• intrapersona
    Someone said this to me today that "when you break it all down everything is futile".

    Instinctively I said yes but is there not some leeway in terms of perspective?

    Is this argument purely about processes we observe and participate in in life or are all processes ends in themselves and are therefore unable to be termed futile as futility is a human construct design to determine the value of any given thing.
  • mcdoodle
    Well, even someone saying 'Is everything futile?' has its own self-refuting consequence, when it causes you to bring it to the debating table, doesn't it?
  • intrapersona
    Well, even someone saying 'Is everything futile?' has its own self-refuting consequence, when it causes you to bring it to the debating table, doesn't it?mcdoodle

    Not if everything actually is futile, because then it would be futile to ask "is it all futile?"
  • Terrapin Station

    You'd answer yes if you don't find anything useful and you don't believe that anything has a point.

    You'd answer no otherwise.

    So "No."
  • m-theory

    Futile relative to what?

    Suppose I decide to pursue one of two goals.
    To spin gold from straw
    To get a glass of water from the tap

    Obviously one of these goals is less futile than the other.
  • Nils Loc

    The Borg is a just a commune of analytical philosophers. Resistance is futile.
  • BC
    Was this a serious proposal ("Everything is futile.") or more along the lines of sarcasm ("Life is like a sewer; what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.")?

    The author of Ecclesiastes thought everything was pretty much futile, and he was being quite serious, as far as I can tell.
  • Noble Dust
    I think it's helpful to recognize that whether you think life is "futile" or not, any response to the question is fundamentally a belief. Whether you come to a conclusion through a series of propositions, or through an experience, an emotional response, or whatever it is, we never apprehend a full knowledge of whether life has purpose. We momentarily forget the exact propositions, the experience fades, the emotions go back and forth, etc. Belief is the gap between the idea and our consciousness. I think it's good to recognize this in the climate of thought we live in, at least in the West.
  • jkop
    if everything actually is futile, ... then it would be futile to ask "is it all futile?"intrapersona
    So the question is not genuine.
  • intrapersona
    You'd answer yes if you don't find anything useful and you don't believe that anything has a point.

    You'd answer no otherwise.

    So "No."
    Terrapin Station

    That is like saying:

    "You'd answer yes if you think God exists

    You'd answer no otherwise.

    So "No, god doesn't exist.""
  • intrapersona
    Futile relative to what?

    Suppose I decide to pursue one of two goals.
    To spin gold from straw
    To get a glass of water from the tap

    Obviously one of these goals is less futile than the other.

    So then futility is just about purposes and uses of things like turning on the tap = hydration = useful for survival.

    I guess if someone says "is everything futile?" they are talking about the whole of human life in the universe and whether it amounts to anything? So you ask relative to what? Relative to the situation where human life is meaningful or valuable in a purposive sense.

    So if I paraphrase to help you understand what you should of implicitly understood already. Is human life like trying to spin gold from straw? or is it like trying to get a glass of water from a tap?
  • intrapersona
    Was this a serious proposal ("Everything is futile.") or more along the lines of sarcasm ("Life is like a sewer; what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.")?

    The author of Ecclesiastes thought everything was pretty much futile, and he was being quite serious, as far as I can tell.
    Bitter Crank

    Yes and I don't think I can refute ecclesiastes in the smallest, but this was a passing comment made in seriousness that led from sarcasm.

    Say you put effort in to life and got something out of it, is not what you get out of it futile still? IE all our pleasures etc? How do you define what futility is here as m-theory was saying, what is the actual reference point?
  • m-theory

    That is not my issue though, just because some people find no teleological purpose that justifies their own existence, this does not mean that it is futile for me to form and realize my own goals for my own existence.

    I don't feel any obligation to justify my own existence, or human existence, or the entirety of all existence.
    At least not to anyone but myself.

    Just because I don't justify these things to you does not mean I lead a futile life, for it is not for you to judge my life's futility or fruitfulness for me.

