• The wrongness of "nothing is still something"
    I believe it's language slur if you change the word to matter then it makes more sense there either is matter in the area or there is a lack thereof matter which would be the nothing we're referring to.
  • Welcome to The Philosophy Forum - an introduction thread
    I don't address people I just start speaking. I'm seeking a change in thought process of priority. The universe is limited and I believe if there's anything to be done we must start now because they universe won't force us to fix it. I seek perfection & permanence. True purpose.
  • Can a "Purpose" exist without consciousness?
    Why havent animals been mentioned? Lions purpose is to provide for their pack. I cant provide if they have conscious thought but this question makes it so if they don't, then its a process more like our livers creating bile except extremely complex but in a sense 'dead'. If they are conscious then that just help guarantee that anything organic able act out of uniform is a conscious being in one manner or another.


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