What is your claim here? That there is no variation in out behaviour? Or perhaps that we do not make choices? If either of these were true, then the question of "what ought we do?" is meaningless, because we just do as evolution dictates. — Banno
But you are now choosing whether and how to reply to this post. You remain confronted by choice.
What will you do?
You will choose. — Banno
But how is that empathy? — Vera Mont
It doesn't have to be dramatic; people also yawn when they see others doing it; a giggle fit can engulf the entire table. Mirror neurons firing at random. Still not empathy. — Vera Mont
Whatever. Gods have been used as stop-gap observations for lots of things we didn't know, and are still used as a explanation for misfortune, the weather, altruism and the supremacy of man over all of creation. — Vera Mont
And that is why humans can lie so much more elaborately and sustainably (sometimes an entire lifetime, sometimes even to themselves) than any other species. But false signals, feigning and play-acting are not exclusively human; we inherited the instinct and motivations to preverication from a long line of ancestors. — Vera Mont
Why should we do as evolution says? — Banno
Being able to read thoughts and feelings are very different attributes. Humans discern the thoughts of other humans through choice of words, tone of voice, body language, facial expression and the little 'tells' when we're bluffing or lying. — Vera Mont
cultural mannerisms — Vera Mont
read our emotions — Vera Mont
It has nothing to do with theory; — Vera Mont
Sneaking in the requirement to "fully understand" makes it exclusively human — Vera Mont
Like human mobs at a lynching or cattle in a stampede? No, that's not very much like empathy. — Vera Mont
It's one explanation. And gods are one explanation for why humans exist. We're good at making up explanations, either from fact or fantasy; other animals are not. That's another distinction to add to the list. — Vera Mont
We can read the thoughts and feelings of a fictional character from the speech and manner of an actor, while the actor himself thinks and feels quite differently. — Vera Mont
Clearly, you have never had a dog console you in grief or ask you anxiously why you are on the ground with your head in the kitchen cabinet. — Vera Mont
Much has been proposed about "God", usually without reference to all the various conceptions of deity in all the various cultures that invariably project some aspect of their own version of human onto their gods. — Vera Mont
we are animals in so many ways, it doesn't really make sense to say that we are "utterly" different from other species. — Ludwig V
Hilarious. A waste of money and a perversion of justice. A witch hunt, a hoax, a scam on Americans. — NOS4A2
A variant of the chariot of the passions - Phaedrus? — Banno
and now you are starting to do ethics... — Banno
Becasue it isthe right thing to do... — Banno
Evolution does not tell us what we ought do. — Banno
Yikes, really? We should have continued impregnating 12-year-old girls? — J
Consider the likelihood that human males are hard-wired to find girls (and often boys) sexually attractive from puberty on. What would the ethical conclusion be, here? Give in or fight against? — J
And it might well be that our moral duty is to fight against this supposed hard-wiring. — Banno
I'm happy to deny that people have an essence. It's an outmoded notion. — Banno
And that might be a good thing.. — Banno
how things are informs how they ought be, but cannot determine it. Put another way, regardless of how things might actually be, we might desire that they be otherwise, and act accordingly. — Banno
It is open to us to ask if we ought remain social. — Banno
As in, what is it about "ought" that "implies external judgement"? — Banno
"is it good to do those things which contribute to the group, and keep your place in it secure" is meaningful. — Banno
But being an outlier does not make them wrong, — Banno
Why not? — Banno
Why ought we survive? — Banno
What is good for the species must be good for the individual? How would that follow? — J
Take capital punishment, for example. Killing some people might be good for society, or the species, but how is it good for the individuals who are killed? — baker
"You will be killed for your own good, so now be happy with it" ...?? — baker
Or how about the state and medical professionals offering euthanasia as a "treatment option" ?? — baker
There are examples of folk who have turned their back on society and walked away. — Banno
Perhaps we ought fight the "hard wiring"... — Banno
Ought we try to become "the highest level of being human"; or ought we do what is good? — Banno
doubtful premises like ... "Evolution shows us what is good for the species" — J
So if I'm one of the ones it's not true for, then it's OK for me to choose to act selfishly? — J
Why in the world should I care about what happened millions of years in the past — J
should I care about "sustaining society" more than I care about looking out for Number 1? — J
And "we" don't care if all these peace, safety, and security come at the expense of the other group. — baker
Why should you or I or anyone else value “sustaining society” more than our own comfort or advantage? — J
Biology can inform ethics without ethics being reducible to biology. — Count Timothy von Icarus
And again, is the goal to achieve "the highest level of being human", or just to do what is right? — Banno
Life doesn't suck. As the spirit desires so it has — Gregory
Disregarding what lies beyond our control means separating between what we can and cannot control with a will to control (power) — Gregory
You never walked to the car knowing you would get there? Usually changes in routine happen gradually — Gregory
What does control over life mean? — Gregory
That might be so, but it is important not to conclude that what is the right thing to do is what makes you feel good. — Banno
But making plans in life implies we can predict the future with some accuracy — Gregory
If all is random how do we make decisions by predicting the future? Are you saying we have no control over our lives? — Gregory
There's this whole big area of reasoning that you are avoiding. — Banno
Ought we? — Banno
The point is that "one ought do good" is no more informative than "one ought do what one ought do" or "doing good is good". — Banno
we ought to do what is good just because it is good. What is good is what we ought do, and what we ought do is what is good. — Banno
There remains the logical gap between what we do and what we ought do. — Banno
The evolution of the Earth, over 4.6 billion years, has given rise to the laws and principles that regulate both the natural environment and our existence. — Seeker25
whereas genocide is simply an act contrary to evolution, — Seeker25
I am increasingly convinced that everything aligned with the trends of evolution is good, everything that opposes it is bad, and everything else is indifferent. It is precisely in this "indifferent" space that people must exercise their freedom. — Seeker25