Favourite mode of travel My favourite is a journey that goes bike -> train(s) -> ferry -> bike. But that’s a leisure thing so maybe it doesn’t count.
I like air travel when I’m taking a multi-part journey through different countries and spending a lot of time in airports. One enters a world out of time, a world parallel to the mundane, that works by different rules. It’s exotic, weird, and exciting. I enjoy the actual flights somewhat less, because the seats are uncomfortable, but sometimes you get an amazing view—not just an impressive or beautiful view, but an amazing one. Most memorably, flying over Greenland and the Northern Canadian wilderness on the way to Calgary, flying past Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus, and flying over the Alps, the Swiss and Italian lakes, and the Balkans, seeing the glinting Danube snaking away to the Black Sea.
Train is generally my favourite non-self-powered mode of transport but in Scotland it can be miserable because it’s too unreliable on Sundays, too crowded, and Scottish people are very noisy in public (I only really noticed this last year, after living in Russia, where people are very quiet in public). Favourite train journeys: Glasgow to Mallaig, Edinburgh to London on the East coast main line on the old GNER with the restaurant carriage, the high speed from Valencia to Madrid, and Toronto to Quebec City then back to Montreal. The last two were great largely because of the company — they stand out as special, adventuresome moments in my life.
Ferries: the big ferry to and from Vancouver Island, and several smaller ferries between Vancouver Island’s islands (very beautiful); Nice to Corsica (saw a whale while drinking Corsican beer on the top deck); and of course the West of Scotland: I’ve been on seven ferries just since June last year (saw dolphins a couple of times).
I’m pretty anti-car but I can’t deny that I’ve enjoyed a few road trips.
Bicycle, electric scooter, and walking are my favourite ways of getting around a city.
Metro/tube/subway is fine, but it’s underground and that’s never positively fun. Trams I like.
Buses, it depends. The double decker buses in Edinburgh are the best way of getting around after walking — I enjoy riding the top deck at the front, above the driver, as much as I did when I was a kid — but buses in other places, or between cities, are no fun at all.