• gurugeorge
    I'm sure it will eventually simmer down... I think. : lyatagarasu

    Well there are lots of good people on all sides of the political spectrum waking up to the nonsense these days (there are even some old school Leftists who are pissed off with the PC cult, and who are realizing, rightly, that it's bringing the Left into disrepute - it may well even turn the Democrats into a rump third party in the US, for example).

    Also, I think there's a quiet but growing movement of people withdrawing sanction, particularly economic sanction, from the ideologically-obsessed products of modern academia, the entertainment industry, sports, fake news, etc., etc. (This has the added salutary effect of making people realize they don't really need to spend their money on most of the crap they've habitually been spending it on anyway.)

    There's a peculiar and wryly amusing irony about the entryism practiced by the goons of intersectional identity politics, feminism, etc.: they take over some area of endeavour hoping to capitalize on its cachet, respect or popularity, so they can spread their propaganda; but as soon as they get involved, the thing loses the very cachet, respect or popularity that made it attractive to take over in the first place. "Get woke, go broke" is now becoming a recognizable phenomenon.

    So I do have some hope, but it's touch and go, and it could still be a rocky ride, since a lot of it is thoroughly institutionalized now and has some big law behind it. The termites have been dining long and hard and this insane ideology has been gradually creeping up on the world on since the end of WWII, slowly at first, then gathering speed in the 70s, again in the 90s and again, with more desperate intensity, in the last 5 years or so.
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