• Steven P Clum
    I tune into Fox, Huffington Post, Breitbart, realclearpolitics, and NBC news throughout the day in an effort to garner a mean understanding of what is going on in the world. I have found that Fox shows the inconvenient and or irrefutable halves of truths that the left leaning networks wont. Anyone out there afraid to try and objectively view Fox News? Have you been shamed or coerced into a lock-step compliance that forbids you from doing so? Do you watch SNL and feel a duty to laugh? Have you chosen fashion over function? Peace.
  • Paine
    Perhaps you could provide an example. So far, your contempt emits heat but no light.
  • jgill
    Anyone out there afraid to try and objectively view Fox News?Steven P Clum

    I don't watch the Fox commentators, but I do watch Bret Baier. The show is certainly tilted to the right, but overall it seems fair in reporting the news of the day.

    Are there any news networks that are not tilted to the right or left?
  • schopenhauer1
    I have found that Fox shows the inconvenient and or irrefutable halves of truths that the left leaning networks wont. Anyone out there afraid to try and objectively view Fox News?Steven P Clum

    How do you know they are irrefutable?

    But with your bigger point about balance, every show should have all sides represented when presenting a case. Trump has made this immensely harder, however, as he himself cannot debate a point to save his life- he can only stoke ire. It should be an unspoken rule for news outlets to present the sides, and have the audience judge for themselves. I know for the US, there used to be something in broadcasting (not newspapers) called "The Fairness Doctrine" which mandated that for any political issue, both sides had to have at least some representation on any news programming. That was lifted as being against First Amendment rights in the late 80s and paved the way for various conservative talk shows (think Rush Limbaugh), which paved the way for various conservative-only news, which then spawned various (very) left-leaning news (rather than moderately left leaning which used to be the case with general broadcast news on the major stations).
  • schopenhauer1
    Perhaps @BC has more to say on the Fairness Doctrine and its applications?
  • Christoffer
    Begin to at least cast a wider net and be aware of biases and political leanings. This OP borders on, or is downright propaganda in its low quality.



    We can draw from different sources for bias checking, but these are the most wide spread for now. For scientific rigor around bias checking there are machine learning techniques developed; but I'm not sure if any are in use at this time. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362614797_Machine-learning_media_bias
  • Steven P Clum
    To what extent, if any, have you been informed of Biden's ineptitude and lies? His stumbling and bumbling? Do the website search on each website. See what you come up with. I'd post the links, however, I am too new to this forum for such credentials. Oh, and look for O'bama's speech where he referred to the Marines as Corpsman several times while pronouncing it phonetically. How'd he get into Harvard? Go ahead, Google it. See which news agencies covered it, and which ones didn't. Then go check out Vice President Dan Quayle Under President Bush misspelling the word "potato." He added an "e." Not incidentally, potato was historically spelled with an "e" until the mid twentieth century. All of the networks made much hay of it. Now let me guess, I'll get a bunch of responses that will minimize the above points. Or, maybe make their best defense an erroneous offense.
  • schopenhauer1
    To what extent, if any, have you been informed of Biden's ineptitude and lies? His stumbling and bumbling? Do the website search on each website. See what you come up with. I'd post the links, however, I am too new to this forum for such credentials. Oh, and look for O'bama's speech where he referred to the Marines as Corpsman several times while pronouncing it phonetically. How'd he get into Harvard? Go ahead, Google it. See which news agencies covered it, and which ones didn't. Then go check out Vice President Dan Quayle Under President Bush misspelling the word "potato." He added an "e." Not incidentally, potato was historically spelled with an "e" until the mid twentieth century. All of the networks made much hay of it. Now let me guess, I'll get a bunch of responses that will minimize the above points. Or, maybe make their best defense an erroneous offense.Steven P Clum

    You build a mighty straw man here. Since when did misspeaking or misspelling a word or sentence make someone inept or deceitful?

    Rather, if you are interested in debating the character of someone who doesn't mind tearing apart a 247 year old democracy and building a cult of personality and someone who doesn't, I'd be happy to debate that, but that is moving away from your OP, which is that one must ensure to balance ones news sources to get multiple views.
  • Wayfarer
    I have found that Fox shows the inconvenient and or irrefutable halves of truths that the left leaning networks wont. Anyone out there afraid to try and objectively view Fox News?Steven P Clum

    Fox News had to pay an almost million dollar fine for propagating lies, and there's an even bigger lawsuit in the pipeline. They have no interest in truth, only in in dollars.

