• Baden
    Considering the recent frequency of discussions querying banning decisions, we've decided to create this single discussion as a means to announce and give reasons for all bannings (except obviously uncontroversial ones of spammers, short-term trolls etc.) and to allow you to give whatever feedback you want on them.

    If you think this is a bad idea, blame @unenlightened, as it's his. If you think it's a good one, the mod team is happy to take credit for implementing it.
  • René Descartes

    I think it's a good idea. Well done to the mod team.
  • Shawn
    Hmm, a trialing thread it is then...?
  • René Descartes
    discussion as a means to announce and give reasons for all banningsBaden

    I think it's a good idea. Especially as many people do not realise that members have been banned or have left unexpectedly.

    Rest in Peace to all those who have left us.
  • Agustino
    If you think this is a bad idea, blame unenlightened, as it's his.Baden
    I have a question. Does unenlightened still pull them strings? :wink:
  • Baden
    mm, a trialing thread it is then...?Posty McPostface

    More like an interactive obituary I'd say. :death:

    Sparingly and selectively. There's an art to it. You should take lessons. :nerd:
  • Agustino
    Sparingly and selectively. There's an art to it. You should take lessons. :nerd:Baden
    I would be glad to be taught by the master himself ;)
  • Baden

    Generally goes something like this.
  • Agustino
    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  • unenlightened
    I would be glad to be taught by the master himself ;)Agustino

    You have to be tremendously smart, and really the best negotiator, and just have this really slick ability to see instinctively how to make things happen the way you want, which is always the best way if you are tremendously intelligent. I'm thinking of writing a book called "The Art of the Sensible Suggestion" - I'll send you a copy.
  • Agustino
    You have to be tremendously smart, and really the best negotiator, and just have this really slick ability to see instinctively how to make things happen the way you want, which is always the best way if you are tremendously intelligent. I'm thinking of writing a book called "The Art of the Sensible Suggestion" - I'll send you a copy.unenlightened
    :lol: I'm actually looking forward! You do have quite a bit of talent at this art.

  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I think it is a good idea, @unenlightened It has the potential to get a bit rough at times but it will also allow us, as a group, to work through the loss of a member.

    In the professional world we use something called an "Exit interview" which is administered upon an employees resignation or firing, to find out why that person is leaving/or being asked to leave and to address any internal issues that might be highlighted in that interview. It is one of the most valuable tools when it comes to retainment of people in your work force.

    I have thought about how helpful it would be to know "why" a TPF member chooses to deactivate their account or when a member is banned and their "side" of it. I am not suggesting that there has to be total transparency but I think it is helpful to actually understand how a member got banned in addition to reading the rules.
  • unenlightened
    Yes, one the things I miss from Paul's software is the transparency of moderation. Automatic notifications of edits and deletions, both by pm and publicly noted in edited posts, and the automatic ban list with brief reasons. There was even, if I remember right, a list of deleted posts... Punters could see what what was going on and off, and that reduces the conspiracy theories, and paranoia.
  • Baden
    The discussion has been pruned a bit as it was ending up as an alternative Shoutbox. We'll open it up again when we ban someone as per the OP. Thank you for your patience.
  • Hanover
    DPMartin was banned. Here's the exchange:


    Please edit your posts and capitalize the first letter of each sentence, per our rules:

    "Posts should display an acceptable level of English with regard to grammar, punctuation and layout."

    Nothing personal. All your posts are appreciated, and I realize you might be using your phone to post and capitalizing is cumbersome, but such are the rules.


    a day ago

    I previously asked that you edit your posts to properly capitalize, and I see that you have not done that. I also see that you have continued to create additional posts that don't comply with our rules. I will need for you to go back and edit your non-complying posts and for you to respond to this PM and assure me that you will comply in the future. If you don't do both of these things, you will be banned.

    22 hours ago


    when you start paying me for services to your satisfaction, then I'll worry about such things as grammar to your satisfaction. you can always, not read what I post, you have that right you know.

    11 minutes ago

    As a result, he was banned.
  • unenlightened
    Banishment is our friend.
  • Benkei
    your a bunch of fukkin spellin & grammar nazies
  • René Descartes

    i'm slightly confused. i did'nt now we haed to use proper english. that d'oesnt seem fare.
  • apokrisis
    I will need for you to go back and edit your non-complying postsHanover

  • Akanthinos

    Eyeball bleeding is a serious condition and a single missed capital can send you into full hemorragia.
  • Baden
    If we ask any member to follow the writing guideline, we'll only do it if there's a consistent pattern of sloppy writing and we'll ask politely as Hanover did. That's our part done. A questioning or negotiating response is fine. Ignoring us and then telling us to pay you to follow the guidelines isn't. Point is we won't be dicks about it, if you're not. We don't want to ban anyone over this but if someone puts us in a position between choosing them or the rules, we'll do the obvious thing.
  • René Descartes

    Acceptable. I will not rebel against the mods on this instance.
  • René Descartes

    By the way, I'm just wondering. If a mod bans someone wrongfully, and everyone realizes that there was no reason that person was banned, can that person be unbanned, and what happens to the mod that banned him?
  • Baden

    If there's an obvious mistake or error of judgement, we can unban. Jamalrob has the last say on that. Hasn't happened so far. Punishment for banning wrongly will be dinner with Hanover, unless it's Hanover, in which case, dinner with Hanover's wife.
  • René Descartes
    Punishment for banning wrongly will be dinner with HanoverBaden

    Well I'm glad I'm not a moderator.
  • Baden
    By the way, we're going to close discussion on this banning within 24h to avoid going off-topic, so if anyone else has anything to add, please do so within that time. We'll reopen for the next one whenever that happens to be. Hopefully not soon. Thanks.

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