• Is value defined by feeling?

    So you have 3 sets

    Not all senses lead to emotion not all emotion lead to behaviour. Because some are directly expelled and deleted.

    Movement tries to reduce emotion.

    Value is equal to emotion by this hypothesis so they are in the same groupe.

    Information is lost throught the process.
    One can not know from the behaviour directly the emotion. One can not know from the emotion the sense. But what we can know is what emotion is sparked from a sense and what action is sparked from emotion.

    It is very cool that your partner works with these sort of things. I am not en expert i just use models for UI and predictions.

    I agree with all you say in the second part and it is very much to my taste. Kind regard C.D.W.
  • Is value defined by feeling?

    I see any sort of intention as just another emotion. The difference between responding and reacting is as the words say: sensing and acting, is that one does not act on every emotion.

    Stimulation can be seen as always primarly negative. But every stimumus would through it's relieve be turned into a joy. Like hunger into the pleasentries of eating. And thirst into the pleasentries of drinking.

    The desire for change is like any other desire, an emotion.

    Neuroscience is still very much open for interpretations about determinism will e.t.c. yet i approache it with this angle & hypothesis and it seems to give me better results when organizing and designing for humans.

    I don't believe in any kind of soul.

    I hope i got your concerne right. I might not have. If so i apologize in advance.
  • Is value defined by feeling?

    I may be confused that is a constant. I dont doubt my ability to make mistakes.

    But to elucidate: What you body simply is, is a machine that takes an input with your sensory organs and gives an output through organs like the muscles. To communicate inbetween these two we have a change in biology. This change can be seen in the brain and in hormonal changes. The "feeling" as we are aware of it is just the expression of these changes. I am hungry because of my biology. I can be stressed because of my biology.

    What i say is that emotion precedes your motion. Though ofcourse i do not include any motion inflicted but only the motion originating in the body.

    Any change now is an motion so you may say that it is a fluent change between external and internal motion. Which is why i do not define emotion souly as internal motion but as the change envoked by the brain as a neuron cluster. So just what the impulses provoke.

    I hope that makes some things visible. Maybe your flaws maybe mine. I would appreciate, if you see mine, to tell me them. Kind regards C.D.W
  • Is value defined by feeling?

    When you think of emotion you might think of great distresses or passions. I use the word emotion also for very minute changes of your biological state. So that even the most minute actions like taping your finger, dreaming or looking at something are caused by emotion. Not by passion but emotion.

    Maslows work is very important mostly for his hard work in gathering data. The Idea of the pyramid might also be otherwise differently interprated: if you imagine the hierarchie to just follow the intensity of any given emotion. Some emotion like hunger may rise very quickly. Because you need to eat acouple of times a day. Likewise sleep (tiredness) rises quickly in the evening. Other things like sex (lipido) may rise only to extreemes every once in a while. The hierarchy of problems could therefor be seen not as absolut values but rather derivatives (rates of changes) so that at the bottom the emotions rise very quickly and on the top the rise very slowly.

    One would need to seek a doctor if one isn't able to extinguish once emotions. If one is infinitly hungry or stressed.

    I think I work because of the threat to be fired (poverty and debt) and the desire to see my co_workers. These i count as emotions but not passions.

    Emotional relief and anticipation is interessting.
    I think the anticipation is just like any imagination or projection towards the future made out of thought. The whole idea of the human animal to poses thought is to make these kind of hypothesis (projections estimations) to use their energy efficiently. Though thought might be primarly driven by uncertainty : see my prior post about questions and fear. This drive would be emotional.

    Emotional relief on the other hand is very interessting. If we eat is it to be filled or because we are hungry? I think because we don't use future information as a basis. It makes more sence to say that the emotion is the driver. Like a child that is bored and tries to spell words backwards. It doesn't know if it will get any relief from it's boredom through this. All it knows is that it is bored.
  • Is a question just fear?

    Ignorance =:

    With this approache you say all questions derive from questioning/ (discursiv, dispositional, expressed or not) & that is right. The act creates an object. But what creates an act?
    (((My awnser /expanded in my next discussion about value/: "emotion"! derived from creating movement.)))
  • Is a question just fear?

    What else but cette body of water (see first reply) could cause a question to rise? I am blind to it. May you make me see something I havn't yet by expanding the note that fear may only be one cause for questions?
  • Is a question just fear?

    your thought is very much to my taste. In that i think you say something must envoke the fear.
    Like a fire that has to be kindled.

    Many things may spark fear. To a child a dark room may. To an adult the thought of their mortality. What we two seem to agree on is that the object can't be completeley known and clear. There must be something we think we don't know about it.
    (((& also maybe a value to find it. (What "value" is is a new discussion I may add later))))

    Lastly you speak of level of fear. You might say if you have to little fear you can't call it fear. If you think of the feeling of fear and reduce it what word would you use? Maybe a bit unsettled. If you ask yourself what's on the opposite site what do you see? Mb hysteria. It seems we have different names for different intensities of the same type of emotion envoked. Fear then is like a lake. Some could call it an ocean some may call it a pool of water. I use fear to talk about any body water (any doubt, panik, terror no matter the intensity) (bdw did you guys know panik derives from the greek creature "pan"?)
  • Is a question just fear?

    Curiosity has to certainly be expanded apon.
    What is curiosity?
    It's etymology shows us more about where it derives come. & one can see that it comes from latin "curious" which was set equal to "strange" & "anxious". You can refer the oxfort etymology for it.
    Then the therm curiosity has certainly to do with the feeling of uncertainity. It is hence similare to fear yet not equal. You could argue that they belong to the same "set" of feelings evoking a similare reaction and being perceived similarly.
  • Is a question just fear?

    What is ignorance?
    You can thinkg about the etymology of the word, which goes into: not knowing & not giving any attention to something. Yet just because you don't know something, you don't have to care about it, do you? There are many things ignored and completely out of ones mind that avoke no question or suspition.

    For example: why is the "?" Drawn it that specific way. You may have been ignorant to it, yet you havn't asked, because you havn't had any interesst or feeling for it. That interesst and feeling is primarly noticed by some sort of distress and unerving not to know it.
  • Is a question just fear?
    I would like to apologize if my insufficient english abilities frustrate any reader. I am not a native speaker.
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