• Mikie
    We're two days away from the first round of voting in Brazil. After four years of far-right destruction, particularly of the Amazon rainforest, it looks like Lula has a good chance of winning outright.

    The question is: what happens if he does win?

    There's a lot of talk about potential violence and even a coup. Bolsonaro is echoing Trump's lies before the election has even taken place. So it's fairly obvious he won't accept a loss and will claim, like Trump and his deluded followers, that the election was rife with "fraud."

    Fingers crossed for the Brazilian people -- and the planet.
  • Banno
    The newspaper O Povo reported that witnesses told police a man entered a bar in the city of Cascavel on Saturday and asked who was voting for Lula. A man said, “I will”, and then was stabbed. He died in hospital the same day.Al jazera

    It's not going to be easy.
  • Deus
    I’m not at all up to speed on Brazilian politics but the act of selling off the amazon to soulless corporations whose CEO’s will have shuffled off this mortal coil without a penny next to their rotting corpse goes to show that they do not care to the environmental damage they cause during their brief existence on this beautiful blue planet.
  • Mikie
    “I’m feeling relatively optimistic that resilient democracy comes through,” says Zimmerman. “But it’s been a really difficult time for the country and I expect the remaining days, and weeks depending on what happens on Sunday, to be tumultuous.”

    — Time magazine

    Bolsonaro doesn’t give a damn about the environment. He’s yet another climate change denier who, like most right wingers, wants to actively make it worse.
  • javi2541997
    The Brazilian left wing needs another leader. Lula has a lot of experience and he governed the state once but he already has a lot of people who loves or hates him. There is not a middle point.
    In the other hand, Lula has been in jail. We can be agree here that he was put in prison because of corrupt judges. Nevertheless, it still be a negative mark in his political career.

    Bolsonaro won the previous elections for many reasons but one important: public order. Many Brazilians were tired of living with a lot violence in their neighbourhoods. Bolsonaro reinforced the power of police officers and let them to act more aggressively in favelas. Many citizens applaud this decision.

    Bolsonaro doesn’t give a damn about the environment.Xtrix

    Exactly. This another fact. Brazil has a good GDP (11th position of the world) but, sadly, is due to the destruction of the environment.

    what happens if he does win?Xtrix

    He would suffer a lot of pressure from Brazilian elites and probably a Coup d'état.
  • Mikie
    We can be agree here that he was put in prison because of corrupt judges. Nevertheless, it still be a negative mark in his political career.javi2541997

    I don’t see it as negative at all. In fact I think overcoming being falsely imprisoned is a merit.
  • javi2541997
    . In fact I think overcoming being falsely imprisoned is a merit.Xtrix

    Understandable, but I think that's the way you see it. Others see him as a Marxist criminal.
  • EricH
    John Oliver did a pretty good job last Sunday - as one comment noted: "It would be hilarious if it wasn't tragic."
  • Mikie
    Others see him as a Marxist criminal.javi2541997

    But he’s not a Marxist criminal. Lots of people believe the earth is 6000 years old, too. Who cares?

    Why bring up people who are factually wrong?
  • Mikie
    Final poll: Lula 45%, Bolsonaro 37%.
  • Mikie
    Looks like a runoff. Never underestimate misinformation and irrationality.
  • Mikie
    Lula pulls it off. But how pathetic the margin was. Irrationality never disappoints
  • Banno
    Ah, thanks for the heads up. 1.6%... not a recipe for stability.
  • Mikie

    No— and who knows what Bolsonaro is going to do. He’s yet to concede.
  • Manuel
    Lula!! A sliver of good news. Now lets see what Bolsonaro does, stupid clown.
  • Changeling
    Stay strong Brazil
  • Changeling
    /the world lol
  • javi2541997
    No— and who knows what Bolsonaro is going to do. He’s yet to concede.Mikie

    He has militarized important regions of the country in the past years. I am not doubt he would be ready Coup d'état.
  • Mikie
    am not doubt he would be ready Coup d'état.javi2541997

    A coup is unlikely. I’m guessing he’ll simply do what Trump did: scream fraud with zero evidence and energize his base, so that perhaps they do the dirty work for him, a la January 6th.
  • Gus Lamarch
    How comical it is to be able to read the biased opinions of self-proclaimed political critics and foreign pseudo-philosophers about my own country's elections.