    Perhaps your's is a fate of futility, but I am content that mine is not.
  • intrapersona
    I think it's helpful to recognize that whether you think life is "futile" or not, any response to the question is fundamentally a belief. Whether you come to a conclusion through a series of propositions, or through an experience, an emotional response, or whatever it is, we never apprehend a full knowledge of whether life has purpose. We momentarily forget the exact propositions, the experience fades, the emotions go back and forth, etc. Belief is the gap between the idea and our consciousness. I think it's good to recognize this in the climate of thought we live in, at least in the West.Noble Dust

    Good point, but I wasn't looking for a belief on whether life has value or not. I was after a philosophical response that may deny the validity of even asking that question in the first place, much like what m-theory said "futile in reference to what".

    Philosophy can give us a logical answer that can escape the need for belief. IE Pascals wager: http://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/826/decisions-we-have-to-make/p1
  • intrapersona
    That is not my issue though, just because some people find no teleological purpose that justifies their own existence, this does not mean that it is futile for me to form and realize my own goals for my own existence.

    I don't feel any obligation to justify my own existence, or human existence, or the entirety of all existence.
    At least not to anyone but myself.

    Just because I don't justify these things to you does not mean I lead a futile life, for it is not for you to judge my life's futility or fruitfulness for me.

    Perhaps your's is a fate of futility, but I am content that mine is not.

    So if I said to you that I don't need to prove to you that I am a pink fairy that looks like a unicorn, what does that give me in assurity that your belief isn't incorrect.

    Likewise, if you think your life is not futile because you form and realize your own goals does that make them not futile in an objective sense? All you have is a self-assured belief that your goals give your life value and therefore are not futile.

    This isn't about justifying an individual life to others... It is about finding out whether ALL of human life is completely pointless.

    If an individual says "my life has value", how are we to know that is true? Just because it is true to him? I am talking about collective value, not the subjective valuation of ones own existence.
  • m-theory
    This isn't about justifying and individual life to others... It is about finding out whether ALL of human life is completely pointless.intrapersona

    Again relative to what?
    Am I to imagine some cosmic being that judges the value of all of human life?
    Do I take a consensus of the living and ask them to decide if humanity is worthy pursuit?

    If an individual says "my life has value", how are we to know that is true? Just because it is true to him? I am talking about collective value, not the subjective valuation of ones own existence.intrapersona

    Assume it is not true, as long as you are not actively trying to prevent me from being content why should I care what you believe?
  • BC
    So if I said to you that I don't need to prove to you that I am a pink fairy that looks like a unicorn ...intrapersona

    I sort of assumed you were. I wasn't willing to stoop to saying you looked like a unicorn.

    if everything actually is futile, ... then it would be futile to ask "is it all futile?"
    — intrapersona
    So the question is not genuine.

    The pink fairy needs to attend to this point. If everything is futile, then discussing futility is... futile.
  • Terrapin Station
    You'd answer yes if you think God existsintrapersona

    To the question of? (Whether God exists?)

    I'm giving the definition of "futile." What is "God exists" (or "God") the definition of?
  • intrapersona
    The pink fairy needs to attend to this point. If everything is futile, then discussing futility is... futile.Bitter Crank

    Yes but how do you prove that?
  • intrapersona
    To the question of? (Whether God exists?)

    I'm giving the definition of "futile." What is "God exists" (or "God") the definition of?
    Terrapin Station

    You said

    "You'd answer yes if you don't find anything useful and you don't believe that anything has a point.

    You'd answer no otherwise.

    So "No.""

    When you say "so no" are you saying from your perspective or absolutely, that is completely unclear... did you fail to see that?
  • BC
    Isn't "if everything is futile, discussing how futile everything is... is futile" a tautology?

    If you say "all men are liars" why should I believe you? there isn't any way out of such statements.
  • intrapersona
    Again relative to what?
    Am I to imagine some cosmic being that judges the value of all of human life?
    Do I take a consensus of the living and ask them to decide if humanity is worthy pursuit?

    So when someone says to me "everything is futile really isn't it?" I am meant to say "futile to whom?" because no one can speak for anyone else.

    Seems valid but when you think of it, we haven't actually proved that it all is actually NOT futile. All we have said is that saying it is all futile is not a valid claim because worth is determined subjectively by each individual. And to say one person's valuation of existent things are worthless in totality wouldn't be justified.

    So we are all just sniffing our butts thinking "this smells lovely" and no one can prove otherwise. Because the moment someone tries to tell you that your butt stinks then you get a hoard of replies saying

    "stinky relative to what?"

