• Jamal
    Two members have reported that they are not receiving email notifications for private messages, at least those which are not sent by me. Is anyone else having this problem?

    NOTE: If you have chosen not to receive these emails, i.e., you have unchecked the checkbox in your preferences labelled "Email when I receive private messages," then this question doesn't apply to you.
  • Wayfarer
    Send me a test message, I have it enabled.

    (Oh, and by the way, I hate Indian Mynahs :rage:
  • Jamal
    Send me a test message, I have it enabledWayfarer

    The members who reported this problem are receiving email notifications for PMs sent by me, but not for those sent by others, so I can’t check if this is a general problem by sending a PM from my own account.

    Oh, and by the way, I hate Indian MynahsWayfarer

    It’s weird how many Australians have said the same thing since I became a myna-enthusiast. Americans are the same with the European starling. They’re amazing birds, and your hatred is sublimated xenophobia. (I’m half joking, so don’t take offence. Only half though)

    Blame the idiots who introduced them.
  • Wayfarer
    I first noticed them when I was still living at home with my folks. An invasive species in Australia. They’re super-smart, real scrappers, aggressive, who will generally prevail over everything in their ecological niche. At the last house I lived, there was an Australian native species with the homonym ‘miner’, a honeyeater, which were sufficiently prolific to keep the Indian Mynahs at bay. I’ve since moved out of the greater Sydney area and disappointingly they are quite prolific hereabouts. They bring down the neighbourhood.
  • Jamal
    Definitely sublimated xenophobia.
  • Jamal
    But you’ve given me an idea for a discussion about wildlife nationalism, something I’ve always found weird.
  • Wayfarer
    Are they common where you live? (I know it's completely disconnected to the thread, but anyway....)
  • Jamal
    I’m currently in Kazakhstan and they’re native here, filling the same niche as their relative, the European starling, does in Europe. They hang about outside where I’m working, demonstrating their impressive mimicry.

    Back to the topic: if people can send PMs among themselves to test this, I’d be grateful.
  • fdrake
    @Wayfarer @Jamal

    Sent one to each of you.
  • Jamal
    I didn't have it turned on for myself. I do now if you want to send another.
  • javi2541997
    I have received one private message from @unenlightened and it doesn't pop up in the email either.

    It seems like it only appears when it is your the one who writes us, @Jamal
  • Jamal
    Thanks. I'll wait a while to see if anyone else has more to say about it, then I'll send an email to support. They usually respond quickly.
  • Caerulea-Lawrence

    Hello Jamal and co,

    I did get one, but none afterwards. And haven't changed any settings.

    Not sure this is relevant, but I also forward all mails from rhephilosophyforum to a named folder, but this specific mail landed in rhe junk-mail, and somehow it got deleted when I tried to move it. :scream:
    Paranornal activity... :scream:
    I'm a subscriber, so I demand you save me first! :*fidget fidget fidget --- panic!* :scream:

    NB: The facts are true.

    Jokingly and kindly,
  • Jamal
    Thank you for adding more complexity to the problem. :wink:

    Your email platform’s classification of the email as spam might be to do with the fact that the domain doesn’t have a DMARC record published, in which case I’ll need to fix that myself rather than getting PlushForums to do it.

    Maybe that’s causing the other problems, but it doesn’t account for the fact that people are notified about messages from me but not about those from others.
  • Manuel
    It's working fine for me.
  • Jamal
    @Alkis Piskas @javi2541997

    I just sent an email to PlushForums support:

    A few of our members on thephilosophyforum.com have said that they're not receiving email notifications for private messages, although they are still receiving them for other things. Some of them are saying they receive such notifications for PMs sent by me, but not for PMs sent by others. None of this makes sense to me except maybe that their email platforms are sometimes classifying the emails as junk or rejecting them, and other times not, seemingly randomly.

    What do you think?
  • Janus
    ’m currently in Kazakhstan and they’re native here, filling the same niche as their relative, the European starling, does in Europe. They hang about outside where I’m working, demonstrating their impressive mimicry.Jamal

    When I was a kid living in Epping, a Sydney suburb, it was Starlings, no Mynas. The Starlings were supplanted by Mynas, and I never saw Starlings again.
  • Jamal
    I just learned that both were recklessly introduced to Australia around the same time in the mid-19th century. Your evidence suggests that mynas have the edge over their European cousins. Why can't they all just get along? Families eh.
  • javi2541997
    Thank you so much for your effort to work this out. I like the message, now it is time to wait for PlushForums support's answer.
    For the moment, you have won a bottle of Andalusian olive oil. :blush:
  • Janus
    It's possible the dominance is regional and shifting. Perhaps starling still predominate in some areas. It's an interesting subject I may researvh when time allows. A friend used to refer to mynas as "the mafiosa of the ird world" . They owned the rubbish tips until the "bin chickens" (white ibis) made it a duopoly.
  • Jamal
    Great! I'll pick it up next time I'm there.

    Overall, the findings suggest that Common Mynas do not display more food-related aggression than other species in suburban habitats, suggesting that competitive aggression over food is not likely to be one of the behavioural traits leading to the success of Common Mynas in suburban habitats. — K. M. Haythorpe, D. Sulikowski & D. Burke (2012), Relative levels of food aggression displayed by Common Mynas when foraging with other bird species in suburbia
  • Jamal
    @Alkis Piskas @javi2541997

    The response from PlushForums:

    It would seem unlikely for some emails to be received and others not, unless the receiving mail server was unreliable or being throttled, which can happen.

