The internet eventually formed the best way for the stupid to be louder than the wise, and they are constantly loud because they have time for it as they do not engage with knowledge with the time and care that the wise are. — Christoffer
Please watch this YouTube video by Sabine Hossenfelder, and think about whether it applies to climate science. — Agree-to-Disagree
I thought this was my home.
— unenlightened
Not unless you own it. — Arcane Sandwich
Stupid behavior is often about putting the intelligence in the service of self interest, at the expense of the good. — EnPassant
This is a comment from Mikie to Agree-to-Disagree from a week ago: — frank
But, you can only get such a setting in your own home/on your own site. — Patterner
Then your point is that they should ban Agree-to-Disagree? — frank
I think he's the only person who posts on that that thread with any regularity (other than yourself). — frank
His posts aren't really bad enough for banning. — frank
Who makes the decision about whether something is nonsense or rubbish? You seem to think that you are entitled to make that decision. — Agree-to-Disagree
You want to be able to post anything that you want to, but you want to deny other people the same privilege. You want to delete people's posts that you disagree with or don't like. That sounds like the sort of thing that a dictator would do. — Agree-to-Disagree
Why not make a new thread devoted to climate change links, like a reddit style listing. — frank
The suggestion isn’t to prevent free expression, however ignorant, or to ban anyone— however deserving. — Mikie
Do you guys think the thread suggested demands an acceptance that one's ideology is the only one worth having, or do you distinguish it from this rule? — Hanover
He was on the forums talking a lot about how meaningless his life felt, asking others to convince him that life is worth living. (These forums are a really bad place to come for that! — petrichor
(All one ever encounters is the inside of the head) — PoeticUniverse
So how could my understanding of the issues change that in any way? Honest question. — Arcane Sandwich
I understand where you're coming from, yet I fail to see how I could improve such a situation in any meaningful way. — Arcane Sandwich added: “The focus must now be on a complete, sustainable transition away from a reliance on the use of neonicotinoids not just in agriculture, but also in pet flea treatments. This is a key source of chemical pollution in our waterways, with 10% of UK rivers found to contain toxic neonicotinoid chemicals.”
Do not slander the Ostriches with your foul metaphors. — Arcane Sandwich
Essentially, adaptation is the key to survival in a changing world, and failure to adapt leads to death and potential extinction. :scream: — Agree-to-Disagree
The British isles will freeze over. — frank
We’re seeing these effects at 1.1. Imagine 2.4. — Mikie
I think that your interpretation of what Herrington said is incorrect (what Herrington said is ambiguous). — Agree-to-Disagree
(my bold)Research by Herrington, a rising star in efforts to place data analysis at the center of efforts to curb climate breakdown, affirmed the bleaker scenarios put forward in a landmark 1972 MIT study, The Limits to Growth, that presented various outcomes for what could happen when the growth of industrial civilization collided with finite resources.
This one is made by Sabine Hossenfelder, the well known petrol-head who has a PhD in physics. — Agree-to-Disagree
(my bold)Our climate simulations led to the staggering conclusion that continued growth of ice melt will cause shutdown of the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean overturning circulations as early as midcentury and “nonlinearly growing sea level rise, reaching several meters in 50-150 years.”Footnote111 These results contrast sharply with IPCC conclusions based on global climate models. Growing freshwater injection in the Ice Melt model49 already limits warming in the Southern Ocean by the 2020s with cooling in that region by midcentury. In contrast, models that IPCC relies on have strong warming in the Southern Ocean. Observed sea surface temperature is consistent with results from the Ice Melt model,49 but inconsistent with the models that IPCC relies on (Figure 20).Footnote112
quantum computers are God! — frank
Herrington found that the data aligned with the predictions made back in 1972, which had a worst-case scenario of economic growth coming to a halt at the end of this decade and society collapsing around 10 years later.
The results were pretty terrifying — Agree-to-Disagree
(this is not an exhaustive list) — Agree-to-Disagree
James Hansen’s New Paper and Presentation: Global Warming Has ACCELERATED
Please donate to to support my research and videos connecting the dots on abrupt climate system mayhem.
James Hansen power point presentation link:
Dr. Pushker Kharecha power point slides and other scientists power point slides
Some key points to understand:
- the 1.5C target has already been surpassed
- with temperature increasing at an accelerated pace since 2010 of 0.36 C per decade (double the rate of rise from 1970 to 2010) we will gain an additional 0.5 in less than 15 years (15 year rise will be 0.36 x 1.5 equals 0.54 C) which will bring us above 2 C by 2040 at the latest
- climate sensitivity is 4.5 C for a doubling of CO2, much higher than the IPCC value of 3 C
- AMOC will likely collapse before 2050 due to fresh water hosing in the North Atlantic at much higher rates (double) than the value used in Hansen's previous paper
- last time AMOC shut down, global sea level rise went up several meters. Clearly, with an AMOC shutdown cooling the Arctic more heat builds up in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial regions, so Antarctica melt rate increases rapidly and dominates the reduced melt rate from Greenland glaciers
James Hansen scientific paper link:
Publisher link:
Actual paper link: