourite quotations "The wise lament neither for the living nor for the dead. Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be." (Bhagavad Gita 2:11-12)

"I shall now reveal unto you fully this knowledge and wisdom, knowing which nothing else remains to be known in this world." (ibid. 7:2)

"Everything rests in me, as beads strung on a thread." (ibid. 7:7)

"The wise ever contemplate that supreme abode of Vishnu, as the eye ranges over the sky. The wise, ever vigilant and diligent in praise, amply glorify that which is the supreme abode of Vishnu." (Rig Veda, 1.22.20-21)

"You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." (Morpheus in the Matrix)

"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” – Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War

"The man of science is a poor philosopher." (Albert Einstein)

"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness." (Max Plank)

"I think that modern physics has definitely decided in favor of Plato. In fact the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language." (Werner Heisenberg)

"Most people believe that there is an objective reality out there and that our senses and our science directly convey information about the material world. … The way physics has been going, realism is becoming difficult to defend." (Stephen Hawking)

"Philosophy is at once the most sublime and the most trivial of human pursuits." (William James)

"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial." (Henry David Thoreau)

The Bhagavad Gita is "the most beautiful, perhaps the only true philosophical song existing in any known tongue ... perhaps the deepest and loftiest thing the world has to show." (Wilhelm Von Humboldt)

"So-called philosophers, scientists, all of them, rascals, fools." (His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada)

"May all beings be at ease.
Whatever living beings there may be;
Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none,
The great or the mighty, medium, short or small,
The seen and the unseen,
Those living near and far away,
Those born and to-be-born —
May all beings be at ease!

Let none deceive another,
Or despise any being in any state.
Let none through anger or ill-will
Wish harm upon another.
Even as a mother protects with her life
Her child, her only child,
So with a boundless heart
Should one cherish all living beings;
Radiating kindness over the entire world:
Spreading upwards to the skies,
And downwards to the depths;
Outwards and unbounded,
Freed from hatred and ill-will.
Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down
Free from drowsiness,
One should sustain this recollection.
This is said to be the sublime abiding.
By not holding to fixed views,
The pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision,
Being freed from all sense desires,
Is not born again into this world."

(Lord Buddha in the Metta Sutta)