Is there such thing as “absolute fact” In brief, how an absolute fact is seen is always relative to the observer.
This leads us having the same fact being seen differently by different observers. — KerimF
I agree, this is my point about the only absolute face I know is the existence of my consciousness. An absolute fact surely has to be objective (if such a thing exists!)
What that led me to conclude was that there certain facts which are consensus, including ones including personal ones like, date of birth, country and some of the structures of one's life. Also, mathematics and basic aspects of geography etc. I think except in rare circumstances it would be pointless to argue against these. — Jack Cummins
I don't think a consensus constitutes an absolute fact, I agree it might not be productive to argue these things we think we know but it is interesting! Because all these things are experienced through our own psyche, we can't objectively challenge them as facts. They could be an illusion we can't comprehend.
I am so limited in my ability to comprehend the complexity of existence, therefore I can't really prove anything except my inability to prove anything!