
  • Things that aren't "Real" aren't Meaningfully Different than Things that are Real.
    Any thought you have exists as neurons in your brainHyper

    We need to understand the difference between structure and function.

    The neurons are the structure. "Thought" - i.e. your mind - is the function.

    It's electro-stimulation of the neurons that causes thought.

    Now, is it real? Pretty real to me. Is that not all that matters?
  • Things that aren't "Real" aren't Meaningfully Different than Things that are Real.
    between that of real and fakeHyper

    To me, this suggests the distinction between "true" and "false."

    That leads into a discussion of objective and subjective truth.

    I think the "real" incorporates both objective and subjective truth.

    I know my mother loves me. This is my subjective truth, it is real.
  • Can the existence of God be proved?
    The answer so much depends on your understanding of what God "is."

    If your belief is that he is a supernatural being, then, no, evidence will not be available to us in the earthly sphere. Science is limited to what can be observed and measured, and by its very definition the supernatural cannot be.

    But if you are a pantheist, like me, you see God in everything that exists. God is nature, God is the universe.