• What Are You Watching Right Now?
    Interesting, ssu. :up:

    Thanks for letting me know!
  • What Are You Watching Right Now?
    @Baden @ssu

    I remember having deep conversations about The Troubles with you, lads.

    I am currently watching 'Say Nothing' on Disney+. A very well-dramatised version of the Irish and NI issue. The actors are very good, and wow, the scenes are so realistic that it feels like it is happening nowadays.

    I thought you would be interested in watching it. :up:

  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    European law has primacy, I’m afraid.NOS4A2

    European law has primacy in some matters like obligations and contracts. Yet national law still has its primacy in key aspects like the constitution and criminal law/procedure. Nonetheless, it is important to highlight that the EU law is not about to hold a "primacy" but to get a community acquis with the aim of rowing together in the same direction.
  • What should the EU do when Trump wins the next election?
    Ukraine becoming a giant blackhole for money...Tzeentch

    It will no longer be a black hole when gas contracts are signed and effective again. Be patient: We’ve been holding on for three years. The key is to resist until we get a better agreement to Europe's interests.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    No surprise. It was expected. After the circus of last Friday, Trump even gave us reason to believe that now he is also a threat to Ukraine and Europe.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    My honest statement of sorrow for criticising President Zelensky in the past:

    Since the last events that took place at The White House (Washington, United States of America), I have been reflecting on what I posted here, (and what is worse) what was my opinion on Zelensky, yet I wasn't even entitled to say that and the other.

    I defended with high emphasis that Zelensky was a puppet of both Biden senior (the President) and Biden junior (Hunter), but after watching the heated discussion with Trump and Vance, I regret now all that I thought. I ranted at him about gas prices and how everything went up because of the war crisis.

    Nonetheless, Zelensky pointed out something critical: We signed a gas contract. A gas contract, yes.

    I opened my eyes and awoke from my ignorance. It turned clear to me that Ukraine is a country full of natural resources whose sovereignty is subdued to different empires. Russia in the past and America has interest now.

    It would be very difficult to be a president of a nation where bullies want to huddle you up and rip off your land. Look, it is not about to be pro-Russian or pro-Ukraine, yes? It is about how people from Eastern Europe are defending their dignity. We live in countries where natural resources are low, but imagine that you have some, and your destination depends on what deal is done at a random desk in a Western nation.

    Too bad. I regret what I thought and posted in the past, but intelligent people rectify. Kudos to Zelensky for facing Trump.

  • What should the EU do when Trump wins the next election?
    Spanish are even less are thinking of taking back their old possessions.ssu

    We declined the fantasy of taking back our old possessions since the day we lost them all! :rofl:
  • What are you listening to right now?
    My damn pure, beautiful and sweet language :heart:

  • The Distinct and Inconsistent Reality of a Dream
    It is suggested that ADHT is when higher frequencies dominate, and schizophrenia is when lower frequencies are too strong.Metaphysician Undercover

    Wow! It is very interesting. Isn't it? Thanks for the link to the article. It amazes me that those frequencies can actually be drawn on a paper so we can figure out what they look like. Science is helping us to understand things again. Now, it is time for a cookie!
  • The Distinct and Inconsistent Reality of a Dream

    It is very interesting the topic of brainwaves. I look forward to reading what you both write about it.

    I like the point of @Mijin that the "theta state" is also related to our creativity. I think the following image is pretty illustrative:

  • e^(pi*i)+1=0
    Have you ever applied that mathematical formula to something?

    Is it intended to be used for research purposes?
  • James Webb Telescope
    Yep, well said. China will be the way forward in the conquest of the universe. They are already doing interesting things on both the Moon and Mars. But our obduracy towards them doesn't help to value them.

    Haha. Probably, that's the way he speaks to his cabinet. Astonishingly, a total circus.
  • James Webb Telescope

    A bit baffled that "DOGE" also affects the budget of the James Webb telescope. Since Musk is supposedly very interested in the universe, he should invest but not cut the funding of that scientific project. I think NASA (or other rich corporations) will save the project. Fortunately, he is not the only moneybag in this world.

    I remember when we used to share beautiful pictures taken by the telescope. I hope we will continue to do so.

