
  • Ethical conundrum: is obesity a form of self-harm?
    Sometimes I think obesity in some cases is the result of mental illness, poor stress coping techniques, and so forth. A whole mass of reasons and causes could be compiled, but it's more of a symptom in my opinion.
  • The poor and Capitalism?
    No, that's actual communism, which never existed. Everything we see today is a degree of socialism.

    Socialism requires a high degree of micromanaging of the people by a government system. Usually, this results in starvation, corruption, and brutal violence as seen throughout the world in nations that embraced actual socialism. Removing the property from the "rich" essentially takes away from the working class.
    Believe me, I know this. I have a jerk for a boss who is sexist against women and pays me well below the living wage for my area. If government restrictions were actually reduced it would be easier for me to find a decent job because other people of the "rich" class would be willing to hire me. This is the case for my relative area, as I am developing a side business in which I am well paid for the work I do for those who are considered "wealthy." (unfortunately, that all goes to basic living expenses to make up for that which my "job" doesn't pay for) Hence, I support the reduction of taxes and decreasing government handouts towards "poor" people, aka people unwilling to work harder and longer. For those who actually need help, private charities and religious organizations should be given liberty to assist those they deem in need of such help. Thus, those who actually need help would gain it. Again, from my experience, the government's system of assisting those in need is an unflexible wall of red tape. They refuse to help me.
  • Why aren't there many female thinkers today?
    Cuz most females are boring... which is why most of my friends are guys...
    Anyway, it’s likely just the culture thing. Most women (and guys more often than not) either don't like it or don't want to show that they like it. Nothing to be worried about imo. Just makes things more interesting.
  • The poor and Capitalism?
    Hey, I'm dirt poor almost to the point where I wonder if I will get another meal and still dead set against socialism and Karl Marx. He speaks for an elite class that takes from the poor and manipulates them into slaves for such a class.
    As others have stated, there are some people that are so to say "smarter" than others. This, in my opinion, doesn't make anyone better than another. Each kind of person plays an essential role in society.
  • Misheard Songs...
    haha, I forgot I started this thread.
  • False Gods And False Satans
    People need to start thinking for themselves instead of scapegoating and stereotyping. There is a truth that is not relative to what they perceive. Instead of obsessing over what is politically correct or not, maybe we should focus on discovering truth instead of what people think.
  • What actually unites mankind?
    Fear also creates unity.
  • Offence
    They offend on purpose to be mean. Sometimes as revenge, sometimes to just be jerks. Sometimes both. And probably a bunch of other reasons. Like, I'm still trying to figure out why someone lied to me for no real reason...
  • Monkey Business
    When will people learn to stop creating more issues? :roll:
  • Anecdotal evidence and probability theory
    It's easier to get one or two people to lie and generally share a similar story, but when one gets to hundreds of people claiming they saw the same thing (considering the various perspectives of course) this in and of itself would be a miracle. Then when you add to that, people willing to die because of what they saw and therefore believed, that also is something that normally doesn't happen. If one saw something and knew it to be fake and a lie but chose to suffer and die for it anyway, then that is very rare.
  • Work Notes

    It's absurd to think that just because something is bad that therefore God doesn't exist. Not any different if a person slashed a painting with a box cutter that the painter doesn't exist. Or if a house burned down, then the architect doesn't exist.

    A better question would be "Why does evil exist if a good God exists?" Then you must define what good is and what is good, and also what is evil.
    Why does evil exist? One could say that it was because God is good, and that good consists of giving humanity a degree of free will.

    Another question is if God doesn't exist, why does evil exist? Then there wouldn't be much to say what is right or wrong. One would need some sort of a god, even if it was an impersonal force. It would be impossible to say that mass murder is wrong because all we would have is our own selves. If one declared it was wrong, then he or she would have just declared him or herself to be superior to other humans, which again would be a type of a god. Thus, evil cannot exist unless a god exists.
  • The Last Word
    There still are sexist people in the workplace, and it ticks me off. Why am I expected to live in poverty when guys get to be comfortable? For the sake of humanity people, I'm mad!
  • The Solemn Duty of Joy.
    Hmm, this is making me think... perhaps the expectation that someday everything will be okay again, every wrong made right, every tear vanished.
  • Horses Are Cats
    Don't talk anymore. :razz:
  • The Last Word
    Yeah lol. Let's get some chocolate cake and wine while we are at it, eh? I don't work this weekend... :cool:
  • Positive Thoughts
    I'm glad I can sometimes come here and take a break from the world.
  • The Last Word
    I'm hungry.
  • What happens when we know?
    It's not humanly possible to know all things all at once, merely bits and pieces that we manage to learn. Our minds are limited and finite.
  • On 'Acting'
    No, that would be lawyers/politicians/marketers/lobbyists/PR pros. Actors are as benign as the rest of us creative artists. And as people in general.Baden

