I had a dream once where I exited this universe. I was in this blackness — frank
Anyway, the point is that there's nothing clear about what's really going on. We have no clue. What drives you to believe this or that about determinism is emotion, not logic. — frank
This comment just speaks to your privilege. You didn't grow up in a cage, and so what feels like the sunshine of freedom to me just feels like a normal Tuesday for you.It doesn't make sense to me that the feeling of intention and agency you are referring to is the free will. — T Clark
An interesting article, but I don't think it really says anything about whether or not there is free will. Why is it significant that "the feeling of volition is simply a sensation that precedes certain activity, but not that it has special ontological status," in this context? — T Clark
This view of decision is inimicably Christian. The concept of will must be inherently unconstrained so that the horrible crap in the world can be our fault. That's what it's for. Free will gives humanity legislative authority over our own evils. — fdrake
All activities are carried out by the three modes of material nature. But in ignorance, the soul, deluded by false identification with the body, thinks of itself as the doer. — Bhagavad Gita 3.27
) Free will as a concept arose as a response to the theodicy. AFAIK this is just true. As a concept it was never meant to make sense of the human on its own terms, it was meant to make sense of our relationship with god and the world's evil. — fdrake
The "simple' is the One of Plato and the noumena of Kant. We create our realities. Many scientists believe the world is not actual until consciousness collapses the wave function. I doubt they can prove their interpretation, but it is a modern verson of Kant without Newton's Euclidean approach (which Kant was so obsessed with) — Gregory
Feelings are something that people exclude from God or Allah — Gregory
But live in your bubble where Trump is playing his 4D-chess, and enjoy the trade war he has started. — ssu
It's the Greek πίστις (pistis) - to have trust or confidence in something, could be towards God or towards another person among other things. — BitconnectCarlos
Faith is also the Hebrew אֱמוּנָה (emunah) which is a dynamic and fluid concept that's also multi-directional — BitconnectCarlos
After the exchange I had with Janus in the previous thread I planned to start a new thread discussing the two major issues I raised with him, i.e. 1) Are faith and intuition the same mental process and 2) Are they valid ways of knowing. I tried to write the OP for that proposed thread. I wrote it and rewrote it three times but I couldn't get it to come together. That's because my own thinking on the subject is muddled. I have lots of ideas but I can't get them to come together. — T Clark
Pretty simple syllogism, but the proselytizing on this platform by "believers" runs rampant in the constant defense of fallacious arguments. But know this... all of you who do require reason-based thought, have a severe lack of faith in God. — DifferentiatingEgg
Where do you think ‘caring’ comes from, a mysterious substance of ‘fellow feeling’? I like the enactivist definition of caring: — Joshs
Anticipating how our actions will be reacted to by others beings or even inanimate objects seems a necessary ability for any higher organism. That isn't what I mean by empathy though.We can’t function in society without an ability to anticipate to at least a minimal extent the behavior of others. — Joshs
Sociopathy doesn't relate to someone's ability to calculate outcomes. It relates to whether they care how it impacts others. Sociopaths often are very calculating and devious, fully appreciating how their behavior will lead to a particular result. A tree, for example, is not a sociopath, despite it fully meeting your requirement that it have no anticipatory modeling.The weakness of the sociopath is in the anticipatory modeling , not in a mysterious deficit of ‘fellow feeling’. — Joshs
A baby fully understands what "Mine!" means. She knows herself and you as the other. Anyway, if you're going down the road of describing childhood development and how all children are innately empathetic until they are taught otherwise, you're going to need some sources. Sharing is an important lesson we try to teach in childhood, meaning this idea of perfect citizens being born and only later corrupted is doubtful.We don’t want to treat the other as other. It doesn’t occur to us to do so unless a barrier rises preventing us from being able to assimilate their actions in a way that is recognizable to us and that doesn’t seem threatening and chaotic. — Joshs
We didnt evolve to have this capacity, as though empathy were a physiological gimmick. Empathy is just a sophisticated example of anticipatory sense-making, which is present even in the simplest organisms. To be a living creature is to function on the basis of norm-directed purposes, which requires anticipating events relative to those goals. We care about others to the extent that they are implicated in and enhance our purposes and goals. — Joshs
Using evolution to explain empathy is one way to blame the other for what we see as inadequate empathy (biological pathology). — Joshs
This opposite condition does not have a classification yet, mainly due to it being mostly just affecting the individual, compared to psychopathy which is mostly harmful against others. — Christoffer
Essentially we choose, and are genetically inclined, to empathize with some and not with others. — Metaphysician Undercover
think Holocaust denial is an oblique attack on Jews. It's meant to show disrespect. Climate change skepticism isn't an attack on anyone, though the deployer may be aware that it's a good way to get someone's goat. — frank
Not offered as anything authoritative - I think they are both wrong. But they are not the same. — Banno
Carlo Rovelli is right that time is coming from the way we perceive the universe, then time exists, it's just not what we often conceive it to be, that is, independent of us. — frank
It doesn’t seem surprising, given the range of hugely popular nostalgia-driven projects offered by figures like Jordan Peterson, Dr Iain McGilchrist and John Vervaeke. Isn’t there a recurring trope that since modernity the West has lost its way, thanks to humanism, scientism and post-Enlightenment decadence (particularly the dreaded post-modernism), and that we need to reacquaint ourselves with 'proper thinking' though the classical Western tradition and its values? — Tom Storm
I don't understand what you mean by eternal being and state. If the act of creation is necessary then the scenario in which the existence of God and the act of creation lay at the same point is feasible otherwise we are dealing with a scenario in which God as an agent is able to not create and this means that there is a situation in which only God exists. — MoK
P3) If so, then God is in an undecided state about the act of creation when only God exists
P4) If so, then the act of creation is only possible if God goes from an undecided state to a decided state — MoK
All moral questions boil down to one fundamental question that must be answered first, "Should there be existence?" — Philosophim
Ok. And what of a tradition which finds Justin Bieber referenced throughout the entire Bible? My question is: Are all interpretations equally valid/equally grounded in a reasonable interpretation of Scripture? Scripture that was written in a certain time and place. — BitconnectCarlos
Job never says that God is unjust or bad for the misfortune that befell him. He suffers acceptably. — BitconnectCarlos
Judaism rejects the corporeality of God. Regarding whether God makes verbal utterances we'd need to go the text on that one. I'm fairly certain he's described in the Bible as having a voice and I've never heard of any branch officially denying that he makes verbal utterances but I could be wrong. — BitconnectCarlos
I meant epistemic humility, as demonstrated through the book of Job. — BitconnectCarlos
But to judge God is a different matter. — BitconnectCarlos
God provides divine revelation in the bible that we can all work with. E.g. he interacts directly with Moses and reveals things to him. — BitconnectCarlos
So the biblical worldview requires humility. — BitconnectCarlos
The basic idea of the Daoists was to enable people to realize that, since human life is really only a small part of a larger process of nature, the only human actions which ultimately make sense are those which are in accord with the flow of Nature — Gnomon
God, like the universe and all that occurs within it, is beyond our understanding. God is understood as being both transcendent and immanent. A "God" that falls within our rational understanding would be an act of hubris effectively placing ourselves as judges and evaluators of God. — BitconnectCarlos