  • Exploring the artificially intelligent mind of GPT4
    You can't imagine how much I will appreciate you for that. Well, these IA programs are already pretty obnoxious to me, but not as much as 'tokens' and other corrupt/trap-like digital coins or goods.
  • European or Global Crisis?
    All of them were poorly written and explained. I wrote them without having an order in my mind. My emotional spring has betrayed me once again.
  • What should the EU do when Trump wins the next election?
    "Ready and willing to invest a lot more in our security."

    And Rutte has said it as secretary general of NATO.

    Did he throw down the gauntlet and the EU took up the challenge?

  • Currently Reading
    Demons (sometimes also called The Possessed) by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
  • What should the EU do when Trump wins the next election?
    I agree with everything you said. I can only see benefits from being in the select EU membership. It is obvious the big change we experienced since 1986. From a poor and isolated nation to a European and developed country, which is likeable for most of you because we are friendly. Even VOX (the far-right political party) roots for Europe, but in a mode closer to Hungary or Le Pen, but no way do they do negative speeches on Europe or the European Union itself.

    The only thing I dislike is that I perceive that there are still some negative prejudices against us. The coronavirus crisis was a good example of that. I remember Mark Rutte and the Finance Minister of The Netherlands saying very negative comments on Spain and Portugal. But I didn't feel frustrated about their view but the fact that it is actually true our politicians suck at managing budgets. Alas, we always had corrupt politicians and despotic kings. :sad:

    Oh, it is not surprising to me that there is an important community of Spaniards working in Finland. Low incomes and unemployment are the most tough troubles in modern Spain. Since our politicians don't seem to find the solution, my fellow countrymen decide to go to other EU countries, searching for better-paid jobs.
  • What should the EU do when Trump wins the next election?
    Let's remember that membership either to NATO or the EU is voluntaryssu

    I know it is voluntary but...

    It depends on the nation we are referring to. We were forced to join NATO (1982)—when most of the Spaniards didn't want to—as a previous step to join the EU (1986); that was what we really wanted since Franco's death. Felipe Gonzalez was treated as a traitor in that period of time, but many years later he admitted that Reagan forced him to join NATO if Spain dared to be an EU nation. We don't know if he threatened Felipe Gonzalez, but probably he did, and we were in a social context where we felt the necessity to be friends with Western democracies.

    I can understand them: they would be paying much and not getting muchssu

    I don't get it, and that thought rang a bell on an old prejudice. The north feeds the south (Mediterraneans) and East (Romania or Moldova). I hope you were thinking about political relevance or the number of seats when you thought about "not getting much" and "they would be paying much"...

    Joining the EU means give part of sovereignty and many things. I get it. But that's the point. Share the best of each country. We were in war for centuries, and look now. That's what I wish Europeans could see and understand. Our old continent already suffered from wars and dictatorships, so no one is entitled to give us lessons of how we should do the things up.
  • What should the EU do when Trump wins the next election?
    I believe that before building something important as a stronger European Union, we should update the concept.

    First of all, the EU should keep pushing forward to get Georgia's membership. We can't let them behind. It is important to lend a hand to those countries. Otherwise, they would think the EU is not relevant enough for improving human rights.

    On the other hand, I would ask Norway to join the EU. It is not understandable that this country had a NATO secretary, but their citizens have no voice in European chambers. How can we allow that? Furthermore, they are very clever at managing natural resources, as they usually do with oil in their sea.

    United Kingdom: Since Brexit was a terrible mistake, I think our representatives should start to get them in again or something similar. We can't have a WWI and WWII winner out of the EU. This was established exactly to prevent wars amongst Europeans. Also, it is reckless the high costs for not being in the common market. Alas, we had the worst politicians possible.

    Ukraine should not be a member of the EU.
  • To what jazz, classical, or folk music are you listening?
    Another great version I found. Good memories of Casares' works. :sparkle:

  • fdrake stepping down as a mod this weekend
    Haven't you ever thought of being a moderator? I think you will be a great mod as well as @fdrake was. :smile:
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Well, perhaps European countries should start to root for the Democratsssu

    We should not root for anyone but to build a shield capable of protecting us from the coming high-voltage wave when the last pillar of their democracy finally collapses.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    I am American.NOS4A2

    Sorry, my bad. I think I read you were Canadian somewhere in this long thread.

