Which might sound good, but probably doesn't accurately reflect the actual business of doing ethics or being in an ethical conundrum. Instead of 'feeling' ethics we just problematize it, and instead of practicing or considering the practice of more real world situations which demand ethical attention we shift our efforts toward a puzzle-solving motif where the focus becomes theory construction and the categorization of ethical attitudes based upon a seemingly unrealistic hypothetical. — Larynx
In short, I think the positive/negative distinction in morality is true and useful. — TheMadFool
As I said above a moral truth leads to positive (obligatory) deeds and negative (forbidden) actions. — TheMadFool
One piece of the puzzle is the doctrine of inter-dependence. As an example it claims that when wood, metal and artisan come together we get a chair. The chair is just a convergence of other more ''primary'' stuff and so can't have an independent existence. — TheMadFool
Similarly, the self/I also arises from inter-dependence - flesh, bones, blood, for instance, give rise to consciousness and the self/I. Therefore, there is no real I. Not-self is what I hear people saying. — TheMadFool
There are plenty of other labels that I find to be problematic. — WISDOMfromPO-MO
Or would eliminating labels like "believer" and "non-believer" cause a public mental health epidemic, a poorly functioning society, and an individual and group-level existential crisis? — WISDOMfromPO-MO
When we use words, we tend to assume that others are using them in the same way as we are. If they do not, that will cause a problem for understanding and evaluating each other's reasons, or for any sort of communication. But there is plenty of evidence that we usually don't know exactly what words mean. — Jokerlol
How would any of us live if we believed that the past doesn't predict the future? — Shane
I will continue to use the Oxford Comma. (this, this, and this. NOT this, this and this.) — Bitter Crank
I like to either go fast, or go slow. But, it ultimately doesn't matter. — Noble Dust
The law, if I'm correct, is mostly about type 2 rules (negative rules). Judicial systems don't impose positive rules of society like they do negative rules. — TheMadFool
What do you think of the following claim?
“Metaphysical disquiet.—It seems to me that a metaphysical system is nothing if not the act by which a disquiet is defined and succeeds partially—as well as mysteriously—if not abolishing, at least in transposing or transmitting, itself into an expression of self that, so far from paralyzing the superior life of the spirit, on the contrary, strengthens and maintains.”
Gabriel Marcel, Metaphysical Journal — Mitchell
Compare the quoted passage with Dewey:
"We only think when we are confronted with a problem" — sime
Marcel probably needs bouts of metaphysical disquiet to de-paralyze his superior spirit. — Bitter Crank
Hi. Do people really tell you this? For me it's usually people talking about how screwed up the world is.Everything that I have just described is perfectly just and fair, I have been told. — WISDOMfromPO-MO
Here is where the philosophy comes in: I am supposed to believe that it is all just, fair, part of "progress", etc. Prove that it is! — WISDOMfromPO-MO