• Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    @Baden In your topsy Turvey world.
    Family is a prejudice!
    That is the best nonsense comment I've heard since I did not have relations with that woman.
    So your Family. You've never met them baden? You judged them before you met them?
    Jesus christ this is dumb!
  • In praise of science.
    Always funny when someone reduces religion to virgin sacrifices. Making a strawman for his own complacency and anxiety about religion.
    News flash; Religion ain't going away.
    News flash 2; Many scientists are religious.
    News flash 3; science to many people doesn't offer adequate answers to life. @Banno
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    @Banno Funny how it's clear what my position is.
    Yet you want to differentiate as to make prejudice acceptable or some lesser sin.
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    @BitconnectCarlos Without a doubt any sane person would pick his close Family above all else.
    As for "ethnic" or "religious" grouping me personally no.
    I feel most comfortable amongst people I consider honest and genuine regardless of race religion or nationality.
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    @Banno Most ironic thing is a lot of philosophers in the Canon were blatantly racially prejudiced.
    Your quote is just an Elitist philosopher saying dont you dare use your own mind,follow tradition,AKA,us elites.
    And funny,when it suits you language turns to something else.
    How convenient.
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    @Baden It seems to me your are just using bigotry,and saying "look,I'm not racist, I'm better than blatant racists".
    Being a trump supporter or Democrat doesn't carte blanche mean you have the right to be prejudiced. That's just an excuse. There is no reason to be prejudiced unless its clear what a person's behaviour is. A murderer,rapist,arsonist,etc,etc. I read all the vitriol last year from Democrats and republicans,and both sides can be bigoted. Mostly those with big mouths and online platforms.
    And of course,there is racial prejudice as well,on both sides.
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    @Banno I thought language was use according to you.
    The meaning of words is not always static or from dictionaries.
    Even by your dictionary,prejudice can be racial. And Both are harmful and wrong.
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    @Baden Just so we are clear. Prejudice towards who and why?
    Why the need for pre-judge,which implies judging too quickly and wrongfully.
    Give me a concrete example of what's acceptable prejudiced behaviour?
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    @I like sushi @Jack Cummins
    I have followed this forum for maybe a couple of years before I joined so I know the partisanship in terms of certain issues.
    However,both of your attitudes are kind of defeatist.
    I'm a man who stands his ground when needed. The reason why nobody says the empire has no clothes is precisely because you guys duck out of anything too hot,and that leaves the loudmouths and bigots unchecked.
    Philosophy ain't just thinking. You gotta speak truth to power if needed.
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    @I like sushi I do get the US is somewhat different in the media. But still,right is right. If in these peoples quest to dispel racism you become racist well that's nonsense.
    I don't trust this kind of partisanship and rabble rousing mentality,neither the media,political opportunists or intellectual bigots.
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    People should be judged on their character and behaviour.
    To judge someone just on color,race,ethnicity or even just because they are identified as a certain religion is racist and in the last case just bigoted. Prejudice is the normal word for this. This new trend of distinguishing is just an excuse to be racist or prejudiced in pursuit of power politics or personal ranting.
    And using extreme examples Is both disingenuous and an insult to common sense. People know racism/ prejudice no matter how it's dressed up intellectually.
  • The why and origins of Religion
    @180 Proof Yesterday's news mate.
    Get over yourself.
  • Racism or Prejudice? Is there a real difference?
    Yes. Many folks are making a distinction between prejudice and racism to disguise their racism.
    Pretty transparent sophistry really.
  • The why and origins of Religion
    @180 Proof You are a weasel. The quote is there.
    Lying sophist.
  • Science and Religion. Pros and cons?
    @Benkei And how do you expect me to reply when streetlight closed the thread?
    Listen,I don't expect any even handedness from you or the moderators. And because two people disagreed who are partisan that was evidence? When was truth decided by poll? Your refusal to answer pertinent questions was instructive. Many times things are obvious.
    Many people see that this is a form of new Racism.
    But anyway,things on the ground are great! So bleh to disguised intellectualised racism!
  • Science and Religion. Pros and cons?
    @skyblack Yep. Both are beliefs. How would you ascertain which beliefs are correct in general?
  • The new Racism.
    @Banno I have done.
    You are a bore. And a virtue signaller. A pedantic ideologue.
  • The new Racism.
    @Banno Who you think you are the grand inquisitor?
    Get a grip you authoritarian palooka.