    His stumbling and bumbling? Do the website search on each website.Steven P Clum

    US economy surprises with faster than expected growth

    Falling inflation, rising growth give U.S. the world’s best recovery

    By the Numbers: U.S. Economy Grows Faster than Expected for Year and Final Quarter of 2023

    Trump claims credit for record-high stock market under Biden
  • AmadeusD
    This is a fun thread.
  • Steven P Clum
    As regards the reference to misspeaking and misspelling, I was simply emphasizing the double standard and selective reporting associated with certain news networks. As for Biden, He's done and said some absolutely bat sh_t crazy stuff. Tell me...do you even know that the Trump/Russia Collusion thing Was a hoax? Do you know that the FBI/Facebook conspired prior to the last Presidential election to portray Hunter's laptop contents as Russian disinformation to pad Joe's poll numbers? Proven. Oh...you'll find it on Fox News. The Congressional Hearings etc. Don't even get me started with the whole Covid-19 debacle and how the DNC profited from their mandates.
  • bert1
    I give it a day
  • Mark Nyquist
    Most times I've witnessed an event first hand and then watched it hours later on the news the first hand experience and the news reporting seem at odds. Mostly by over emphasis or omissions the news reporting is usually pushing an agenda. Or sometimes a reporter who is dispatched can't get up to speed fast enough to understand what the locals would know. Maybe a lot is filtered out for legal reasons.

    I looked at journalism law a long time ago and it really is restrictive on what can be reported, what sources can be used, what subject matter can be covered and so on. And whoever is paying the bills gets to pick and edit the stories.

    Have you ever noticed how they say 'stay tuned for updates' but never do?
  • Wayfarer
    MAGA troll alert. Reported accordingly.
  • Joshs

    I tune into Fox, Huffington Post, Breitbart, realclearpolitics, and NBC news throughout the day in an effort to garner a mean understanding of what is going on in the worldSteven P Clum

    If I had to watch any news outlet throughout the day I’d end up shooting myself. I grit my teeth just to glance at the headlines online for a couple of minutes. I dont think being a news junkie today is good for anyone’s mental health. It’s designed not to inform but to provide a 24 hour source of sensationalistic entertainment, and all this is doing to viewers is instilling hostility, resentment and contempt (kind of like the vibe I’m getting from the OP).
  • Steven P Clum
    Denial is a defense mechanism.
  • Mark Nyquist

    Are you familiar with Factcheck.org or Politifact?
    If so do you have an opinion on these organizations?
  • Joshs

    ↪Steven P Clum
    Are you familiar with Factcheck.org or Politifact?
    If so do you have an opinion on these organizations?
    Mark Nyquist
    I can’t believe you’re seriously asking him this.
  • Mark Nyquist

    I'd like your opinion too. Or anyone's.

    Factcheck.org is out of the Annenberg school, University of Pennsylvania....from memory.
  • Joshs

    I'd like your opinion too. Or anyone's.

    Fact check.org is out of the Annenberg school, University of Pennsylvania....from memory.
    Mark Nyquist

    Well, since I’m not partial to conspiracy theories and I dont believe in the Deep State, I think they’re fine. But fyi, mentioning a major U.S. university in conjunction with a news source is a non-starter for a Trump supporter.
  • Mark Nyquist

    I think Trump went to the University of Pennsylvania maybe Wharton School of Business. .
  • Joshs
    I think Trump went to the University of Pennsylvania maybe Wharton School of Business. .
    Mark Nyquist

    Sure did. 55 years ago. What do you think he would say about the faculty there now?

    “We spend more money on higher education than any other country—and yet they’re turning our students into communists and terrorist sympathizers of many, many different dimensions,”
  • Paine
    Tell me...do you even know that the Trump/Russia Collusion thing Was a hoax?Steven P Clum

    That idea has been argued extensively by a fellow traveler of yours here. You should get together for some scenes.

    Presenting the idea as an established fact is not a good advertisement for the objectivity you called out for in the beginning.
  • Mark Nyquist

    Since he's a former president he would actually know quit a lot that he couldn't tell.
  • Joshs
    Since he's a former president he would actually know quit a lot that he couldn't tell.
    Mark Nyquist

    A very wise man, indeed
  • Mark Nyquist

    What I was thinking about is that former presidents (both sides) know some things and formats like Factcheck.org might be attempts to set some public limits on debate.
  • Banno
    Anyone out there afraid to try and objectively view Fox News?Steven P Clum

    Well you, it seems, for starters.

    Ever read Al Jazeera?
  • AmadeusD
    Ever read Al Jazeera?Banno

    Can’t be serious can you?
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