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  • Book suggestions: Stoicism ?
    much appreciated, thank you
  • Book suggestions: Stoicism ?
    thank you! I can see some really good reviews too :)
  • If nothing is wrong, then there are no problems to be solved (Poll)
    I would disagree with Europe moving on (if it’s in terms of racism) as every country I have lived in I have experienced extreme racism.

    England is more covert than the rest, though london is multi-cultural the racism still runs very deep. There has been loads of hate crimes against Asians during the pandemic.. I could go in forever, this world is very dark but I hope things get better for you!
  • If nothing is wrong, then there are no problems to be solved (Poll)
    so I travel around Europe as I play basketball professionally and I often find myself in rural towns like the ones you just described, the last one being Bosnia and Herzegovina. I would have photos taken of me, I was followed and called racial slurs, people would stare at me and I think you get the picture...

    Nevertheless, when I was speaking about people having an attitude, I meant more in sense that “social class” could allow the rich to not care about homelessness or poverty stricken regions as they have never experienced it or been around it in their rich neighbourhoods.

    I think it is awful that people would call you those things, I’m sorry it happened. For those kind of people I wouldn’t say it’s due to insularity but rather stupidity mixed with xenophobia. What complete morons.

    I would love to use my writing to educate, however, I do not think I am that gifted, though, thank you
  • If nothing is wrong, then there are no problems to be solved (Poll)
    I think the worlds problems has always been there, countless people have been affected by climate change, racism (systematic/institutionalised) for years but many have an insular attitude as it does not directly effect them.

    I think more recently, the power of social media has boosted the presence of these topics and information has been more accessible than previous years or generations.

    I do not believe in a natural course of history either, that makes it sound like things are predetermined, and for me personally I would like to use my free will to fight against all inequalities and climate change...
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    hmm, would you reject the cosmological argument for the existence of God? As the main principles use causality as a means to prove His existence
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    thats an interesting way to interpret a dream
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    do you believe as humans we possess free will was basically the topic of discussion, so you’re not off the mark at all!
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    not in agreement with the question you posed, it is like the argument of the via negativa where you state what God isn’t to summarise what his actual attributes are.
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    I think many things can influence our free will, but the fact we are able to act or not act on those influences is freedom of our will
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    thank you for this information!

    I would not call what is happening a conflict nor a war, it is an oppression...my heart goes out to all those who have died, this world is too cruel!
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    thats really interesting, do you believe people have free will?
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    if someone tried to prove I did not have any free will and was successful I don’t know how I would act. Especially as I believe I have autonomy over my actions and the decisions in my life - it would be a shock of course.

    I wouldn’t change if someone proved free will existed as I have always believed I had free will...
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    could you elaborate on the latter, I am not understanding
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    I basically believe what you do today, shapes tomorrow, then the day after etc...
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    ah, I see, well everything I have done I have chosen to do, I am lucky enough to have a job I thoroughly enjoy and wake up doing what I love. But in saying this, everything of my past shaped what I do, not in a predetermined way, but it made the path for me today...

    I guess you could say it was causation in a way, I met the right people at the right time, and it had a domino effect. But I still make my own choices, I can do choose to do as I want
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    I say this, as I travel Europe often and experience racism, and realise that many do not have resources to education and experience like I do, I do not hate them instead I feel sorry for them. They are conforming to their societies norms and do not know better. But I guess they do have a choice to be better people and spread love and not hate...

    What do you mean, can you further elucidate?
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    I think in some cases, people do not know any better, the environment they reside in is all they know and fear/conformity can play a role in some choices - is this truly freedom of will?
  • Pornification: how bad is it?
    I think it can be bad in some aspects, I think it depends on who is viewing it. For example, a teen who is watching porn might create a distortion of sexual behaviour, and become disappointed when the outcome is not the same.

    As it is pretty much staged with a paid actor and actress who try to appeal to as many fetishes as possible. This could create an addiction of the said teenager, and for many others like him or her it can cause physical and emotional intimacy to be eroded.

    Some people also grow self-conscious due to how the people in the videos are portrayed, i.e the “perfect” bodies which further add to the unrealistic expectations.
  • Logicizing randomness
    in this case I do not believe it is random, something that is created by man and computerised has a set of computed outcomes already and not entirely random.

    Also human error could be at play as it was created by scientists.
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    we do make our own choices, I think I may of poorly worded this question! But nevertheless, I am grateful for your perspective, I need to do further research on the Big Bang theory as I only have basic knowledge
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    I got the idea from an essay I wrote, I had to “assess the claim that human beings are not really free to make moral choices”.
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    No, not in the slightest. Thank you very much
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    that is an interesting notion, thank you
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    yeah, I guess it is quite a broad topic to discuss. I personally just wanted to hear different concepts from as many people to understand it better
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    yes, I agree we all make are own choices. But I think some people are heavily influenced by others and don’t necessarily have complete freedom of will due to their environment.
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    and do you believe it is an illusion?
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    Ha, it’s okay! I love to hear everyone views and to learn from them.
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    Everyone views life differently due to whatever circumstances they are in or have experienced and nobody has the same experiences. I do not think everyone is capable of understanding the nature of the human mind. I myself, do not understand.

    Would you say someone who lacks education/intellect or experience cannot truly have free will?

    Might you further elaborate on “what it means to act like a living human” as that could differ from person to person. What does that mean to you?
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    how would you define free will?
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    I will review this, thank you
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    that is a very interesting perspective, thank you for sharing. I was trying to use the quotes as a means to spark the debate on determinism, compatibilism and libertarianism.
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    thank you for your insight, I will read up on the “the science of right”.
  • Do human beings possess free will?
    I somewhat agree, I believe that we don’t have complete freedom due to certain laws. albeit, I do not think this infringes our free will. We can freely go against the law, though there is punishment for doing so, we are still able to act on our own accord.

    To some extent we are forced to compromise our ideals as it may be seen as selfish, but still we have the choice to do so.

    I think it all depends on ones definition of what free will is, and whether lack of freedom equates to not having free will

Charlotte Thomas-Rowe

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