• Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    What is the alternative here? Another 4-year term of Trump? Another 4 years of a Republican controlled White House (and possibly Senate) that will just gum up the works and not only stifle progress, but go backwards, and undo incremental reforms that will make life worse for all except the rich? And further bungle the crisis we are living in?

    I get you find Biden reprehensible, but there is a world of difference between the policies his platform has versus the ghoulish ones on Trump's.

    Had this been any other year, your outrage might make sense, but it is hysterical bordering on hyperbole.

    We are living in a dangerous time: in the middle of a pandemic, there is social unrest, the wildfires in California, the effects of climate change, an upcoming election, high unemployment, etc etc.

    Americans living today probably have not faced as many adversities piled up on top of another. This is no time to focus on the shortcomings of Biden or Harris or the Democrats.

    And it's not about Biden sharing extreme left ideas and views that can lead us in the right direction, because such a person does not exist (not even Bernie). It's about pressuring a candidate that will put a more progressive agenda into legislation. The only candidate on the ticket who will take that pressure and demands seriously is Biden. Issues like race and climate change. You can't get anything progressively done as long as Trump is in office.

    You lambasted the cult of personalities that make up American politics (which I agree with, and I certainly think Bernie, AOC is just as much included here as Trump, Obama, Bush, etc.), so then let's go beyond just looking at Biden as an individual in office and see the broader impact him in the White House would have.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Oddly enough I felt Trump was at his very best (read worst) after Biden called him stupid, and he was really really angry at Biden for that. Biden struck a massive nerve with him. You could see an entire lifetime of trauma from Fred Trump calling him a stupid asshole bubbling up to the surface and causing him to lash out. That was a PTSD trigger reaction if I've seen one.

    PS as much as I wanted a candidate like Bernie, I actually appreciated how Biden talked about getting psychologists with cops when dealing with people having mental issues, so force didn't need to be used.
  • The Road to 2020 - American Elections
    And the guy won by only 80,000 votes in a country of 300 million people gets to decide 1/3 of the Supreme Court and small courts lifetime appointments.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?
    Steve King has been voted out, meaning the GOP has lost a racist, but that's like Jabba the Hutt losing one pound.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?
    America is the comments section of the world.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?
    I have a solution to the problem.

    A lot of law enforcement across the country is (and this is rather unique) publicly and overtly stating that they believe that Chauvin murdered Floyd.

    I think most of us in this nation can agree that when law enforcement doesn't obey the rule of law, and engages in extrajudicial killing, there ceases to be any meaningful rule of law, and we are then prone to descend into this sort of chaos.

    In order to restore the rule of law, fair restitution needs to be made. This, I think, would suffice:

    Members of law enforcement should take Chauvin, and the other 3 cops complicit in the murder of Floyd, into their custody. They should then go on social media and national TV and state that they recognize that in order to restore the rule of law restitution must be made, and then they should publicly lynch those 4 police officers. They should then state that the law enforcement community, nationally, promises to carry out the same punishment on any officers who in the future commit acts of extrajudicial killing.

    I believe this would end 97% of the rioting.
  • The ABCs of Socialism
    I agree with that quote, however, the article by Nagle and Tracey is far more persuasive in explaining how much of a failure the Bernie campaign was. Right after Trump won the election, I was sure Bernie would come back as unstoppable in the 2020 race. But I didn't forsee just how much the political landscape would change in 3 years and now with Covid-19 in the picture. Democratic voters simply wanted a return to a "normalcy" that was comfortable under Obama, and Biden by association is the perfect pick. They want an end to the daily chaos. All of the loud online Bernie supporters represent such a small percentage of the electorate.
  • Coronavirus
    It's been a week and opening has been very limited: most are still operating under social distancing modes (20% capacity, health checks at the door, etc). I wouldn't put stock in any of these numbers.
  • Coronavirus
    I'm not against masks or anything but I'm really failing to make the connection here.
  • Most depressing philosopher?

    What is depressing about Marx?
  • On the superiority of religion over philosophy.
    If Jesus Christ is the Truth, doesn't that mean philosophers seek Him?
  • Reviews of new book, Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives in the Natural Sciences

    Slaveowners in the US did not justify themselves with Plato, but instead with Locke and Bentham.