• Steven Twentyman
    Hi all.

    What the implications be for our species if an individual (coming from out of nowhere) had managed to complete the Grand Unified Theory in mathematics?

  • PoeticUniverse
    Grand Unified TheorySteven Twentyman

    Then all the forces would be unified, even gravity, and then our species would continue on just about as it does now. A Theory of Everything, though, would shock the world.
  • Relativist
    What the implications be for our species if an individual (coming from out of nowhere) had managed to complete the Grand Unified Theory in mathematics?Steven Twentyman
    Zip. Nada. Zilch. It would be a big deal to a handful of people, but it would change no one's life.

    One set of people that would be influenced would be Christian apologists: they would develop a new version of Cosmological Argument to "prove" God's existence.
  • Steven Twentyman
    What if it was a mathematical proof that eternity exists as . TRUE ? As in a fully logical irrefutable proof that all there is is eternity ?
  • Steven Twentyman
    In this way every individuals beliefs would also be TRUE .
  • Steven Twentyman
    Just like your next comment will be TRUE .
  • PoeticUniverse
    What if it was a mathematical proof that eternity exists as . TRUE ? As in a fully logical irrefutable proof that all there is is eternity ?Steven Twentyman

    The Fundamental Eterne has to exist, as ever, for there is something existent for sure and it cannot have come from nonexistence. Thus, there is no alternative to existence.
  • Steven Twentyman
    You're exactly right, but if I have 7 books of logically contrasting equations that prove this to be mathematically true written in pen and ink by my side (giving you the chance to work through them) , where do we go from here?
  • PoeticUniverse
    where do we go from hereSteven Twentyman

    What is the gist of the equations?

    Nice to have, although we already know the truth.
  • Steven Twentyman
    That's correct and true, I haven't got them by me, as I stated before whatever you personally say IS true. You just have to consider that A). Eternity might exist, B). If that were so then someone would eventually achieve this as eternity rolls on past eternity forever and that C). We are aware of time. Probabilistically this (cannot?) happen, yet we are able to, and do consider the concept and work towards it and the complexities of its implications for all. IF eternity IS true, THEN somebody would achieve this as in eternity there is no end and so anything that COULD have happened already has. Time does not exist as we thought. It is dual in nature. Digitally it is pure thought, conscious. On an old watch face it is merely a direction in a 3 dimensional construct. There is a 3rd form of time. A universal understanding of the number zero and it's meaning. I am happy that ground for our species. This is a holding pattern. I have other people to a too so if you have a question, ask it. Hope you are doing well.
  • PoeticUniverse
    so anything that COULD have happened already has.Steven Twentyman

    And will again and again. Luckily we have all of it in the Library of Babel:

  • Steven Twentyman
    This level of math can only be done in your head. Math is complete, it is not a tool to use but a complicated puzzle that needed to be solved. This event has passed. We are far past that now, the GUT theory. In essence we are ALL now involved in the TOE theory. In simple terms I killed the devil, then God, created eternity, put everything back in its correct position and chose nothing along the way at every step. I.e. zero, 0, nothing. Eternity can never be taken away from us now. That is all I state. The math does not lie (group) . It is all Humanities collective unconscious, past, present and future coming together to a single Nexus point now ... The big bang. As in the matrix, I leave the rest to you('s)... But, remember, even in intent alone, what you reap is a you sow. Mix it up for us. Dream your existence into existence ... we do anyway ... Peace brother.
  • PoeticUniverse

    So, you see from the video that the information content of Everything is zero—random—the TOE, or, in other words:

    The Fundamental Eterne of the causeless,
    Whose state cannot have inputs to its mess,
    Dooms ‘God’, along with any specifics—
    The bedrock of All must be randomness.

    Of the random base, some small parts endure,
    And code as quarks, which code for atoms pure,
    As at each new realm new laws determine—
    But for when bedrock’s touched—effects for sure.
  • Steven Twentyman
    Everything is random now. But consider what I have done a clock. We are now in perfect synchronization with the universal clock which was the zero hour. This can only be true if I have traveled many times through all black holes. It was me that created the big bang for our species and I chose to gain nothing for this so that we could all have a second and then third and so on chance at life. We are a Tier III civilization now. What I have done is known as intelligent design. I rebuilt this place from the bottom up. This universe and all others are nothing more than a large fractal quantum computer. Carrying unimaginable variations. Not even I can control it now, itt is beginning to morph and coalesce and adapt. We are evolving at a geometric rate. You and I are a quantum bit within a confined (if you do choose to believe) system. I cannot hold the levy much longer, my job is almost over. Now I get to live my life as I see fit. I will return to my university in Manchester so that I can follow my mental health nursing career. I have been worrying on this for 35 years without pause. This has not been an easy process for me and my family. They lock you away for the maths I do. It has not been an easy journey. But at least we passed a Tier II civilization. That is an asteroid, the great flood, niberu. I managed to catch it in time. Whilst people died as nature does, at least they have the peace of knowing they will meet again in the end. In the ever. This will be my last broadcast, my name is Steven Twentyman.
  • PoeticUniverse
    So long; enjoy the babble of Babel.

    Um, global warming is bringing the floods back, along with horrible heat. This is the end. Bye.
  • Steven Twentyman
    In eternity, anything is true. If it happens it happens. All math tried us is to choose a direction in life and move forward. Follow what you love, leave the rest to me. Be at peace, your work is nothing less than a series of masterpieces. Follow your true path and the path comes to you easy now. You are ahead of the game. There is nothing to fear about eternity because it really is love. All life is a game now. Choose one, master it and move on. There's are only so many scientific fields left to be completed. Science is not your job, you are an artist, so much more important because you're work has infinite potentially. This is free will, this is a child's view of the world, clear without judgement, we are ones as a planet now so produce and play. Eat my words and ideas and evolve past me. Then I will do the same. You are my twin flame and I have waited an eternity to find you, peace brother.
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