    These elections were not about the right or the left, but about freedom of expression or authoritarianism inspired by Stalinism.

    While you entertain yourselves watching us fall, your politicians are destroying your economies, principles, values and liberties exactly as the left has tried to do here.

    The moment your people elect a politician who has explicit agreements with the organized crime world, perhaps then, only then, you'll abandon the illusions that are preached upon you.

    And for all those who worship the words of "legitimized" institutes - whatever "legitimized" means -, here are a few, very few sources about the many crimes committed by the politician you see as the "savior" of Brazil:

    Lula é Condenado por Corrupção e Lavagem de Dinheiro

    PT e sua Relação com o PCC

    Lula é Condenado no Caso do Triplex

    Lula é Apontado como o Mandante do Mensalão

    [All sources are in Brazilian Portuguese precisely because if you all would like to give your opinion on the internal affairs of our nation, learn to read our language]
  • javi2541997
    self-proclaimed political critics and foreign pseudo-philosophersGus Lamarch

    Aren’t we all?
  • Baden
    your politicians are destroying your economies, principles, values and liberties exactly as the left has tried to do here.Gus Lamarch

    Sorry, I'm afraid if you'd like to give your opinion on our internal political affairs you'll have to learn to read the languages of all the countries we come from first.
  • Mikie
    These elections were not about the right or the left, but about freedom of expression or authoritarianism inspired by Stalinism.Gus Lamarch

    Yes, and Bolsonaro is the most authoritarian leader Brazil has had in decades, looking back fondly as he does of the military dictatorship — not to mention nearly everything he’s done over the last four years.

    Anyway — you’re wrong. The most significant factor is the Amazon. The Amazon’s fate affects all of us, all over the world. Electing a climate denier who’s hellbent on destroying it isn’t a smart move, and no amount of “It’s my country, so I know better” posturing can possibly justify it. (A tired, lame argument if I ever heard one, by the way.)

    Very glad to see at least half of Brazil agrees and didn’t vote for suicide. Take it up with them.
  • Baden

    Putting it succinctly, Bolsanaro is human garbage and Brazil has rightly dumped him. They do seem ill-served by their leaders on all sides though.
  • Mikie
    They do seem ill-served by their leaders on all sides though.Baden

    Rings a bell in the US.
  • Christoffer
    if you all would like to give your opinion on the internal affairs of our nation, learn to read our languageGus Lamarch

    your politicians are destroying your economies, principles, values and liberties exactly as the left has tried to do here.Gus Lamarch

  • universeness
    All sources are in Brazilian Portuguese precisely because if you all would like to give your opinion on the internal affairs of our nation, learn to read our languageGus Lamarch

    Don't you mean, learn the language of those who conquered the native peoples of Brazil in the 15th century? If the native cultures had been left alone, no doubt, they would have merged and grown into a nation with as interesting a culture as that of the Marajoara.

    Bolsonaro is just another gangster. Lula is the better of the two evils, but hopefully Brazilians will eventually demand much better representatives/leaders than both of them. Save the Earths lungs!
  • javi2541997
    Don't you mean, learn the language of those who conquered the native peoples of Brazil in the 15th century?universeness

    There weren’t native peoples of Brazil because “Brazil” is a creation of Portugal and the only official language of Brazil is Portuguese. The rest are just spoken languages.
  • Mikie
    There weren’t native peoples of Brazil because “Brazil” is a creation of Portugal and the only official language of Brazil is Portuguese.javi2541997

    Are you serious? Is this a serious response or is it supposed to be satirizing modem academic relativism?
  • javi2541997
    I am not satirizing anything.
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