Personally, I just noticed one day it said 'Baptist' on the sign. One time I asked the pastor 'what is Baptist? What makes this a Baptist church?'. He said something along the lines of 'oh it's from John the Baptist.' Maybe I didn't pay much attention but I don't ever remember him speaking about him once. — Outlander
Well Ive only been to a 'good baptist' service, that is, 'white baptist,' once, and I was as much perplexed as you about the point of the thing, But I did go to several 'bad 'baptist' churches: Russian baptist, and "omg I am the only white person in here" baptist.
They were both REALLY nice to me, and both tried to find me a girfriend to marry. Unlike the white baptist one where I was 50 and the youngest person there, there were a huge number of young adults in the russian and sourthern ones. The first fact I could not help noticing was the enormous size of the families. In the Russian one, they were even arranged in lines, sets next to each other in each pew, from tallest to smallest, sort of like duks with ducklings, and many had five or more children, with two VERY proud parents.
Both the bad baptist churches asked me to baptism services, during which about half a dozen people were dunked entirely underwater. The Russian one was in a river, and the Southern one, it had an arch over the altar with a jacuzzi thing on it.
I like jesus' baptism. Its one of the few times in the whole bible someone was nice to him. When talking about his life rather than death, its almost entirely about people chasing him wanting this, wanting that, asking to heal this, asking to heal that, saying to explain this, syaing to explain that, poor guy! One he keeps talking about loving one another, but do people want to think about the nice things that happened to him much? No, that doesnt happen very often in the bible.
So they really liked me saying that, and after only 3-4 services, I found myself standing in front of a future wife elect. The Russian girl was REALLY HOT. We dated a couple of years while she was single, but I was 30 years older, and I said she really should marry someone her own age. Her father was kind of confused, almost insulted, because I clearly loved her very much, and he didnt understand why I said paying the $25,000 dowry he wanted was backwards, and he should be paying me, and I would have paid actually, but then I die way before her and she's alone, so I couldn't. The African American girl was nice, not as sexy, but I couldnt date her, I was living in a mixed neigborhood and the black gangs do not take kindly to white people taking their own.
After I was set up with a girlfriend, they kind of just left me alone, and other families besides those of the girlfriend didnt even want to talk much, except about business. I did notice, outside the churches, the baptist families really did not seem that 'religious,' and did not discuss the sermons or any theological issues, it was all taken rather much for granted or ignored. Except for the baptisms, which were really important. Were you baptised with the dunking thing, and how old were you? That seemed to be the landmark feature: adult baptism.