    "Am I to imagine some cosmic being that judges the stinkiness of my butt?"

    "Do I take a consensus of the living and ask them to decide if my butt stinks?"

    I think you get my point...
  • intrapersona
    Isn't "if everything is futile, discussing how futile everything is... is futile" a tautology?

    If you say "all men are liars" why should I believe you?
    Bitter Crank

    But we don't know for certain that it IS futile yet, so why deny even talking about when it is only a possibility of it being so.

    That would be like not flipping a coin to save your life when one side of the coin means certain death. "No coin toss for me please, it has death on one side" even though your are going to die if you don't flip it.
  • Terrapin Station
    When you say "so no" are you saying from your perspective or absolutely, that is completely unclear... did you fail to see that?intrapersona

    Yes. I failed to see that you were saying that that was unclear to you.

    I'm saying from my perspective, and in my view this is necessarily from individuals' perspectives.

    I find things useful. I feel there are points to various things.
  • intrapersona
    Yes. I failed to see that you were saying that that was unclear to you.

    I'm saying from my perspective, and in my view this is necessarily from individuals' perspectives.

    I did things useful. I feel there are points to various things.
    Terrapin Station

    Sorry, I'm a pink fairy and my butt stinks but I can't tell that it does therefore I live life for the smell of my own bumhole.
  • intrapersona
    And maybe you're 13?Terrapin Station

    No, if you read the thread it actually all adds up to a very pertinent point displaying the knottedness of where the conversation is at this point.
  • m-theory
    So when someone says to me "everything is futile really isn't it?" I am meant to say "futile to whom?" because no one can speak for anyone else.intrapersona

    That is what I did when I encountered the question, but do as you like.

    Seems valid but when you think of it, we haven't actually proved that it all is actually NOT futile. All we have said is that saying it is all futile is not a valid claim because worth is determined subjectively be each individual. And who is to say one person's valuation of existent things are worthless in totality wouldn't be justified.intrapersona

    So let us assume, objectively, that everything is futile.
    Why should I care subjectively?
    And what does mean if it is an objective fact that I don't care that everything is futile because I am content?

    So we are all just sniffing our butts thinking "this smells lovely" and no one can prove otherwise. Because the moment someone tries to tell you that your butt stinks then you get a hoard of replies sayingintrapersona

    No one has proven that objectively everything is futile either.
    Just because you or friend think this is some pressing dilemma I should be concerned in the offhand chance that it might be true?

    You expressed an opinion, "everything is futile" I gave you mine.
    You asked a question "have you ever considered the possibility that everything actually is futile" yes I have.
    I pointed out that some things are decidedly less futile than other things.

    What I intended for you to ask yourself is how futile is it for you to pursue the goal of trying to prove everything is futile?
    How important is it for you to realize that goal?
    Are there other goals that you have that are equally or more important that are less futile that you can pursue?

    I have asked myself these things already.
  • Terrapin Station

    I'd probably be more likely to buy a bridge from you at this point than to believe that denial.
  • intrapersona
    Why should I care subjectively?
    And what does mean if it is an objective fact that I don't care that everything is futile because I am content?

    As long as you acknowledge that you are content with the futility of everything, then it is fine. if you however have fooled yourself into thinking your life has worth or value in some way (butt doesn't stink) then that is a problem and that seems to be what most people are doing, at least unconsciously as a survival instinct incorporated in to rationality as the pursuit of happiness.

    Lets say that everything wasn't futile though, would that make their own value systems that they cooked up any more/less valid?

    On a further note, there are ways to measure objectivity right? Atom smashers, chemistry experiments, psychological case studies on behaviourism... so why can't we measure futility in the universe? because it seems to be a man-made concept that is derived from THE INABILITY TO PERCEIVE a purpose to the universe or their existence... so if they can't perceive, it does it exist? I don't think so... much in the same way that if you don't see a tree it doesn't exist. Sort of like atheism but for universal purpose, lol. We give life to things by our perception of them. So that is an argument in favor for futility as being objective in some sense, how about in opposition?
  • intrapersona
    I'd probably be more likely to buy a bridge from you at this point than to believe that denial.Terrapin Station

    Just cause you don't have a sense of humour, you nihilist.
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