• Hanover
    A picture so vivid you can almost smell the unmistakable scent of week old cabbage you know announces his arrival to the podium.
  • Hanover
    “There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution. I will vote to impeach the President.”

    I do agree with her that Trump ought be impeached, but it's hard to overlook the sanctimony, considering daddy Dick is that charming black hearted national treasure who left office with a record breaking 13% approval rating after there was, whoopsie, no WMD.
  • jorndoe
    I was trying to get an impression of what was going on at Parler (now offline) ...

    Parler is filled with coffee shop talk for Nazis (Nov 18, 2020) ugh :/

    Apparently, someone grabbed terabytes of Parler posts, though I'm not sure if it's publicly available.
    Head over to donk_enby's twitter feed for details.
    I imagine it's just the usual rambling and raving littered with the usual keywords.



    The tone of Trump and crowd have an undercurrent of certain sub-cultures, where loyalty trumps truth (pun intended), where alignment outweighs doing the right thing - a divisive or alienating Us-versus-Them sentiment.
    "Us" have zeal, guns, leadership, a tint of fear hate paranoia, and sufficient resources to both pollute the general public, reinforce internal pseudo-trust, and further sweep up those disposed to fringe.
    Not pretty.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    The president calling for a protest is one thing, but calling for or inciting an insurrection is quite another, especially in the land of the 1st amendment. Blaming him for the actions of others will require more evidence.NOS4A2

    Do you understand what :"false pretense" means NOS4A2?

    What you don't seem to be grasping, is that "calling for a protest" is a false pretense. The president never produced any real evidence of any conspiracy, or any acts which could constitute stealing the election. The rally was not called for as a protest, because there wasn't anything to protest. That there was something to protest was a false pretense. It was not a protest at all. Therefore we need to look elsewhere for a motive for that rally, along with a motive for the false pretense.
  • NOS4A2
    Nancy Pelosi appointed Eric Swalwell as Impeachment Manager.

    Swalwell was proven just a month ago to have relations with a CCP spy, and has since spent the remainder of his time trying to nullify a certain presidency.

  • Baden
    Terrorist-in-chief banned from YouTube for at least next seven days. :clap:
  • Wayfarer
    Axios dug up Facebook photos of the [alleged spy] woman, Fang Fang or Christine Fang.

    Fang Fang! What a fantastic name. This must have been done by a screen writer. (Cut to manga graphic of fearsome dragon with poison dripping from fangs.)
  • Olivier5
    The tone of Trump and crowd have an undercurrent of certain sub-cultures, where loyalty trumps truth (pun intended), where alignment outweighs doing the right thing - a divisive or alienating Us-versus-Them sentiment.jorndoe

    Quite an understatement... In that culture, there is this concept of 'the day of the rope'. That is to say, the day of the white supremacists revolution, when they will hang all blacks, gays, lesbians, Jews, scientists and fancy-pant politicians. These guys are wannabe mass murderers, well armed too...
  • Brett

    I think you need to calm down. There’s almost a sense of pleasure in all this sky falling in stuff.

    From protestors to terrorists to mass murderers.
  • Olivier5
    From protestors to terrorists to mass murderers.Brett

    That's what they themselves say. It's their culture, it's their alleged goal. I'm not living in the US, so I don't personally care, but the United States have raised a Cain.
  • Brett

    So they call themselves “wannabe mass murderers”? It’s whose alleged goal, whatever that is?
  • Kenosha Kid
    The great, fake Republican mass baptism begins...
  • Kenosha Kid

    You cry for free shit? I'll give you something free a damn bullet to your damn head there's your damn free!!!

    Spoken like our lord Jesus

    There's something very weird about the religion of the American right.
  • Olivier5
    I sense a great deal of denial in you, Brett. This movement is dangerous, violent, and explicitly so. Ignore them at your own peril.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Axios dug up Facebook photos of the [alleged spy] woman, Fang Fang or Christine Fang.Wayfarer

    I keep seeing that she's an alleged spy; I can't find anything about the allegation though. So far, she's Chinese.
  • Kenosha Kid
    So they call themselves “wannabe mass murderers”? It’s whose alleged goal, whatever that is?Brett

    In as many words, yes.

    We need to start systematically assassinating liberal leaders
  • Brett

    We need to start systematically assassinating liberal leadersKenosha Kid

    Who said that?

    In as many words, yes.Kenosha Kid

    What could that possibly mean?
  • Streetlight

    I would make the point though - despite all these lovely Parler screengrabs, a great deal of the riots were organized on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. Parler just so happens to have been the convenient scapegoat - a worthy, good one - so that all these companies can secure their monopolies.
  • Brett

    So you’re just throwing all these people into the same pot. Where do you draw the line, or is it all Republicans, all Conservatives?
  • Streetlight
    At this point it's pretty much anyone who continues to support Trump. So maybe about 50 million or so Americans, give or take, generously.
  • Brett

    Actually it’s 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast.

    74, 222, 958 wannabe mass murderers? You may as well surrender now.
  • Streetlight
    Yeah I took into account the alledged number of people put off by Trump's post-election antics. I dunno, Americans on the whole are shit so maybe the number even went up, who knows.
  • Brett

    20,000,000. You’re a joke.

    I bet you can’t wait to taste the blood yourself.
  • Streetlight
    The Nazi regime was not on the whole composed of mass murderers. Just normal people happy to let things happen.
  • Brett

    Nazi is getting a bit tired. You’re going to have to find something new.
  • Streetlight
    Perhaps. I'd punch a Nazi or two with some relish.
  • Brett

    They’d smell your fear from down the street.
  • Streetlight
    I will as soon as soon as Americans do.
  • Streetlight
    No doubt you'll have their back.
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