• We Are Math?
    Interesting points of view. I suppose the Universe or mass and energy are composite; pluralist builds of all things, yet sentience of course does work- it's more than a different state off matter. One shouldn't be rashly reductionist about mind arising from matter. The wavefunction, Shrodinger equation, Hilbert Space quantum paradigm etc; does it all require different ways of viewing things if one substitutes Hugh Everett's paradigm of what Tegmark named a level 4 Multiverse instead of the Copenhagen Interpretation/Schrodinger wavefunction collapse? Or does the Higgs field effects slowing down two dimensional particles so they pick up a third dimension and allow the appearance of three dimensional mass to exist mean that items like quantum entanglement are secondary, contingent phenomena too?

    I would think that reality is everything that exists including appearances of it sentient beings are aware of and everything they aren't aware of too. Even so these days I tend to regard the two dimension, massless particle-wave realm 'outside' or beyond the Higgs field as more fundamental than the three-dimension world of experience.

    Tegmark speculated the Multiverse is made of math; that a logical structure exists in it that corresponds to reality and is based on oure math. THe idea of a mathematical universe brings one to think that there is a logical structure to the universe including the quantum world that seems necessary for temporality, motion, being and nothingness, change, evolution and so for th yet of course it could all be in the thought of God. An infinite Multiverse pre-existing from eternity in an Everett-Tegmark Level 4 Mutliverse construction perhaps. It's interesting to consider. String theoriy's Mutliverse paradigm with mathematical, logical structure would be interesting for mathematicians to consider and for others like myself to read about.
  • On the possible form of a omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, God
    I like the question. One wants to compare the forms of God that are possible to something in the Universe, or something of experience or conjecture; maybe a Platonic form ala' Plotinus' Enneads might help with, or thought as an abstract form of spirit-for-itself. Contemporary metaphysics and the Higgs field provides even more material.

    Consider the idea of God existing along in the dark for a second and ask- would he want to create a light in the darkness for a workspace-Universe of being rather than non-being. What might happen with that?

    The Higgs field is something of somewhat unknown dimensions. People like to say that it was like a sombrero that was absolutely stable and then had a quantum jitter from nervous instability perhaps and then it hyperinflated a lot of matter punishing anti-matter mostly into oblivion.

    Matter these days is regarded as a secondary phenomenon of energy entangled or slowed down in the Higgs field where massless particles get the appearance of mass travelling slower than light speed and get thick. That variable speed of massless particles is a wonder- all of the mass of the Universe is just entanglements of massless particles in different yet regular quanta, and gravity is some sort of Higgs field phenomenon that moves all that entangled energy that is mass together like an efficient filing clerk putting all of the M's in the M-file automatically.

    God may have flexed a thought in his perfect and whole mind and an undifferentiated region of monistic glory pluralized like a fractured window into a zillion virtual points and strings bring energy or light to the darkness in however many dimensions were useful and used fully.

    How much thought went into the energy of mass configurations foreknown to God are beyond me. I suppose quite a bit of time and space went in to the contiguity of possible Universes that might be interpreted from within contingent minds.