    Perhaps it's a misunderstanding of when notifications about PMs are sent. They're sent when a conversation is started, primarily. Users also have the option of being notified about updates to bookmarked conversations, assuming that conversation has been read and therefore the new message is "fresh".

    Perhaps the next time a user reports such a case, send us the specifics (email address, approximate time, expected reason for the notification), we will comb through the email logs.

    He later clarified that notifications about PMs are sent only...

    • When a conversation is started
    • When a bookmarked conversation is updated, assuming it has been read, and the user has this option enabled

    So if you haven't bookmarked a conversation, you won't receive notifications of new replies. This dissolves the problem, I think (on the assumption that the messages you weren't notified about were updates to an existing conversation).

    NOTE: To bookmark a conversation, toggle on the star icon at the bottom.
  • javi2541997
    So if you haven't bookmarked a conversation, you won't receive notifications of new replies. This dissolves the problem, I thinkJamal

    Ok, clear and understood. I bookmarked our conversation and clicked on getting notified when a bookmarked conversation is updated. I guess it will work out now.
  • Janus
    Interesting thanks.
  • Alkis Piskas

    Yes, that's correct. That's what's happening.
  • javi2541997
    @Jamal The problem has been fixed. I followed the path to setting up bookmarked conversations, and yes, I got notified in the email that Alkis Piskas wrote me a private message. :up:
  • Alkis Piskas
    cc: @javi2541997

    It would seem unlikely for some emails to be received and others not, unless the receiving mail server was unreliable or being throttled, which can happen.Jamal
    Does this mean that my mail server (receiver) is unreliable? Javi's too?
    But that's why I suggested to ask other members too. I can't do that. You only can.

    They're sent when a conversation is started, primarilyJamal
    What does this mean exactly? When does a conversation start?

    Perhaps the next time a user reports such a case, send us the specifics (email address, approximate time, expected reason for the notification), we will comb through the email logs.Jamal
    I don't think this is legal. It's a privacy violation.

    So if you haven't bookmarked a conversation, you won't receive notifications of new replies.Jamal
    But I had not "bookmarked" anything when I received a notification about your PM, twice or more times

    This dissolves the problem,Jamal
    What do you mean by "dissolves"?

    To bookmark a conversation, toggle on the star icon at the bottom.Jamal
    Thanks. I didn't know about that.
  • invicta
    The last message I’ve got was from Michael if I’ve received any more it’s not showing up
  • Jamal

    An odd post Alkis, but I'll assume you've written it in good faith.

    As my post made clear, the problem is dissolved, which means that we have discovered that there was no problem in the first place, except that we didn't know how the system works. Now we do. Read on while I explain it again...

    Notifications about PMs are sent only...

    • When a conversation is started [i.e., when a PM is first sent to you at the beginning of a private conversation]
    • When a bookmarked conversation is updated [i.e, new messages are sent in the conversation], assuming it has been read, and the user has this option enabled

    So if you haven't bookmarked a conversation, you won't receive notifications of new replies.

    So, to receive notifications for all PMs including updates/replies, be sure to bookmark your conversations and check the checkbox labelled "Email when my bookmarks have new comments".

    Does this mean that my mail server (receiver) is unreliable? Javi's too?Alkis Piskas

    No, ignore that. He only suggested that as a possible cause, but it's clear that the problem was just our expectation that updates/replies to a conversation trigger email notifications.

    I don't think this is legal. It's a privacy violation.Alkis Piskas

    Not true, but it's irrelevant, because we won't be asking him to do that.

    But I had not "bookmarked" anything when I received a notification about your PM, twice or more timesAlkis Piskas

    That's because that PM was the initial PM of a conversation, rather than a reply/update to an existing one.
  • Alkis Piskas
    An odd post Alkis, but I'll assume you've written it in good faith.Jamal
    You mean, the "cc"? Yes, I improvised a little ... I didn't know where and how else else to indicate that! :grin:

    As my post made clear, the problem is dissolved...Jamal
    I see. OK.

    So if you haven't bookmarked a conversation, you won't receive notifications of new repliesJamal
    You mean that you "bookmarked" have both conversations you have started with me, right. Yet, the star ("bookmark") seems not to have been clicked (it's not black).

    On the other hand, @javi2541997 told me a few hours ago in a PM that, I qute, "It actually works because I have been notified in my email your answer.", even if the conversation was not "bookmarked".

    check the checkbox labelled "Email when my bookmarks have new comments".Jamal
    As I have already told you, I have all 4 options selected, since day one and have never chenged them.
    Which brings me to another point: just the option "Email when I receive private messages" should do the job (independently of "bookmarks").

    So, based on the above two remarks, "bookmarks" do not seem to work or at least not consistently ...

    I don't think this is legal. It's a privacy violation.
    — Alkis Piskas
    Not true, but it's irrelevant, because we won't be asking him to do that.
    Question to ChatGPT: "Is it an invasion of privacy to give out someone’s email address without asking permission first?"
    Reply: "Yes, giving out someone's email address without their permission can be considered an invasion of privacy. Email addresses are a form of personal information that individuals often consider private, and disclosing it without their consent could potentially lead to unwanted messages, spam, or even harassment."

    "Using someone's address without permission is illegal."

    "The Computer Misuse Act 1990 makes accessing online accounts and computer systems without authorisation a criminal offence."
  • Jamal
    So, based on the above two remarks, "bookmarks" do not seem to work or at least not consistentlyAlkis Piskas

    They do work. The issue is dealt with.

    Is it an invasion of privacy to give out someone’s email address without asking permission first?Alkis Piskas

    Who said anything about giving out email addresses?

    I’ll answer that question, because I have no intention of discussing it: nobody did.
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