    How many major actors are there that are not involved in politics? Perhaps it is a stereotype to assume that actors are generally involved politically and strongly influence the culture.
  • Seeking Thoughts on a Difficult Situation
    Thank you. Yeah, the thing is I'm not sure which would be more successful in 20 years. Short term moving just a few hours away would be more successful. Maybe things will settle down here. I will be getting a raise at my current job, but still sick of bugs. Who knows, but eventually I will be moving near my friend for school.
  • Seeking Thoughts on a Difficult Situation
    No I haven't yet. They are hard to find, but I have solid evidence that they are there. I have sticky traps set out all over my apartment, and catching a lot of fleas. Plus, the scars on my legs from the suckers...
  • Seeking Thoughts on a Difficult Situation
    Thank you! He has had his guy spray twice and then he allowed me to get the pest control that I wanted to spray once. It's been two full months of living with fleas and Lord knows what else. Beginning to think they are coming from the neighbor's stupid dog. I don't have any animals here. I seriously don't understand how anyone could have this problem, I grew up with a lot of animals and never once had a flea infestation...
  • Seeking Thoughts on a Difficult Situation
    Thank you. Not sure if I want to sue or just get out. Mostly sick of fleas and other bugs...
  • On 'Acting'
    I've been the US my entire life, and still don't get what is so interesting about actors. Seems like people to not be trusted. Liars and deceivers. Hence, I rarely watch TV or movies. Precious few programs that I enjoy. Nonetheless, it is interesting to see how they think people should act and respond...
  • The Last Word
    It's a crazy world... but, nothing new there.
  • The Last Word
    Lol. perhaps. Today is a day off from work, and for that i am grateful.
  • Anarchy or communism?
    Both will fail, as neither as sustainable. So I suspect that either way will bring about the end in about the same time as the other.
  • The Last Word
    Indeed. I think I'll pass for now. You can when the next round of depression hits.
  • The Last Word
    Spring? The groundhog couldn't see his shadow because he was buried under 8 feet of snow. This means spring is at least two years away. :roll:

    Anyway, life is okayish here. Not being as stupid as I was before. Starting to like my new job when I work in the back. :) Making some new friends too.
  • New York’s Reproductive Health Act
    Seems silly, valued just because of existence?
  • Evolution: How To Explain To A Skeptic
    Evolution hasn’t explained those yet...
  • Evolution: How To Explain To A Skeptic
    Hemoglobin and dual systems (such as the correlation between the cardiovascular and respiratory system) would be good to explain at first too.
  • Punishment Paradox
    Same principle behind it. Children generally commit lesser wrongs, hence lesser punishment. Criminals generally are older, and thus commit more grave crimes which require increased punishment.
    What constitutes innocence? The lack of wrongdoing? How is one to know what is wrong and what is right but through teaching? For example, a child is told directly to not eat the cookies before dinner, he chooses to anyway. The mother comes in and directly punishes him. The mother has not done wrong, but the child. The punishment must match the crime also, as a child would not be given the death penalty or sentenced to life in prison for eating the cookie, but a person who murdered another person might. The child likely will not learn to obey if there are no punishments and may become a criminal or at least a very unpleasant adult.
  • Some advice needed.
    For me, I took a leap and did stuff regardless of how I felt. Struggling, but I'm stubborn enough to make it work. Sometimes people just need to shut the emotions off and do it.
  • The Last Word
    I am still alive. :chin:
  • New York’s Reproductive Health Act
    The value of life. Is one more valuable than another? What makes someone alive? The world is absurd.
  • The Last Word
    Haven’t tried the dish soap though! Eek!
  • The Last Word
    Indeed. Finally got a full time job and working at that. Still have fleas, but I’m rarely home anymore. Supposed to have the pest control guy out again soon. I get internet at work! Yay! So I have about 1.5 hours during lunch and breaks which is cool!


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