  • The new Racism.
    @Benkei Don't try to patronise me.
    Is it ok for a white minority to use the word black as a pejorative? And then say its a prejudice?
  • The new Racism.
    @Banno Nope. What you said is apologetics. It's clear.
    And damn right I'm not your mate. Was a language game palooka
  • The new Racism.
    @Banno Nonsense. Read my post above to benkei.
    You think 180 was referncing black people in his post.
    And if I can verify suspect behaviour amongst black culture,doesn't mean I can publicly rant on it.
    Double standards mate.
  • The new Racism.
    @Benkei If that post said gang banging,hip hop listening, gospel choir singing Black jesus worshipping folks,you would have deleted it as racist.
    This one you become blind. Your double standards mate.
    You don't want to see it,because you would have cognitive dissonance.
  • The new Racism.
    @180 Proof Yep,you keep playing that card.
    Just like Christians used to justify racism with the Bible,you justify it with the philosophy of white privilege and "black people can't be racist" unless in power.
  • The new Racism.
    @Banno The thread the "whys and origins of religion".
    For you as well @Benkei. Though I expect you will wriggle out of the obviousness of the racism.
  • The why and origins of Religion
    @180 Proof What a wimp and backtracker!
    So your posts was about blacks who are maga and worship black jesus?!
    What a liar!
  • The new Racism.
    @Baden Cheap words. Cheap generalisation. I asked you to clarify on this thread can a white minority call a black majority black privilege? Dont run now.
    And as for the quote,180 on the thread in question is enough. I don't need to run around for you. That one post is enough. 180s mealy mouthed response is just sophistry because he can't own his racism. So he will dress it up as prejudice or some or other intellectual
    hair splitting.
  • The new Racism.
    @Cuthbert At least your honest and working towards improving. An I do distinguish between sometimes an anxiety around new people,not because of color,but because of the situation,behaviour,culture etc. Its not that we have no need of being wary of some people,we do,that's a protective part of human nature,its when when one judges purely by color.
  • The new Racism.
    @Cuthbert Should read " I always judge people by their character."
  • The new Racism.
    @Cuthbert I was judged people by their character and racism where I live is so much less than it was when I was at school. And at ground level things are great.
    But the media and these new ideologues still want people to seperate by identity politics and have created the term "white privilege" and allow racists of all stripes to vent their racism in the name of antiracism. Just hypocrisy and power politics.
  • The why and origins of Religion
    @180 Proof The tone of your post was deprecatory to white people,it alluded to white people. If I made a post about gangbangin,hip hop and other stereotypes and said black jeezusism half the forum would have erupted.
    So don't play the innocent. Man up and own your words and post.
  • The new Racism.
    @Baden Nope. The ways it's applied is a lot of times carte blanche. Just look at your attitude on the thread "the whys and origin of religion".
    I asked you repeatedly is it OK for white minorities in a black majority to use black as a pejorative. And your silence was an answer.
    Why can't you come out and condemn racism by any party.
    And shall we call Africans with black leaders as having black privilege in mixed populations?
  • The new Racism.
    @180 Proof has said many things. Let's wait till he clarifies. And I've seen others use white as a pejorative.
    But,back to the point. The whole public discourse and how "white" is used is racist. But your changing the topic as normal.
  • The new Racism.
    @Baden Oh,and I love the "thinking otherwise is racist."
    Sure sign of a dogmarist.
    Answering charges of racism by saying the person opposing you is a racist!
  • The new Racism.
    @Baden And how does this justify people using white as a pejorative?
  • Is philosophy based on psychology, or the other way around?
    @Cuthbert I think the phrase is commonly misused.
    A lot of things are just explained in a different way or using different language for things that are self evident or axiomatic. But then the accusation of circularity is thrown about just to create unnecessary doubt or because the interlocutor is doubtful.
    Most axioms have a circularity to them. That's a proof despite what people say! That is what you were saying,no?
  • The why and origins of Religion
    @Baden So every person who believes jesus is white is fair game?
    The Washington Post is now an authority and your justification for your own racism.
    Zero self awareness. Just a hypocrite.
  • The why and origins of Religion
    @180 Proof You meant folks who think jesus was white did you!! Or was it a racist term?
  • The why and origins of Religion
    @Baden Really? So why your previous post about potential racism? Disingenuous. And ideological hypocrisy. That's why you ignored my question to you.
    So white minorities,can they use pejoratives based on color?