Can the philosophical mysteries be solved at all? Yes, all philosophy is solvable.
God doesn't exist, God is nothing without Satan, together they resemble good and evil 'most-high powers". The most high power in the likeness of God is a shape ordinance that certified and harmonizes all existing things, making sure no-one randomly and forever experiences star-like heat, and so forth. Such as the fact you die if you reach a certain pain threshold. The second most like God is a machine grouping that moderates rank in life, completely obidient to the shape ordinance or 'good'. There is, and has never been God. Creators of simulations exist but they aren't significant in a God like way.
Yes there is life after death unless you're on extinction row for life crimes. Death is an instant transfer to a previous sim state where eternal life can be envisioned easily; this universe is quite unique and distant from the prior simulation. The umbilical cord is quite a drop, from a simple spawning, from out of a light womb.
Sometimes you are free and at others you're not, sometimes you're both free and not free. I didn't have a choice but to press submit to post this, nor did I choose the manner of which I could say the words. I am a mere switch, and run command.
Though these answers are brief, they are accurate to some degree I assure you. The same applies to all rational philosophy. Sometimes you have to base answers on predictions, such as with eggs, I know an animal may hatch but if it's a new egg we've never experienced, I can't prove that. Yet I will side with my guess.