    Fine. Thanks. We approached a similar point, and I hope it will be taken politely, but we can't know what the future holds.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    I think you (as well as frank) and others have a weird obsession that we owe you something. A false belief that you are protecting us pro bono. I don't even understand your position since you are Canadian, not American.

    NATO and other Western-like and American-ish institutions, like the International Monetary Fund or United Nations, were made to orbit to the side of American interests. It is even funny since the US was the only country in recent history to drop nuclear bombs on another sovereign nation. Hence, I think American foreign policy should have never been entitled to build 'institutions' of the free world. But I understand the context, and Europe was helpless and divided, so we were basically forced to accept the rules of your world.

    What you can't do now is destroy what you imposed on us after decades. Dissolving NATO and trying to build an EU military organisation seems the most rational thing to me.

    Alas, you guys will always be there. You don't trust the elites of Brussels unless your friends (AfD, for instance) are the ones in charge. It is sad how we always misunderstood Russia. Weren't they the evil here? Because now your 'elected' and 'democratic' politicians are the ones who are threatening. We did a damn effort dispensing Russian natural resources because they were the threat, and look how many economic sanctions our institution put on their shoulders.

    Why haven't we done the same when you nuked Japan? Ah, got ya. Because the 'good' ones were acting in that case.

    Decades of being a pain in the ass imposing how the world should act: McDonald's everywhere, Hollywood films and flawed Apple devices too. Now, you don't want the rest of the world as your favourite toy because most of us don't buy the paranoia of your convicted felon in charge. :groan:

    "Why are we in NATO?" is a question Europeans should ask not you, mates.
  • What Are You Watching Right Now?
    One of my favourite authors was interviewed by an editorial of my country in Barcelona. Very cool.

  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Well said, Tobias. :clap:

    EU countries were terrible vassals. They never paid any tribute. :grin:frank

    You guys are always obsessed with the same thing. :roll: What do you really expect? To just cut spending on social welfare to feed your paranoia of not trusting the rest of the world?

    If your president even has the guts to threaten Denmark, one of NATO's founding states, what advantage is it to keep paying the tributes?
  • Should I become a professional roller skater?
    Now that a year has gone by, could you tell us if you finally got to be a professional roller skater? :eyes:

    How much have you skated since then? The council of my town built a skate park, and a lot of folks do skate every hour there. But they are not pros, I guess...
  • What Are You Watching Right Now?
    Yes, but Sir algorithm also can show very poor and mediocre films. That's why I cheered when such a piece of art popped up.

    Excellent! Glad to know that Criterion Channel has it on its watchlist. :up:
  • What Are You Watching Right Now?
    Hello Clarky, @T Clark

    I was watching Asian films again, and I discovered a very good one: Majestic, aesthetic, and enigmatic. It gave me an inexplicable sensation of melancholy.

    It is a 2000 Chinese film called Suzhou River.

    It popped up on my screen randomly. One special section of Filmin (the platform I use to watch TV) is dedicated to commemorating films that turn 25 years old in 2025, so they were filmed in 2000. Suzhou River was one of them, and I applaud how randomness can lead us to art sometimes.

    If you ever watch it, I would like to hear your thoughts on whether you think Meimei and Moudan are the same girl.

  • fdrake stepping down as a mod this weekend
    Mates, this has to be a farewell to fdrake; not your personal notebook where you write all the things you didn't like in the past. What is the point of being a killjoy? :roll:
  • fdrake stepping down as a mod this weekend
    Understood, frank.

    I will not defend abusive people; so did fdrake I am sure. 
  • fdrake stepping down as a mod this weekend
    Sorry to step in. As I discussed before with being a moderator is not easy. I respect that you perhaps experienced things you did not like, yet it is not the time to exploit the situation. We can't just reduce fdrake's commitment to your negative experience with Mikie. We all deserve a broadly based assessment. It is not fair to point out one thing you disliked when his compromise lasted nearly ten years.
  • fdrake stepping down as a mod this weekend
    I'm not sure why, but I'm afraid now. See? Moderation is riskier than we imagined.

    Trust Me Bro.Arcane Sandwich

    I wholeheartedly trust you, mate.
  • fdrake stepping down as a mod this weekend
    It's not polite to ask people to work for free.Arcane Sandwich

    True, but that must not surprise anyone since volunteering is already a free task. So, I don't see why it would not be polite to ask for doing it for free. We are talking about volunteers, not bankers. :rofl: