More on Peirce's semiotic framework.....
In considering the
causality of semiosis in the experience of observing a sunset, we can recognize how signs and meanings unfold dynamically in this deeply layered (not fragmented, reduced, or separately bounded, as in nominalism or Platonism) process.
A sunset, in this framework, becomes a 'sign' in a triadic relation. ...
The so-termed 'object' is the physical manifestation of sunlight refracting through the atmosphere, scattering wavelengths (the genesis of this manifestation in the physical world regardless of it being perceived by an observer).
The 'representamen' is the appearance of the sunset 'as perceived' by the observer (a vibrant gradient of colors, shifting hues).
The 'interpretant' is the meaning or feeling derived (beauty, impermanence, awe, nostalgia, or other associations previously cognitively mapped by the observer's genetic and epigenetic influences of past events and experiences).
In the event taking place with the observer and the observed, the causality of semiosis arises as each layer interacts and influences the next. ... The object triggers the representamen (colors perceived), and the representamen provokes interpretive associations (symbolic, cultural, or personal meanings).
Semiosis unfolds in continuity. The perception of a sunset does not arise in isolation but is a dynamic folding and unfolding of causal influences. There is the biological continuum of shared human physiology (retina, optical processing) which conditions us to perceive colors like orange, red, and purple in specific ways. There is the cultural continuum of societal narratives around sunsets, such as associations with peace, endings, or transitions, shaping interpretive layers. There is the personal continuum of memory, emotions, and unique lived experiences that further mediate the meanings the observer assigns to the sunset. Each layer informs and reshapes the others in a recursive, evolving manner.
The causality in semiosis is temporal. ... In Firstness, the raw quality of the sunset emerges—its "whatness" (beauty, vividness, awe).
In Secondness, resistance is felt—"otherness" that confronts the perceiver (the reality of the sun setting as an irreversible event, signaling time passing). In Thirdness, mediation occurs—symbolic meanings and interpretations solidify (such as the sunset being a metaphor for closure, hope, or life’s cycles).
When we discuss or share a sunset’s meaning, semiosis becomes dialogic. ... We co-create meanings by exchanging 'interpretants', causing others to see aspects of the sunset they might not have otherwise perceived. ... Dialogue links subjective, cultural, and universal interpretations, reinforcing the interconnected momentum and continued Thirdness carried in the causality of semiosis.
Our perception is never static—it is emergent, layered, and reciprocal. Meaning is not merely assigned; it is discovered through the dynamic interplay of sensory, emotional, and cultural dimensions. Even universal manifestations like a sunset become individually significant, yet remain embedded in shared, relational contexts.
Peirce’s insights help us to understand how observing a sunset is a living process of semiosis. It is a causal event taking place between the world, the perceiver, and an evolution of shared meaning.
The living process of semiosis carries Thirdness like a river, creating a flow of meaning that is constantly mediated, evolving, and, at times, locking into autopoietic habits. This highlights Peirce's insight into the interplay between dynamism and stability in the universe of signs.
Thirdness represents the mediating principle, the law, the habit, or the general that connects Firstness (raw qualities) and Secondness (reactive resistance). And like a river, Thirdness carries the stream of evolving meaning, forming channels that guide perception, thought, and dialogue. These channels create continuity, ensuring that individual and cultural interpretations are not random but part of an ongoing process of relational emergence.
Autopoiesis refers to the self-creating and self-maintaining processes that define systems, including semiotic systems. And as semiosis unfolds, certain patterns of thought, interpretation, and meaning can crystallize into habits, stabilizing the flow of Thirdness.
For example, cultural narratives about sunsets (such as, "a sunset symbolizes endings") can become habitual, shaping individual perceptions over generations. At the individual level, personal memories of sunsets can form emotional or cognitive habits (such as, associating sunsets with tranquility or loss).
While Thirdness as autopoietic habits provides structure and coherence, Thirdness remains inherently dynamic. ... The river of semiosis can shift its course, breaking old habits and forming new ones, depending on changing contexts, new dialogues, or unexpected encounters (Peirce's understanding of 'chance').
This is what allows semiosis to be creative but also potentially effected by habitual constraints, reflecting the evolving relationship between self, other, and the world.
Some habits are beneficial, providing meaning and stability; others may become rigid and limit new interpretations. ... Dialogue, reflection, and the introduction of new perspectives can dissolve old channels, allowing the river of Thirdness to carve new paths. ... This process is recursive—habit influences perception, and perception reshapes habit in a continuous loop of becoming.
And as for Nominalism...
Nominalism fractures and fragments the seamless flow of semiosis by denying the continuity that Thirdness represents. Instead of recognizing the interconnected and relational nature of meaning, nominalism isolates concepts, experiences, and signs into discrete, bounded entities, effectively breaking the dynamic interplay and continued flow of Thirdness of the semiotic process. ..... <<< More on this later