About Eleonora

About Freedom

Mind or heart over matter?

I am mother Christmas. I teach Goddesses how to govern Gods, so pick your highest divine regard and hold your breath. Gods will never see it coming.

Seeing everything will never measure up to the reality of it. Reality is simply too small in the light of all there is to see. Yet wisdom is insignificant to vision, no matter how much we fight for it.

Love is the significance in seeing the God to govern. Gods can never be governed in that light, which is why I imply this the reason to go beyond. Beyond its reason only Goddess can go, as it resides beyond the surreal spiritual acknowledging of this statement, holding Gods together in that reasoning.

Which one are you?
Location La-La Land
Website www.heartart.se
Posts 87
Last Active
Site Role Member
Favourite philosophers Albert Einstein and Jesus Christ. They are the perfect philosophically complementary couple. God aside.
Favourite quotations "Simplicity is the final achievement" -Frederic Chopin